Tiberian Sun strategies


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NOTE: These are all Nod strategies

Subterranean assault
    Build a very large army of cyborgs. Then for every 5 of them, make a Subterranean APC. From there on, it's pretty obvious. Create some sort of distraction (or just make sure the enemy doesn't have any MSAs) and send your APCs to the middle of his base.

Underground commando
    This is a very lowly tactic, generally considered as bad as treason unless you're desperate. Put a Cyborg Commando in a Subterranean APC and fill the other 4 slots with engineers. Then build an Obelisk of Light and have it ready to be placed. Send the APC in the enemy base and use the Commando to blow up as many things as you can. While the enemy is distracted, capture at least one building and place your Obelisk next to it. Then that base is history.

Mk 2 hijacking
    You need a Mutant Hijacker and an Artillery. Attack an enemy Mammoth Mk2 (while it's alone) with the Artillery. When the Mammoth goes towards the Artillery, send the Hijacker to capture it from behind. He won't have time to turn around.

Siege of Fire
    Use this tactic against an opponent who uses the Firestorn Defense intensivelly. Build many artilleries and cyborgs to guard them. Send the artilleries against the enemy base. He'll activate the Firestorm, but you must ignore it and order your artilleries to fire. When the force field goes down, many of his buildings will get smashed before his units even get to your artilleries and their cyborg guards.

Banshee airstrike
    Build many helipads and a Banshee for each. When your Multi-missile (and Chem-missile, if you can make one) is ready, send it on the enemy power plants. At the same time, send your banshees against the enemy. His power will go down and so will the SAMs. Your banshees should be able to easily wipe out his base.

Bridge annihilation
    This is how you make sure that a destroyed bridge stays destroyed. Order a few artilleries on your side of the bridge to constantly fire around the repair hut on the other side. Any engineers that try to reach the hut will be smashed.

Invisible barrier
    It's a simple way to fool the enemy using your Stealth Generator. Build 2 lines of walls within the generator's range and a few Obelisks of Light behind them. When the enemy comes to attack you, he'll be surprised by the invisible Obelisks behind the walls. There's no way he can destroy your Obelisks on time.
NOTE: The previous version of this strategy wouldn't work, because Stealth Generators don't affect walls. But this is the "updated version".

Ghostly guards
    Stealth tanks are the ultimate guardians for tiberium fields. You can use them to guard your harvesters, but you can also send them to guard other fields from enemy harvesters. They can also be a big surprise to aircraft.

    This is how to drive an enemy completelly crazy, assuming he's got a MSA. The best things to use are devil's tongues. Tell them to move in the middle of the enemy base. Once they arrive, give them another destination. And then another one, and so on. You can use waypoints. If the enemy is human, he'll go insane since there's nothing to do about your units as long as they stay underground. If the enemy is a computer, just wait until the perfect moment to bring the DVTs to the surface and burn his base to hell.

Cyborg rush
    It's really a simple tactic. Rush the enemy with cyborgs and make good use of their ability to repair themselves on tiberium. You can guard them with stealth tanks against air attacks.

Missile madness
    A single Multi-missile can destroy an enemy Construction Yard on full health, if you aim it well. Aim the missile exactly on the 3rd fan wheel on the it (the wheel in the upper right). Note that if you have Firestorm, this strategy won't always work.

Firestom-only strategies

Reaper revenge
    Cyborg reapers can heal extremelly fast on tiberium. Place them on a tiberium field and they'll be the perfect guards (either to protect your harvesters or to destroy enemy ones). Vehicles are easy prey for the reapers. Infantry might seem less affected by the rockets, but being immobilized in nets makes them sitting ducks. The only problem for cyborg reapers are stealthy units. But only Nod has those.

Limpet traps
    The easiest vehicle to attach a limpet mine onto is a Harvester. The best way to do that is to harvest the tiberium on a cell next to a Tiberium Riparius ("blossom tree") and send a Limpet Drone to deploy on that spot.

Road to victory
    Mobile Stealth Generators have the great advantage that they don't use power. Besides placing them on tiberium fields to hide your harvesters, you can deploy MSGs one after the other (at certain intervals) to create a road to the enemy base. Then send your army towards the enemy making sure it stays within the range of the MSGs along the way. It's the best ever surprise attack.

I've run out of strategies! E-mail me yours!

Got some strategies you'd like to see here?
E-mail me at [email protected]