Matrim Cauthon 
Allegiance: The Light, Rand.
Title(s): Horn Blower, General of The Band of the
Red Hand.
Favorite Saying: Blood and bloody ashes, dovie'andi
se toya sagain.
A wiry body and brown eyes that have the glint of mischief in
them and very quick hands.
When young he was mischivous, always up to pranks. Was greedy
for money and adventure; he was to get both! Born within a few weeks of Rand and
Perrin he is born of the blood of Arad's line.
Extremely lucky, especially when the game is one of chance,
Mat loves to gamble which has gotten him into trouble many times - winning
approx 70 to 80% of the time. He has moments of unbelievable luck, where no
matter what he does, and what the chances are, he will win. His other pastime is
chasing women, at which he is very successful most often. Although he may have
met his match in Tylin. On winternight, trollocs attacked his house. He was led
away by Moiraine Damodred with Rand and Perrin with the belief he may be the
Dragon Reborn.
While in Shadar Logoth, he stole a dagger from Mordeth with
greed in his heart. The dagger, as tainted as Shadar Logoth, embeded itself on
Mat making him suspicious and hating, until he was dangerous to be around and
saw friends as enemies. Before it became rooted to his bone, Moiraine helped him
to hold the taint away until he could be properly Healed.
The dagger was stolen from Mat by Padan Fain in Fal Dara. Mat,
Perrin, Rand, Ingtar and shienaran soldiers followed Padan Fain to Falme. Here
Mat re-aquired the dagger and blew the Horn of Valere to fight the Seanchan.
Mat was taken back to the White Tower and was Healed of the
Dagger. This Healing almost killed him. During the Healing, Mat unconciously
spoke the old tougue, ordering men in battle. Afterwards Mat discovered the
dagger had taken away many of his memories, leaving holes.
He travelled from Tar Valon to Tear to save three stuck up
girls, getting no thanks for his troubles. Without any direction, he entered the
redstone doorway and visited the snakes where he was given a prophesy:
To die and live once more a part of what once was.
To marry the daughter of the nine moons.
To give up half the light of the world to save the world.
This information led him to Rhuidean where he entered the land
of the foxes, again by a redstone door. Here he was given three wishes:
To have the holes in his memory, holes in his life, filled:
Other mens memories.
To have a way to be free from Aes Sedai and the Power: The fox
head medalion.
To be away from the foxes and back to Rhuidean.
The price he paid for these wishes was to die. Rand returned
life to him via good old fashioned CPR. Mat also received an Aes Sedai wrought
spear - called an ashandari - for his troubles.
Because these other mens memories he can now: ride a horse
very well, speak, read and understand the old toungue, understand battles and
war better than anyone else in the world.
Never a good one for duty (or so he believes), he will do what
he must, no matter the cost to himself and is always ready to help when he can.
It is this and the memories that got him an army around him, with the name of
Shen an Calhar - The Band of the Red Hand. Nalesean, Talmanes and Daerid are his
After killing Melindhra in self defence, Mat went to Caemlyn
where he was promptly killed by Rahvin's lightning. Because of the size of
balefire Rand used to kill Rahvin, his death was undone.
He promised Rand to take Elayne to Caemlyn, which landed him
in Ebou Dar trying to protect her. Whilst there, Nynaeve and Elayne apologised
to him for their previous behaviour and offered themselves for his protection.
He became mates with Birgitte, sharing a secret. He moved into the Tarisian
Palace, where Tylin promptly started chasing him, without mercy. Apparently he
is good in bed.
When he hears the dice rolling in his head, a fight or big
decision is just over the hill. He was last seen looking for Olver in Ebou Dar,
during the invasion by the Seanchan.
His father is Abell, and his mother, Natti. He has two
sisters, Bodewhin and Eldrin.