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Wheel of Time Stuff

The Wheel of Time

Randland Map


- Aviendha
- Egwene
- Elayne
- Lan
- Loial

- Matrim
- Min
- Moiraine
- Nynaeve
- Perrin
- Rand
- Thom

Chapters + Summery

- Book 1

- Book 2

- Book 3

- Book 4

- Book 5

- Book 6

- Book 7

- Book 8

- Book 9


Robert Jordan

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  Elmindreda Farshaw  

Allegiance: The Light, Rand.

Title(s): Min, Serenla, Jaisi Trakand.

Slender and close in height to Moiraine, she is couple of years older than Rand. Beautiful, she has dark hair cut short, but later grows her hair long and curls it. She wears men's shirts and trousers, later in silk.

She can see the aura of a person and can sometimes interpret it and predict what is going to happen to them. Moiraine believes she sees peices of the pattern. The pattern knows her as "the one who sees beyond".

Min was raised by her father, and he let her run free, exploring the mines in the area, where dresses are a hindrence. Therefore she got into the habit of wearing boys clothes which she never stopped. She generally ran wild and was uncontrolled. After her father died, she was raised by her three aunts, Miren, Rana and Jan, near Baerlon - all of them seamstresses. However she learnt nothing of sewing. They tried to turn her into a proper woman, but this didn't happen. As a young woman she worked as a serving maid in The Stag and Lion inn in Baerlon. This is where she met Moiraine as she was travelling through towards the Two Rivers. Moiraine made use of Min's talent where possible.

When Rand and co. stopped at Baerlon on their way to Tar Valon, she saw him and immediately fell in love with him. She also knew that she would have to share him with two other women, both of whom she didn't know.

Later she travelled to Tar Valon at Moiraine's request, where she became friends with Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve. She left with them and Liandrin for Falme where she was captured with Egwene by the Seanchan and forced to be a servant. After Elayne and Nynaeve rescued her, she travelled and stayed in the camp of the Dragon Reborn through the winter. She was then shipped back to Tar Valon to inform Siuan Sanche what was happening with Rand.

Siuan had her turned into Elmindreda for real, simpering after men, so that she could view people for her. This was to look for the Black Ajah. The story she used to hide with was that she could not decide between two courting men - and was forced to take refuge in the White Tower. The Mistress of Kitchens adopted her, and helped her with makeup and dresses. Min hated every second.

When the tower coup occured, she and Laras helped Siuan and Leane escape. Gawyn allowed them to leave the tower, and they teamed up with Logain Ablar and went to Salidar.

She was then sent with the Embassy to Rand, as she knew him, she might be useful to them. She immediately latched onto him and has hardly had him out of sight since. They have admitted their love to each other and "comforted" as well. Even after everything, Rand was her first.

Named after a girl in a book who spends her time sighing after men. Nothing is known about her parents.