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Part 9
"Yo! Everybody!"
"Iolaus, what are you doing?" asked Casche, who was sitting next to Iolaus and Fi at breakfast the next morning.
Iolaus ignored the new goddess. "We have a newly crowned goddess in our midst!"
Hercules must have told Iolaus Casche relized *after I told him, meaning Jason and the others must know too*
Once Casche finished her meal, she got up to get ready for morning classes. But a cadet stopped her.
"Now that you're a goddess, can you get me a date for the Persephone Dance?"
"I'm Goddess of Nature, not Goddess of YOU WISH!!"
She stormed out, with Carey at her heels.
"Err! I'm annoyed at all this "goddess" stuff!! THREE cadets woke me up in the middle of the night so I could heal their pimples! Even Iolaus! He said he had a date with Fi!!!"
"Yeah! I told him she was like 15, but he said "het! Love knows no age!" Can you believe him!!"
Carey laughed.
"Casche!" Neila said running up to the two of them. "Cheiron's back! He said he wanted to talk to you and our visitors!"