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Prolouge   |   Part 1   |   Part 2   |   Part 3   |   Part 4   |   Part 5   |   Part 6   |   Part 7   |   Part 8   |   Part 9   |   Part 10   |   Part 11   |   Part 12   |   Part 13   |   Part 14   |   Part 15   |   Part 16   |   Part 17   |   Part 18
Part 5
"How long have you been going here?" Carey asked.
"A few months. Do you go to school?"
"Well, I did."
"What happened?"
"I dropped out." Not wanting to loose Casche's interest, he quickly added, "But I'm a muscian!"
"Really?" Casche said excited. "What do you play?"
"The guitar."
"What's that?"
"It's a stringed instrument that looks like a gord with a stick coming out of it."
"So, it's like a lyre?"
"I guess. What's a lyre?"
Casche smiled. "ALAYIA!!"
Carey smiled back at Casche, girls in the past sure are different he thought.
When Alayia brought back the lyre, Carey knew he could play it. He started playing a song he was writing.
"That's wonderful!!" Casche exclaimed.
When he was done, he asked "So, what do you do around here for fun?"
Casche and Alayia smiled at each other.
"This is Kora's. We go here when we don't want to be poisoned by the Academy's food!"
"And this is fun?"
"Well, ya never know what will happen!"
"Hey! Ya'll!" yelled Kora while running up to the two cadets and the time traveler. "I need help! I had someone booked to sing here today, but they haven't showed up! Now, I have a crowd wanting music and I have no muscians!!"
"Casche, why don't you show are new friend one of your skills!"
Casche smiled, then walked to the stage. Carey instantly recognized the song Casche sang.
When she was done, Carey walked up to her. "Whoa! You know, the song you sang is, or should I say will be, one of Molly Phillips' songs. Oh, she's the person I work for. She is also Jack and Fi's mom. I'm Molly's lead guitarist!"
"That's awesome!"
"Great job," said Neila, walking, with Ash, up to the three.
"Yeah, great. But who's your friend?"
"Carey, Ash and Neila, Neila and Ash, Carey. He's from the future with Jack and Fi!"
"Carey's friends!"
"Oh..." said Neila. "Anyways......"
"Great job!"
"Thanks. But now we better get back and see if Cheiron's back yet!"