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Part 6
"Where were you Carey?" the brown-haired 14 year old asked her friend.
"Casche took me sightseeing to Kora's Inn."
"But you'll never guess what happened!!"
"What," Jack replied to his friends question.
"She sang 'More Like a River'!"
"You mean, the song Mom sings?"
"Well, have you heard any other song by that name?" Fi sarcastically asked her brother. She then added, "That's awesome!"
"Yeah it is!" Carey exclaimed.
"Ooooo!! Carey gots a crush on a Greek girl!!" Jack joked.
"I do not! Well, I guess I do!!" Carey said as Hercules was just about to enter the room.
*How dare he like my neice!* Herc thought. *He's dressed funny and I bet he has no manners!* Hercules ran off to find another cadet. He then ran straight into Ash.
"Hey! Herc! Why in a rush?"
"Carey! He likes Casche!!"
"Hm, Carey and Casche, kinda has a ring to it!!"
"Don't fool around!"
"Why don't you like him?"
"I don't want her getting hurt. Not only is she my neice, but she's my friend, too! And as soon as Carey, Fi, and Jack leave, Casche'll be crushed!!" Hercules felt better getting all of that off his chest, but he still felt worried about his friend.
"Hercules," Ash said, trying to comfort the demi-god, "Casche is a big girl. If she wants to like a guy from the future, she can. There's nothing you can do to stop her."
"You're right, she has a will of her own. But still-"
Casche entered the hall. "Hey Herc! Ash! What are ya'll doin' on the floor?"