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Part 1
"Urg, there's nothin' interesting on the internet anymore!"

"Fi, did you already look at every website on fairy tales?"

"Not fairy tales, Jack, it's called 'paranormal'"

"Ooo, big difference!"

Fi threw a pillow at her brother, but Carey intercepted it.

"If you're bored, I know something you might be interested in."

"What, Carey?"

"Well, I was just watching *Hercules:The Legendary Journeys*, and I thought, maybe you'd be interested in myths."

"Hmm, novel idea." Fi entered some words into her search engine and, instantly, a website popped up.

"Interesting........" said Jack, peeking over Fi's shoulder.

"Whoa, she's kinda cute," said Carey, referring to a statue of a goddess.

"That's Casche, it says she was born part mortal, but was given imortality. Her grandfather was Zeus."

"Casche... I wonder if she's available?"

"Carey, even if she was real, why would a goddess want to go out with some teenager whose not rich, a prince, or a god?" retorted Jack

"Good point. I'm just lonely."

"That's because every girl you meet you don't like," Fi said.

"Well, I'm just picky. I like a girl who's smart, funny, cute, can stick up for herself, who-"

"Carey," Fi interupted.

Because of the odd look on Fi's face, Jack asked "What is it?"

"Everything Carey said described Casche," Fiona whispered to her older brother.

Jack looked over at his best friend. Carey was mumbling something like "I wish I could find a girl" to himself.

But, what none of the three mortals saw was a goddess, dressed in pink, watching them, smiling.
Meanwhile, back in Ancient Greece........

"Dehydra, get it, thirsty, hydra?" Casche wasn't listening to her friend telling his "amusing" jokes.

"What is it?" asked Casche's other friend.

"Oh, nothing, Herc. Nice joke, Iolaus." Her two friends still didn't think she was alright. Suddenly, Hercules came up with the answer.

"You're still bummed about that guy, what was his name? Oh, Leo."

"Yeah..... It's just I can't ever find a guy. I wish I knew a funny, cute, talented boy....."

Another, younger goddess in pink was listening, smiling. She had an idea......