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Part 13
Once Carey and Jack got off the stage, Casche pulled Carey a side.
"Carey... I want to show you something."
Casche led him deep into the forest. When they got about 3 miles from the party, Casche told him to close his eyes.
"Because, where we're going is sacred, no mortal is supposed to know where it is, let alone be in there!"
Carey closed his eyes as Casche guided him deeper into the woods.
"Open you eyes..."
Carey gasped. Before him was a beautiful garden. A stream with a waterfall ran through the middle of the garden. There was a wall of thick trees blocking the outside world from the garden.
"Where are we?" asked Carey as he skipped across a stone in the stream.
"My garden.. I found it one day and it said it was mine!"
"It said it was yours?"
"Yep, remember, I can talk to nature 'cause my mom was a wood nymph."
Eventually, after checking out the entire garden, Casche and Carey started watching the skies.
"It's hard to believe that a bunch of those stars were put up there by gods! In our age, the sun is like those stars. Science tells us there is no guy in a chariot pulling the sun across the sky!"
Carey looked down and saw Casche had fallen asleep.
"Well, I don't blame her!" He whispered to himself. Soon, Carey joined her in slumber...
Casche slowly opened her eyes. She saw the sun starring at her.
"Oh no!" Casche screamed so loud it woke Carey up.
"Classes! I'M LATE!!"
Casche ran all the way back to the Academy with Carey at her heels.
When they both tore into the Academy, Casche was out of breath and Carey was short of fainting! Casche ran into Garen's class room.
"From the look on your face, Ms. Goddess, I can tell you did your best to get here on time!"
Casche started to blush as Garen walked up to her.
"You're excused this time, but better not do this in Fiddle's class."
"Now, take your seat," Garen said as he winked at her.
Casche nodded slowly as she slipped into the seat between Dracus and Neila.
"What happened?" Neila asked.
"Yeah, Goddess-Girl! Spill the beans!"
"I'll tell ya'll at break!"
"Hey! We want to know now!" whined Dracus.
"Mr. Dracus, Ms. Neila, have we not witnessed a tardy before?"
"Uh, um, uh..."
"No sir, we'll be quite!!" answered Neila.
Casche and Alayia, who was sitting behind Dracus, giggled.
"Casche, you already have cut it close..."
"Yeah, I know..."
"Hades, ya'll get the rest of the period to talk!"
"Now you see why everyone loves Garen?" Casche told Carey.