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Part 8
"Whhhhh-aaaatt?" wailed Carey.
"I can't tell in front of that mortal!"
"Carey, stay out of it. Fine, take me to him."
Just as Ares was about to zap Casche to Zeus, Carey grabbed onto her. *I can't let her go alone* he thought. Seconds later, all three of them appeared in a huge marble room.
"Where are we?" asked Carey.
"Olympus. I've been here once when I was about 10." answered Casche. "What do you want with me?"
Zeus, on his high throne, said "Thanks to a suggestion by the war god-"
"Hey! You weren't supposed to say it was me!"
"You are a candidate to become a whole-god."
"What? You mean, make me a goddess!?!?!"
"Yeah! But if want, we could take a poll..."
"All in favor.."
All hands that could be seen were raised.
"All opposed,"
No hands were seen.
"It is official."
"You have a lot of words in your vocabulary, don't you, granddaughter."
"But, but, what?"
"Ahh, well, you already can communicate with nature, so... You are now Casche, Goddess of Nature!!"
"Please don't say what again, it's getting annoying."
"Now! You better get back to your school before anyone gets worried."
"O-alright. But when-"
"It's already done. Go!"
With those words, Casche and Carey appeared back within the Academy walls......