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Part 2
"Hey, guys, I'm gonna go walk around town, ya'll wanna come?"

"Sure, let me log off and I'll catch up with you."

"And I have to put my shoes on," said Jack.

"K," answered Carey.

A few seconds later....

"Fi, Fi, come out here!"

"What is it?!" Fi yelled at her brother

"Carey's not out there," Jack looked out the bus window.


"He's not out there!"

Fi packed some stuff to take with them into her backpack, just in case she thought. "C'mon," Fi motioned toward the door.

When they got there, there was some sort of membrane over it. It was a faint pink color. On the other side, Fi saw Carey who was watching a girl, about Carey's age, who looked like something out of Hercules. The girl was so upset, she didn't notice Carey.

"Jack..." murmured Fi in awe.

"Whoa!" exclaimed Jack when he saw the membrane-thing. "We better get Carey," Fi could tell her brother didn't want to go through there, but she agreed with him. They needed to help Carey. She closed her eyes and jumped through the portal.

Back in Ancient Greece.......
"Herc, I'm gonna go for a walk in the woods. I'll see you later."

Once Casche got out of the Academy's gates, she let the tears flow. Why do I always lose guys I like? She sat on the ground next to a brook. Then, she noticed a boy in strange clothes watching her.

"Who are you?" she shrieked.

"Don't be frightened!"

"Answer me!"

"I'm Carey. Carey Bell."