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Part 16
When that was done, they were both exhausted. They laid down on the giant cushion.
The last sight Casche saw before she fell asleep was Carey smiling at her.
Casche woke up, Selene was almost at her full height.
She carefully woke Carey up. Then, she grabbed his arm and zapped themselve to a new place.
"Where are we?" Carey asked, groggily.
"This is my first temple," Casche replied. "They were building their temple, and, it is *so* new, they haven't dedicated their city to anyone, so Zeus gave them a vision. In it, he showed them a new goddess, a different kind of goddess. One who was mortal than turned. And they gave this city to me!"
"What's it called?"
"I believe it's called 'Mycanea', I'm really not sure. Zeus just told me about in a dream."
"Watch this!" Casche hugged Carey and they started to float. Soon, they were high above the ground. They were in the clouds!
"Double whoa!"
The sun soon rose after that.
"Now, it's time for you to go home." Casche sadly said.
"Right. Time for me to leave this time and place...."