Final Fantasy Music


Wheel of Time Stuff

The Wheel of Time

Randland Map


- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

- Book 5

- Book 6

- Book 7

- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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Series with Amazon.com




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What is the Wheel of Time ?

The Wheel of Time, is a huge series of fantasy novels written by Robert Jordan and published by Tor Fantasy. Today, the series is 9 books long, with the most recent book being Winter’s Heart.

The best way to introduce this series is by what Robert Jordan has said :

"Imagine a world that never was.  Imagine the late 17th century where gun powder is a secret of the Illuminator's Guild.  Imagine Tolkien's Middle Earth without elves, no unicorns, no dragons, no hobbits, and with people who actually grow and change.  Imagine a world that was destroyed 3,000 years ago by men channeling the One Power.  Imagine a world where, for 3,000 years, the worst thing that anyone could imagine was a man who could channel the One Power; touch the male half of the True Source.  Because he will go mad, and he will die.  Before he dies he will be a madman who can touch the One Power which turns the Wheel of Time which drives the universe.  So they have been hunted down for 3,000 years.  The prophecy says that the Dark One will break free and enter the world.  The Dark One who was bound away by the Creator at the moment of creation.  The prophecy says that a boy child will be born to grow up to face the Dark One in the Last Battle.  That boy child, that man, will be able to channel and he will face all of the doom that those men face.   The prophecy says that he will save the world and destroy it.  And that is the beginning. That will set you up to begin reading The Eye of the World."


A brief summery of the Story :

The driving force within this universe is called the One Power. It turns the Wheel of Time, which makes time happen and events run their course. The One Power is divided into two halves: saidar, the female half, and saidin, the male. They are alike, yet very different, working for and against each other at the same time.   Certain rare people can channel the One Power and create wonders with it. Only women can touch saidar, and only men can touch saidin.

At the moment of creation, the Creator imprisoned the Dark One within a mountain called Shayol Ghul. As time passed and Ages came and went, he tried to break out. 3,000 years previous to the series, he was nearly freed when a man, called the Dragon, came and resealed his prison. The Dragon was a man who could channel saidin and along with his Hundred Companions, saved the world from the Dark One.

The Dark One had a counter stroke however. Right as he was resealed into his prison, he struck back and tainted saidin. From that moment on, every man who channeled saidin was doomed to go horribly mad and destroy everything they saw. The Dragon himself was the first to go and he and his Companions destroyed the world. They sank continents and scattered every living soul across the globe.

The series takes place in a time where the Dark One again is preparing to break out of his prison. The prophecies say that the Dragon must be there to fight him in the Last Battle or else all will be lost. The prophecies also say that the Dragon Reborn will destroy the world as he did long ago. So now the world waits for its savior...who is destined to bring chaos, destruction, and salvation to all.