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Part 14
"Oh my gods!!"
"Don't worry, Herc, we didn't do anything!"
"Yeah, I know..."
"But still, we care about you!" answered Iolaus.
"Yeah," added Dracus.
"Don't worry!"
"Fine.. We'll leave you two alone... For a while," teased Jason.
Just then, a famliar pink-figure appeared.
"Hey, Cutie! I got it!"
Casche chewed on her cheek.
"How 'bout we send them back tommorrow. Give ya'll another day."
"K." Casche whispered.
Casche went to find Carey.
"What?" Carey asked as Casche dragged him along.
"We have to live a lifetime in a day!"
Casche had dragged Carey back to her garden.
Carey wanted to see what she meant.....