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Part 7
"Where's Casche?" the blonde time traveler asked Hercules.
"It's after supper, she's in the forest."
Iolaus, who was sitting next to Herc, replied "We don't know, she goes out every night, after supper, and no one knows why. But, ya know, she started doing it right after Leo, so it might have something to do with him!"
Carey only heard the first part of what the cadet said. He was already on his way to the woods.
"Don't go after her!!" Hercules yelled at Carey.
"I gotta!!!"

Carey thought the young cadet might be where they first met her. It was a little after dusk, so it could have been her "forest outing" time.
As he suspected, Casche was sitting next to a brook, crying.
Carey started to walk toward her, but he stepped on a twig. At the noise, Casche jumped up, ready with her deer-hide daggers. "Oh, it's you."
"Casche.... What's wrong?"
"Whatever it is, you're crying over it which must mean it's something!"
Casche smiled. "Well, I'm guessing the guys have told you about Leo."
"Yeah. What about him?"
"Well, as far as the guys know, Leo was my personal guard at the palace. He was dismissed last full moon."
"But what the guys didn't know was I was dating him."
"Yeah, ya know, boyfriend-girlfriend... Somehow my stepfather found out and was going to behead him for treason."
"Oh, my!"
"Yeah! But I convinced him not to. The king said he was banned from the city, and if he every caught him there again, he would be beheaded."
"Oh, Casche... I'm so sorry!" Carey said, sitting down next to Casche.
Casche leaned on him and started crying again. "He was my first boyfriend since I came to the Academy and left the Amazons. He was my first crush...."
"Casche," Carey spoke comfortly. "I could replace him."
Casche looked up at the musician. "You mean, you want me to be your girlfriend?"
"Yes! Totally!! Yeah!! Majorly!!"
"Whoa! I get the point! I'd love to!"
They both got up and started to head back to the Academy.
But, on the path in the forest, a black figure blocked their path.
"Ares! What do you want!?!?"
"Not what I want, what Zeus wants!"