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Prolouge   |   Part 1   |   Part 2   |   Part 3   |   Part 4   |   Part 5   |   Part 6   |   Part 7   |   Part 8   |   Part 9   |   Part 10   |   Part 11   |   Part 12   |   Part 13   |   Part 14   |   Part 15   |   Part 16   |   Part 17   |   Part 18
Part 17
"Now, it's time for you to go home." Casche sadly said.
"Right. Time for me to leave this time and place...."
Casche zapped them both back to the Academy where the some of the cadets and Aphrodite were waiting for them.
"Ready?" the Goddess of Love asked.
"As ready as we'll ever be!" answered Fi.
Fi and Jack hugged their ancient friends, and got ready to return home. Carey, on the other hand, was not ready.
"Casche.." He whispered.
"Ya gotta go... Look for me, in the future...." She said, then kissed him. Not being able to watch them go, she turned her back. "Now, leave." She ordered.
Carey wistfully looked at her. "I will...."
Then, Aphrodite created another portal, like the one before. The three time-travelers walked through it, and they were back in the year 2000.