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Part 10
Casche, Carey, Fiona, and Jack, along with Neila, Ash, Alayia, Hercules, and Iolaus, who all decided to join the meeting ("But we're they're friends, too!"), were all lounging in Cheiron's office.
"And right after I said 'I want a guy' then described Carey, he just appeared there."
"I said 'I want a girl' then I described Casche. I saw a portal, saw Casche, and decided to see why she was crying."
"Crying?" asked Cheiron with his raised eyebrow as high as ever.
"Leo left. He was banished from Athens..."
"okay. Carey, can you describe the portal?"
"Well, it was a light pink color.."
"Yeah! And I think it was a circle, but with the top kinda curved in.." added Fiona.
"Like a heart?" asked Alayia.
"Heats, pink! It all leads to one person.." Casche said.
Then, in unison, all the Greeks shouted "Aphrodite!!"
There she was, with hearts and everything.
"Okay, okay, I brought them here. But I'm not quite sure how to send them back..."
"You're not sure!!!" Jack shouted.
"Well, memories aren't my specaility! Give me a few days and I'll whip up a new one!"
"Fine, it's settled then," Cheiron said, then left.
"Ya'll know what that means..." Casche smiled slyly. "PARTY AT KORA'S!!!"