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Part 3
"Why are you dressed funny?" asked Casche.
"Me? What about you?"
"This is the all the rage in Corinth!!"
"Yeah, ya know the town about a day away from here! Where are you from anyway?"
"I'm from Colorado."
"What? Is that some kind of small villiage?"
"No! It's in the US," answered Carey.
"How can you not know of the US?"
"US? Never heard of it, sorry."
Carey was confused, *we're the most known country in the world, how can someone never of heard of it?* Then, he thought of something. "What's your name?"
"Me? I'm Casche."
"The goddess?"
"What? I am related to the Olympians, but I'm not one of them!"
"But I saw a website with a staue of you on Fi's laptop."
"A web-site? Lap-top? What the?" started Casche as she watched two people pop out of nowhere.
"Fi! Jack!"
"You know them?"
"Casche?!?!" Fi recgonized the future-goddess from her statue.
"How did you know my name? Who are you? Where'd ya come from?"
"Whoa! She talks just like us! And why are you wearing odd clothes?" Fi could tell her brother didn't believe it was "Casche", but she didn't think it was a joke.
Casche wasn't sure if she could trust the odd people. But, using one of her "gifts" she read the hearts. She could tell they didn't mean any harm. "C'mon, I know someone who can help."