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Part 18

Then, Aphrodite created another portal, like the one before. The three time-travelers walked through it, and they were back in the year 2000.
"As much as I loved it in Greece, I'm glad to be back!" said Jack.
"Yeah," his sister said. "Me, too!"
"I'm not." murmured Carey to himself. "I'm gonna be in the bus."
"Okay," answered Fi. "Come on, Bro, let's go find some grub!" Jack and Fi turned the corner.
Meanwhile, in a hotel room.....
"Casche, what's wrong? Ever since we came to the State's you've looked like someone has died!"
"Yeah, I know, it's just that... Well, an old-uh-friend lives here and I guess I just miss him..."
"Yeah, him."
"Why don't we go shopping to get *him* off your mind!"
Casche and her "bodyguard" were looking through the window of "Old Navy" deciding to if they want to go in. Casche got a hunch and turned around.
"MP? Who's MP?"
"Where." Carol, Casche's companion, asked.
"On that bus!"
"Oh! It must be Molly Phillips' bus!"
"Molly Phillips? Why does dhe sound familar?"
"I bet you heard her on the radio or something!"
"Yeah... Whatever..."

*Back on the bus....*
Carey couldn't stand feeling so bummed, so he turned on the radio. One of his favorite songs came on. He started rockin'. As he went past the window, he noticed someone.
"Casche?" He whispered to himself.
He looked closer than ran ourdoors.

"Ohh.. Look at the halter!" Carol exclaimed.
All of the sudden, Casche felt strong arms wrap around her waist and twirl her in a circle.
She turned around, and saw it was...
Casche kissed him on the cheek.
"Man, I've missed you!! Hey! You just got back, didn't you?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"Well, you have that smell of the Academy on you. And you're wearing the same outfit!"
"Oh, Casche, come with me!"
"Just come on!"

Carey had Molly and his mom, Irene, sit down. Carey's father, Ned, was also watching with Fi and Jack.
"Now," Carey said. "I want ya'll to hear something!"
Carey winked at the Goddess of Nature.
Casche snapped her fingers, and music was heard.

"I woke up to find
Your face on my mind
The sun always shines, On my garden.
I told you before
Just knock on myh door
Cause you know the score, It's my party."

Irene looked at Molly, Molly at Irene. They were both smiling.

"You ran away with my spoon
You've stolen my heart
Always laughing
I jumped over the moon
Right from the start
You always make me feel good"

Jump Down
I've never believed in love
Till now, I've never believed in us
Jump Down (gotta jump down)
I've never believed,
I've never believed in love
Thats why I'm letting you know
(gotta jump down)"

Carey was smiling so hard. He knew his mother and Molly were loving his girlfriend.

"You're always around
Just stamping the ground
The letter I found was yours truly
It's so plain to see
What you wrote to me was
Positively unruly"

You ran away with my spoon
You've stolen my heart
Always laughing
I jumped over the moon
Right from the start
You always make me feel good"

Jump Down
I've never believed in love
Till now, I've never believed in us
Jump Down (gotta jump down)
I've never believed,
I've never believed in love
Thats why I'm letting you know
(gotta jump down)"

"Whoa! Who is this girl" asked Ned.

"Whoah letting you know
Whoah I don't what you to go
Oh you make me feel good"

Jump Down
I've never believed in love
Till now, I've never believed in us
Jump Down (gotta jump down)
I've never believed,
I've never believed in love
Thats why I'm letting you know
(gotta jump down)
(yeah yeah letting you know)
Jump Down
I've never believed in love
Till now, I've never believed in us
Jump Down (gotta jump down)
I've never believed,
I've never believed in love
Thats why I'm letting you know
(gotta jump down)"

Fi and Jack could tell by the huge smile on Casche's face that she was enjoying her performance!

"Jump Down!"

When she was finished, Carey asked: "Can she be Molly's opening act?!?!?!"
"What?!?! Carey? Shouldn't you ask me before you ask that?!?!" Casche exclaimed.
"Well, do you want to?"
"*I* would love to, but it's up to Molly and your mom!"
Molly, Ned, and Irene went into a huddle while Carey, Fi, and Jack went up to Casche.
"Wouldn't it be so fun if Casche came on the road with us?" Fi asked her big brother.
"Yeah! Don't you think so, Carey?"
"Of course!"
"We have decided," Molly announced. "That, if Casche wants to, she can come with us.
We do have that extra room on the bus!"
"Cool!" screamed Casche.

"Hey," said Casche, taking a seat next to Carey at the hotel.
"I called Carol. She's flying back to Greece tommorrow."
"Good. Casche?"
"How did you know all those songs by people in the future?"
"Well, a lot of the times, writers will have a block. Then, I, Artemis, and Aphrodite give them our ideas. Molly, before she wrote the song I sung, prayed: 'Please, God, Jesus, Buddha, even Zeus! PLEASE give me an idea for a song!', then I gave it to her!"
"Okay, that's neat!"
"Come on, Kids," Ned, Carey's father said. "We need to go!"
Casche and Carey got their bags, loaded them on the bus, then loaded themselves on the bus.
As they drove off for Hope Springs, Colorado, Casche thought outloud. "I'm ready for an adventure!"