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Part 11
"Bro, what's wrong? You haven't smiled once since we came to Greece."
"I don't know.... We've benn gone for a few days, Mom will be worried by now!"
Casche, who was eavesdropping, answered "Aphrodite can bring you back so that no one ever knew you were gone! Now, lighten up!! I know someone who wants to dance with you!!"
Jack looked around the room till he saw Ash motioning him to come to her. Casche and Fi smiled.
"Looks like your brother isn't always a a boring stiff!'
"Well, I guess while in Greece...."
Casche started laughing, soon Fi joined her. There little laugh fest was interupted by Iolaus.
"Hey girls... What's up?!?!"
"Nothin'" Casche answered, innoccently.
"Sure... I know, ya'll were saying how cute I was!"
"Whatever!" Fi finished for Casche.
Iolaus just replyed with a "yeah-you-were" look. "Fi, dance please?"
"Sure, 'scuse me, Friend."
Casche took a sip of Berry Madness someone left lying around.
"Hey! Carey!!"
The live band was playing someone Carey wouldn't mind putting his name on.
"Casche," Alayia said, running up to the dancing couple. "Ya wanna sing with me?"
"Sure, when?"
"Now good?"
Carey was talking to Hercules until they heard the music start. Carey reckonized the song as the new release "I'm Like a Bird" who, in his time, was sung by Nelly Furtato.
"I'm like a bird,
I wanna fly away!"
The song ended and Carey was the loudest of the applausers.
"Hey all ya'll cadets out there! First of all, let's thank the beautifull, wonderfull, great, all star who owns the establishment..... KORA!" Everyone clapped and cheered. "Now, I would like to dedicate this next song to an amazing guy I just met.."
The next song Alayia and Casche sung was sad to Carey's ears. It was the song sung by S Club 7. He started to cry. He then relized how much he was going to miss Casche when he left.
He relized he couldn't possably live without her.