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Part 4
"So, you spend hours starring at a box?"

"No, it's a box that has pictures on it. The pictures tell stories."

"Which means you spend hours starring at a box!"

Fi laughed, it was very enertaining listening to Casche and Carey's conversion. Carey was trying to explain their world to Casche.

"You listen to a box, too?!?!"

"Well, it's enertaining!"

"Sure, whatever!"

"It is!"

"I said whatever!"

Jack, who was definiatly annoyed listening to pointless talking, asked, "Who do you think will help us?"

"Oh, our headmaster at the Academy."

"Cheiron?" Fi asked.

"The one and only, unless there's a Cheiron from your time."

"Whoa!" exclaimed Fi as the whole group entered the Academy. "This place is even more amazing than I pictured!"

Jack: "Well, are we gonna meet Cheiron?"

"Yeah, when he gets back."

"When will he get back?" Jack was getting annoyed with the cadet.

"He's supposed to be back by now."

"What? Where is he?"

"He was at a funeral or something."

"It was one of his friend's weddings," answered Hercules with Iolaus and Jason begind him.

"You, you, you're Hercules, aren't you!?!?!"

"Why, yes he is, and I'm Iolaus!"

"Iolaus!" shouted Casche.

"Sorry," Iolaus said sarcastically.

"Nice to meet you, Iolaus, I'm Fi. This is my brother, Jack-" Jack waved-"And this is our friend Carey."

"And I'm Jason!"

"You're the King of Corinth!"

"Well," Jason answered Carey's question, "I'm the crowned prince of Corinth."

"Welcome to the Academy, Fi."

"IOLAUS! Quit flirting!!"

"You tell me to quit flirting while you're playing around with that guy in funny clothing with a funny name!!"

Casche just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Somewhere, up on Olympus, a goddess, donned with pink, was smiling. "Hehe, my plan is going perfect! My neice is finally getting the love she deserves!"