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This page contains my old news. Due to page loading times, I can't keep it all on my main page. So it goes in here.
Final map pack...----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
4th of december 2001--------------------------------------------------------------------------------22:00 CET
I know this is old news, but when it was fresh (last week) I couldn't post it.
Westwood released the fourth and final Emperor map pack. With the editor available, this was a bit unexpected... Anyway, you can download it from here. It contains two maps: Guild Complex (4 players; Arrakis) and Fortified Canyon (6 players; Arrakis). You must have the previous map packs installed in order for this one to work.
Many people feel betrayed by Westwood's lack of support for Emperor. But I ask them, why can't we support Emperor ourselves? There are so many great games out there supported by the fans long after their makers abandoned them! There are even a few (like Total Annihilation) who are still played and supported by some fans even though the companies that made them don't exist any more!

In any case, I've made an online petition to convince Westwood to continue supporting Emperor. Here it is. Go and sign it, Emperor fans!

I know, I know, long time no see------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
29th of  november 2001----------------------------------------------------------------------------21:00 CET
It's true that I say this a lot, but now I really am very buisy. I barely have time to surf the web at all, much less post news. And no, it's not just because I play Yuri's Revenge all the time. :) 
Anyway, I did get time to completelly update my YR page. As a matter of fact, I did that nearly 2 weeks ago, but I didn't post news about it.

Don't be fooled by the lack of news on my site. There's much going on with Yuri's Revenge. Much playing, that is. I love this game! And there's a constant stream of fan-made maps flowing in. Check Westwood's official RA2/YR site to get them. Other than that, Delphi promised a patch would be released last week. It looks like they're delaying it further, but that's not a problem. I don't see anything wrong with YR. But then again, I never went hunting for bugs. ;) Speaking of Delphi, he just said that he'll be helping Devinoch in the Renegade community.

Note: Yes, this should have been posted last week, as you can see from the post time. But I haven't been able to upload a single thing last week.
Note #2: That YR patch was released by Westwood while I had problems with uploading, so I couldn't post about it. Use YR's auto-update feature to get it. It fixed gameplay issues, mostly. The Soviets got powered up a bit, because they were a little too weak. 

Yuri update, Yuri maps...----------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
3rd of  november 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------22:00 CET
As I promised, I'm updating my Yuri's Revenge page. However, I've re-done only half of it for now, so expect another update soon (that will get rid of all the pre-release info and replace it with actual game info). 

You probably know by now that Final Alert 2 Yuri was officially released, so you can download it from Westwood's official RA2 site, as well as from a bunch of others (RAX being one of them, as I posted earlier). Since the interface is identical to the one in the RA2 version, you can jump straight into map-making (assuming you're already familiar with the old FA2). The most important thing is that YR maps are popping up all over. There must be over a dozen of them already on the net, only 1 week after the release of FA2 Yuri.

The needs of the many are outweighed by the needs of the Yuri...--------------C&C news
29th of october 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------14:05 CET
Just in case you were wondering: No, I'm not dead :)
With Yuri's Revenge released a few weeks ago, everybody's playing it! Westwood Online is full of players trying out their new toys. And oh my, those toys sure seem dangerous. :)
Unfortunately, school keeps me a bit too buisy so I don't have much time for the site. But I am working to make a major update on my YR page. I'll split it into several pages, change the info so it fits the actual game better and not the pre-release descriptions... and so on.

News flash: RAX has somehow got a hold of the updated version of Final Alert 2, which supports YR maps. Go and get it now, mapmakers!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present... THE  MAP EDITOR!!!----------------------Dune news
13th of october 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------21:00 CET
Yes, it's true, the Emperor map editor has finally been released by Westwood! It's a free download, but it's not "polished" in any way. They just released the editor that they used for making maps.
Download the editor now!!!

You must have the 1.09 patch installed if you want to be able to use the maps made with this editor. So far, you can only get the patch by auto-updating Emperor, but it should be made available on the Westwood FTP server soon.

Forget the countdown... YURI'S REVENGE IS HERE !!--------------------------C&C news
9th of october 2001------------------------------------------------------------------------------20:30 CET
My countdown was getting confused anyway. Good thing Westwood saved the day by releasing YR ahead of schedule. :)
For more information about YR (the biggest expansion pack in Westwood history), visit my Yuri's Revenge page or the official RA2 site.

Only 5 days left... or is it 4?----------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
8th of october 2001------------------------------------------------------------------------------06:00 CET
I'm a bit confused now as to the exact number of days left before the release of YR. I think I started the countdown wrong, because I also counted the 12th as a day in it. But the 12th is the day of the release, so I shouldn't have counted it. Then again, right now America and Europe are in different days, so there's a bit of confusion...

7... 6...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
6th of october 2001------------------------------------------------------------------------------23:15 CET
Yesterday's lack of news made me forget about the countdown. My bad :)
Anyway, there are 6 days left until the release of YR. I'd better check with Westwood to make sure they haven't moved it one day earlier or later...

8 days remaining -----------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
4th of october 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------22:10 CET
The countdown continues! Only 8 days left!
Oh, and there's something I should have done ages ago: updating my Yuri's Revenge page with the info on the Allied Robot Control Center. In all the excitement I completelly forgot about that. Well it doesn't really matter anyway, the correct info was already on my page. The only thing missing was the picture.

9 days remaining -----------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
3rd of october 2001------------------------------------------------------------------------------20:00 CET
Only 9 days left until YR is released! I've decided to start a countdown. There isn't really much left to say about Yuri's Revenge, we already know the "theory". We just have to get our hands on the real thing! :) Pre-order it from EA store if you want to get it delivered to you. Or just do like I'll do: storm into the store on october 12 and grab it before everyone else. :)

I'm also starting a contest for the WWRTS visitor no. 10 000! The prize? I'll post your name on this page, along with whatever else you want me to post. I'll also change the page title to "WWRTS - >your name< is visitor no. 10 000" for a few days. To prove that you are visitor 10 000, send me a screenshot of this page with the counter on the left saying "10000".

Map pack #3... where's the editor? ------------------------------------------------------Dune news
1st of october 2001------------------------------------------------------------------------------05:30 CET
Okay, so the third Emperor map pack was released. You can download it from here. It contains another two maps: Argan point (2 players; Arrakis) and Abandonded City (8 players; Arrakis). You must have the first and second packs installed in order for the third one to work.
But my question is: Where is that editor that Westwood promised????

Robot Tank and YR release date ---------------------------------------------------------C&C news
25th of september 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------13:00 CET
This could be the last YR unit that Westwood tells us about before the release of Yuri's Revenge. Well, actually, we already knew nearly everything about the Robot Tank from other sources. But if you didn't read about it before, read now.

Sadly, the delay rumour turned out to be true. YR was indeed delayed. Electronic Arts caused the delay, because they wanted to change the YR box. Yuri's Revenge will be released on the 12th of october.

New webpage and other stuff...--------------------------------------------------------------site news
16th of september 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------18:00 CET
I just uploaded a new webpage, the RA2 screenshots page. For now, it contains 17 screenshots from Yuri's Revenge.
Also, my site has joined 5 different "top 100"s (well, actually one of them is a top 150). You can vote by clicking on the buttons in my navigation bar (they're at the bottom of the navbar). Go vote for WWRTS!!! :)

Battle Fortress and 2 rumours -------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
15th of september 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------14:20 CET
Yes, Westwood released info on a new YR unit. This time it's the Allied Battle Fortress. Read all about it from my Yuri's Revenge page.

There are two RA2 rumours going around the community. It's being said that RA2 was pulled from store shelves due to the image of the WTC burning (on its box). This is partially true. Electronic Arts is designing a new box for RA2, which should be out in 2 weeks. Until then, stores can pull RA2 off the shelves if they want to. So far, only some Wal-Mart and Staples stores have done so. It's also being said that, for the same reasons, Yuri's Revenge is being delayed by a few weeks. EA hasn't confirmed or denied this, so we don't know yet.

Map pack #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
15th of september 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------14:20 CET
The second Emperor map pack was just released! You can download it from here. It contains two maps: Glacier Bridge (8 players; Sigma Draconis) and Rift Valley (2 players; Arrakis). You must have the first pack installed in order for the second one to work.

The terrorist attack...------------------------------------------------------------------------ other news
12th of september 2001--------------------------------------------------------------------------16:00 CET
I'm sure you all know what happened yesterday in Washington and New York. This is a terrible tragedy. My condoleances to the families and friends of the victims. We must all stick together and make sure that nothing like this ever happens again. If you live near the affected areas and want to help, you can donate blood. If you are religious, join others in prayer for the victims and the survivors...

Guardian GI and other news ----------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
10th of september 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------17:05 CET
Yes, it's that time again! Westwood released info on yet another unit from Yuri's Revenge. This time it's the Allied Guardian GI. Read all about it from my Yuri's Revenge page. Besides the GGI, I made some other updates to that page as well. Now that I think about it, the Allies probably won't get a bunker-like building, because bunkers are designed to stop rushes. And that's also what the GGI is for.

YR has probably gone gold, although Westwood hasn't announced that. But since the game is due out at the end of this month, there's not much doubt that it really has gone gold.

Also, 8 webmasters returned home after visiting Westwood headquarters and playing Yuri's Revenge before everyone else. They'll write about the visit on their websites:

Red Alert 2 Xtreme
RA2 Source
StarCraft Legacy
WarCraft III.net
AOE II Center

The map editor will come! -------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
9th of september 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------00:15 CET
News flash! Chris Longpre asked Emperor fans on the official Emperor forum whether they want a "polished" Emperor map editor that will take months to make and will cost money to buy or a "as-is" map editor that's hard to use but would be available in a very short time for free. Nearly everyone (including me) said we wanted the "as-is" editor. So Chris agreed to release it sometime in the near future! Yaaaay! :) Read the whole topic here.

New Emperor maps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
6th of september 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------20:40 CET
Those long-awaited maps are finally available! You can download from here the first Emperor map pack (it's strangely listed as the third pack, though). It contains two maps: Carthag (8 players; Giedi Prime) and Claw Rock (3 players; Arrakis)

C&C Theater of War -------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
6th of september 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------20:40 CET
A new C&C bundle pack has been announced! It's called C&C Theater of War and it will contain 4 (yes, that's FOUR) games from the C&C series: Command & Conquer 1, Red Alert, Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2. Come to think of it, that's the entire C&C series. However, we're not sure if any of the expansion packs will be included. The bundle pack will be released on the 25th, this month (september). Needless to say, this bundle is the best RTS offer I've ever seen! If you pre-order it at www.eastore.ea.com you get a $5 discount.

Some (pretty old) YR news ------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
4th of september 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------12:20 CET
I know this news is long overdue, but my computer has been acting strange in the past few days, so I couldn't access any FTP directories - including my own.
Like every week, new Yuri's Revenge info was posted on the official RA2 site. This week it was the Soviet Industrial Plant's turn. The biggest surprise about it is that it will cut only 25% of the price and build time of vehicles. This makes sense, because it's only $2000. Read more from my YR page.
Next week Westwood will start releasing info on the Allies, until the end of September. That's 4 new units/buildings. I think I can guess what they are: Robot Tank, Guardian GI, Battle Fortress and some bunker-like building.
Delphi also mentioned that the YR version of Final Alert 2 will be released shortly after YR.

Robot Tank and Spy Plane -------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
26th of august 2001--------------------------------------------------------------------------------13:15 CET
Info on the Soviet Spy Plane has been posted on the official RA2 site. We already knew most of it. A more important thing is that Delphi posted in the official forums that the Allied Robot Tanks will need only one control center, no matter how many tanks you have. To read more about these two units, as well as about the rest of Yuri's Revenge, go to my YR page.

General Emperor news ------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
23rd of august 2001--------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:00 CET
Okay... where do I start? Devinoch (the Emperor community manager) said that Westwood will be releasing 2 Emp maps each week, starting August the 31st. And some of them will be maps for the 3 homeworlds, not Arrakis maps (yay!). Two contests are still running: the sneaky tactics contest and the ladder contest.
Also, a new Emperor review just popped up. It's written by the people at Gamereviewonline.com and you can find it here. The site was created very recently, so give them some hits to encourage them to keep up the good work! :)

Yuri's Revenge trailer! -------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
23rd of august 2001--------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:00 CET
That's right, a YR movie has been released. IGN somehow got it from Westwood. Don't ask any questions, just go and download it. :) It can be found by going here. But be warned: the trailer is HUGE (52 Mb). If you don't want to download it all, sites like RAX and RADEN have alternatives (slide shows and lower quality versions of the movie). I'd make a screenshot gallery out of the trailer, but... I'm one of those people who can't download th whole thing, because it's too big.

Info on the Battle Bunker --------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
18th of august 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------17:25 CET
The Battle Bunker is a new Soviet building that will be available in Yuri's Revenge. Read all about it here (my YR page, as usual). Also on that page I wrote what I know about the Chaos Drone, a Yuri unit that doesn't have an official description yet.

Emperor patch released------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
18th of august 2001--------------------------------------------------------------------------------17:25 CET
The 1.08 patch was released yesterday or the day before. I didn't post news about it since you already know that it's released if you play Emperor online. After a while though, I realized that I should post about it anyway. You can get the patch using Emperor's auto-update. We'll have to wait before the patch will be available on the Westwood FTP server.

www.westwoodrts.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
15th of august 2001--------------------------------------------------------------------------------18:40 CET
Yes, you guessed it - I have a web domain! It's www.westwoodrts.com  It's easy to remember and you can also e-mail me at [email protected]  My site, however, will remain on this server and you can access it using the old (and long) URL if you want to.

There's also some other news: On the official RA2 forum Delphi started a "give the 3 best reasons" contest. The prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place include a free copy of Yuri's Revenge! Some other stuff is also given for the 1st and 2nd place, but who cares? :) Click here to go to the contest topic.
Only small bits of info have been released on the YR units, so many things are uncertain. There are many rumours going around the official RA2 forum.

Emperor patch info-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
10th of august 2001--------------------------------------------------------------------------------22:10 CET
Info about the next Emperor:BFD patch was posted on the official Emperor site. The patch will be released some time in the next 2 weeks. The most important features are the balancing changes (slower Air Drone and better Devastator) and firewall support. There was also some mention of -new maps- in the Emperor community update. Hmmmm...
The next WWVW (Westwood Versus the World) Emperor tournament will be on Thursday, August 16th, from 9-11 A.M. PST and 4-6 P.M. PST. Prizes will be awarded to those who defeat Emperor team members, so I guess everyone will get a prize. :) Check the official Emperor site in the next few days to find out the screen names that the Westwood guys will be using.
In other news, Westwood also posted the description of the Siege Chopper, a soviet unit to be included in Yuri's Revenge. There's not much new info on it, but if you haven't done this yet, go to my YR page to read all about it.

WWRTS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
7th of august 2001----------------------------------------------------------------------------------22:00 CET
I bet you didn't expect this! :) I changed my site's name. "Edric O's planetary HQ" just didn't sound well, so now it's WWRTS (Westwood RTS).
Also, Westwood released some info on Boris, the Soviet hero unit from Yuri's Revenge. But we already knew all of it, so the only update that I did to my YR page was to add Boris' picture.
There isn't much Emperor news. The Westwood guys are working hard on the next patch, which will include firewall support, balancing changes (less powerful Air drone + better Devastator) and a few new maps, some of which will be on the House Homeworlds (Caladan, Sigma Draconis and Giedi Prime).

New Yuri's Revenge info and some rumours ----------------------------------------------C&C news
29th of july 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14:30 CET
The new info just keeps on comming! The official descriptions for the Floating Disk and the Genetic Mutator have been released, so I updated my Yuri's Revenge page. Also, the Westwood staff said that Yuri's army won't have attack dogs.
Besides that, there are some rumours on the official RA2 forum. For example, some people think that Yuri's Floating Disk is linked to the moon missions. Maybe it's alien technology. And  there's an important question: will the slaves (from the Slave Miner) be controlable? If so, can you send them in a Bio Reactor? Last but not least, there's a big controversy about Boris' range. Some people think that it's very short, others think that it's unlimited and the MIGs just take longer to arrive if Boris is far away.

Another Yuri's Revenge update --------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
25th of july 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13:25 CET
New info on Yuri's Revenge has been released, so I updated my YR page. I also updated it with info that had been released earlier, but that I didn't know about. I added images to the Yuri units and buildings that I have images for. Also, I added in-game images to the unit descriptions and the building descriptions. Go to my Yuri's Revenge page to read the new YR info.

Yuri's Revenge update at Westwood --------------------------------------------------------C&C news
15th of july 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12:55 CET
The official RA2 site has been updated, and now it includes new info on Yuri's Revenge. The info is about the Magnetron, the Grinder and the Bio Reactor. These things already had brief descriptions in the Gamespot preview. With the new info, I updated my YR page. Besides the more detailed descriptions of these 3 Yuri units (well, actually two of them are buildings), I also included a description of the Initiate. For some reason I skipped the Initiate when I made my previous YR update.

Massive site update--------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
8th of july 2001---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21:40 CET
I didn't seem to do anything in the last week, but actually I prepared this massive update to my site. I started and completed the Yuri's Revenge page, which includes all the info released so far on this future RA2 expansion. I also did a complete update of my Emperor section, to turn it from a preview into a description of a released game. And I finally made a Subhouse page, that includes all the info on the Emperor subhouses.

Gamespot previews Yuri's Revenge ---------------------------------------------------------C&C news
26th of june 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23:00 CET
The guys at Gamespot were given exclusive access to one of Westwood's top secrets: Yuri's Revenge. :) A lot of new units and buildings from the upcoming expansion pack were described in the Gamespot preview. I'm working on my Yuri's Revenge page (or pages) and I'll include all the new info.

Emperor released!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
14th of june 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15:45 CET
Emperor was released!!! More exactly, it's being released. Different parts of the world are getting it at different times. So it might be at a store near you... or you might have to wait a few more days.

FA2 released! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
12th of june 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20:00 CET
I've been a bit lazy in the last few weeks... Well, maybe very lazy. :)  I haven't updated anything on my site. But now I'm back!
Final Alert 2 (the official map and mission editor for RA2) has finally been released! It's still in a beta stage, but it works fine and I don't think there's much left to add/change. Download it from here! For a list of its features, check my news post from the time it was first announced (last month).

Unit list completed!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
26th of may 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18:15 CET
I bet you're wondering what I've been doing for the past few days. I was working on my E:BFD section. I added a few screenshots, but, most importantly, I completed the unit list (with descriptions) for the 3 main Houses! I'm working right now on a subhouse page and on completing the list of Atreides buildings (I already finished the building list for the other Houses). From what I've seen, Edric O's Planetary HQ is the very first site to have a complete list of ALL the House units. Other sites missed a unit or two. Go to my Emperor: Battle for Dune section to see the unit lists.

New pages & updates-------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
20th of may 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20:00 CET
My net connection hasn't been working for the past few days, because of a short-circuit in a wire... :(
But the good news is that I'm back and I used the "spare time" to make 2 new (large) pages for my RA2 section: The Unit descriptions and the Building descriptions. I also modified my Tiberian Sun unit and building pages, to list Nod and GDI things separately. Speaking of TS, I noticed that I didn't cover the Firestorm new units! I can't believe how I forgot about it... now I made a Firestorm page.

Official RA2 editor!!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
13th of may 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21:00 CET
Westwood has announced an official RA2 map editor. It's called Final Alert 2, because it'll be based on the current Final Alert, with some of the FA team (as well as Westwood staff) working on it. For now, FA2 is in the beta stages. This editor is the proof that Westwood does listen to fans. Here are its features:
  • Create single-player missions or multi-player maps
  •  RA2 will now recognize fan-created maps for play on Westwood Online
  • Final Alert 2 will feature a basic tutorial and manual for those unfamiliar with map and mission editors. 
  • Westwood's "Frame Work Mode" now embedded into the FA2 code (color codes terrain based on elevation) 
  • Insert familiar RA2 vehicles, infantry, structures and monuments in the maps 
  • A newer more streamlined, easy to use interface complete with tool tips
  • Allow players to script AI behavior for single-player missions

Emperor news--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
21st of april 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23:45 CET
Delphi sent out a new community update, with new info. First of all:

"On April 28th and 29th Westwood Studios will be attending LAN WAR 10 (http://www.lanwar.com) in Louisville Kentucky. During this humongous LAN event, 420 event attendee's will have the chance to experience hands on game time with Emperor: Battle for Dune. This will be the first time that the public will get a chance to play the game and offer feedback too Westwood staffers. We'll be sure to keep everyone updated from the event with news posts and pictures!"

There is also the new unit of the week (not from the community update), the Ordos Saboteur:

"The Saboteur represents the human embodiment of all that is House Ordos. Culled from the standard Ordos Scout troops and subjected to  occult-like methods of indoctrination by Ordos chaplains, Saboteurs are psychologically prepared for their 'kamikaze' raids into hostile territory. Unbeknownst to the prospective 'Sabo', this preparation is designed not to reconcile the candidate's feelings with the unavoidable outcome of self-obliteration; rather, the purpose is to maximize efficiency and effectiveness while minimizing the possibility of self-doubt or defection.
One might ask why not use automated, self-guiding Saboteurs in the field, thus removing concern for human error? Uncharacteristically, Ordos commanders wanted to retain the human ability to 'improvise' if necessary on the battlefield. With the unpredictable, ever-changing conditions of warfare on Arrakis, this provision makes a strategic sense that even the methodical, unfeeling Ordos can indulge. In combat, the unarmed Saboteurs move across the landscape with alarming speed and stealth, usually alerting those in the vicinity only after they've detonated their massive charges. Some speculate that the charge's explosive compounds are laced with unstable atomic particles - a practice in direct violation to universal law, but not beyond the Ordos' capacity to employ controversial means to advance at all costs."

And there's RA2 news, too. Delphi said that "the RA2 editing community will have much to smile about soon". Do I hear someone say "Map editor"? :)
In other news, I have started uploading the RA2 section of my site. So far, there's only the main page. And I fixed some old-dated stuff in the TS section.

RA2: Yuri's revenge-------------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
15th of april 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14:00 CET
The long-awaited RA2 expansion pack was finally announced! It's called "Yuri's revenge". The basic story behind it is that Yuri left the Soviets and created his own faction, a Psychic Army. And both the Allies and the Soviets now fight against this new global threat. They said it will be the biggest expansion in Westwood history. It will feature 30 (yes, THIRTY) new units and buildings! Why so many? Because Yuri's Psychic Army is a faction in its own right, with its own units & buildings, that are different from the Allies and Soviets. And yes, you will be able to play with the Psychic Army in multiplayer. The x-pack will also feature 14 new missions, some of which will even take place on the Moon! Westwood also released info on a few units, so read the full press release to find out more. The Yuri's revenge logo (that you can see below) doesn't have the words "Red Alert 2" anywhere on it, which is a bit strange... could it be a stand-alone add-on?
Yuri's revenge
And, just like I promised, I'm starting work on a RA2 section for my site, that will cover RA2 as well as the x-pack.

The eye in the sky----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
15th of april 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14:00 CET
First of all, Happy Easter everyone!
Now for the actual news. Westwood said that May will be Subhouse month, just like we expected. They also released info on the new unit of the week, the Ordos Eye in the Sky:

"The philosophies of war pertaining to House Ordos dictate that every element, living or inanimate, is deemed expendable if the potential economic gains help defray costs of the overall war effort. It seems that the Ordos have struck an interesting combination that challenges this axiom in developing a certain air platform - the Eye In The Sky. Piloted by a skilled Saboteur, this lightly-armored and slow-moving aircraft is sacrificed in battle during every sortie, yet its human cargo is momentarily preserved - an Ordos strategy that is highly atypical - to continue the fight. After detonation over the intended target, the smoking hull of the aircraft plummets to the planet's surface below to inflict great amounts of damage; conversely, the Saboteur pilot is jettisoned and is free to carry on with the mission at hand. Fortunately for the Executrix, they've negotiated and renegotiated contracts with parts suppliers in an effort to manufacture the Eye In The Sky as quickly and as cheaply as possible - a condition that assuredly unnerves the pilot somewhat as he or she travels en route to the target destination. Even the suicidal Saboteurs are prone to anxiety if their plans of self-sacrifice are frustrated prematurely."

Ordos month------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
10th of april 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18:00 CET
As I can see from your votes on my poll, I'm not posting enough game info/news. So I decided to start covering all the news released by Westwood, like the "units of the week". And yes, it IS a coincidence that I started to do this only at the beginning of the official Ordos month. This week (actually last week), Westwood gave out info about the Ordos chemical trooper:

"What motivates the Chemical Troopers to act in battle is largely a mystery. Contrary to the Ordos credo of turning subterfuge into economic viability, Chemical Troopers seem to operate in a manner more consistent with Harkonnen philosophy - they fight for the thrill of combat, not profit. Some speculate that the prolonged exposure to the thick green gas - the contents of which are still shrouded in secrecy - that is dispelled from their primary weapons has caused irreversible damage to the thought centres of their brains. More specifically, it is said their ability to reason has been gradually overrun by irrational, primitive impulses to add to chaos, not order. Consequently, they tend to squander their precious ammunition at inopportune moments on the battlefield - a trait that inevitably leads to the Ordos Executrix terminating a substantial percentage of Troopers when the fighting is done. Nevertheless, when the hazy, pungent cloud from their toxic gas projectors begins to lift, Chemical Troopers remain a blood-thirsty lot who exert the acute ability to intimidate and overpower during the tides of war. Unprotected enemy units, particularly infantry, react immediately and violently to the noxious gas; armoured units generally fair better, but reports have filtered through over time that side-effects can crop up and plague the infected for years after initial contact."

NOTE: I updated my Emperor preview pages, but only partially. I'll soon upload info on the Atreides buildings and some new Ordos units. The rest is already online.

Small uploads-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
30th of march 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14:30 CET
I made a few changes, most of them "invisible to the naked eye", but you can see the new counter style. Also, I (finally) updated my Prophecy - Legacy of Kadesh story, in the misc section. More news comming soon!

Renegade screenshots-----------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
21st of march 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:30 CET
That community update contains more than just Emperor news. Delphi said:
"April is looking to be a big month for Renegade. I just got word that tons of new art, cool screen shots, and team interviews will be posted up on to the preview site."
There's no release date for Renegade yet, unfortunatelly. But the game is getting closer to being completed. Two new screenshots were in the update. The first one is the new model for the Nod chemical trooper. And in the second one, you see the same trooper... through Havoc's sniper vision. I can't wait to see how that glass helmet blasts open. :)  Delphi also said:
"These shots have come with a huge price (washing the executive producers car for a month), hopefully my efforts will be greatly appreciated! =)"
And yes, his efforts were really appreciated. ;)  And in other news, you might have noticed that I modified the site layout slightly. I only left the hit counter, because there was really no need for the visit counter.

Emperor news----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
21st of march 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:30 CET
Delphi (Chris Rubyor), from Westwood, just sent out another community update. They've updated the Emperor official site with new icons and wallpapers. Also, the Emperor release date remains in mid June. Delphi also said that Quick Match is the set standard for tournaments and rankings in the game.
In other news, happy birthday to my site! It's now 1 year old. Sure, I should have said this on the 10th of March, but, err... I forgot.

Emperor update--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dune news
10th of february 2001----------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:00 CET
There are new Harkonnen units lurking around :) Westwood just release descriptions for all the E:BFD Harkonnen units. So I updated my Harkonnen preview page. In the new Gamespot preview there are also a number of other units, but I'm not sure if those are confirmed by Westwood. I'll look around and see.

New page uploaded------------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
4th of february 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11:30 CET
This page was getting rather large and taking more and more seconds to load. So I thought it's about time to make a news archive. There it is, on the sidebar and also right here. I also made a few tweaks here and there, including a small update to that old Dune3000 article.
You might all be wondering why don't I have a RA2 section? What am I waiting for? Well, I'm actually waiting for the expansion pack to be announced. Then I'll make a RA2 section to my site. I love that game! (but I still think TS is better)

Westwood's new outlook on cheating-----------------------------------------------------------C&C news
2nd of february 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15:45 CET
Westwood just changed their policy towards cheaters. They adopted a zero-tolerance stance against them. The tournament rules have been updated. Here's some data:
"The contest rules are as follows: 
· Any individual using multiple accounts for tournament play on one title, during any one tournament month to elevate individual ranks will be disqualified
· Sabotaging internet connection between yourself and another player to prevent or force a loss is forbidden
· Use of cheats, hacks, mods, trainers, etc. is not allowed
· Arranging losses or wins with another player is not permitted
· Any other tournament practice the contest coordination staff deems unfair will be cause for disqualification. 
· Westwood Studios may modify these rules without notice and will post any such rule modifications to this page.

When the rules are violated we will take the following action: 
First Offense: Warning!
· All accumulated points will be removed from contest records and the offender's score will be reset to zero.
· A warning email will be sent to the offending player notifying them of their rules violation.
· The offending players Westwood Studios account will be updated with a record of the rule violation. 
Second Offense: Banning!
· Offender's serial numbers will be banned permanently from all current and future Westwood Studios contests and tournaments."

E:BFD special units---------------------------------------------------------------------------------dune news
2nd of february 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15:45 CET
Delphi (Chris Rubyor) from Westwood sent breaking news to a few webmasters. All those people who pre-order E: BFD will get 3 new multiplayer-only units, one for each side. Chris said:
"Those who pre-purchase the game will receive a special code to <unlock> the units over Westwood Online. This will give these special fans a distinct advantage during multiplayer games."
I waited a long time to post this because I wanted to be absolutelly sure. Now there's no doubt about it. The people who pre-order will get those units, but it appears that Westwood will release the codes for the rest of us to use at a few weeks after the release of the game.

Chat session and site update----------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
31st of january 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:45 CET
I'm just reminding you that Westwood will be hosting an hour-long chat session with the producer for Red Alert 2, Harvard Bonin. It will be today at 4:00 PM (PST). Everybody is welcome. But I won't be there, since the time will be 2:00 AM for me. :(
I thought it's about time to remove that "under construction" label from my Tiberian Sun section. So I added 2 more pages: TS strategies and a short FAQ

E:BFD fansite kit-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dune news
29th of january 2001----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10:00 CET
Westwood just released their Emperor fansite kit. It contains all sorts of new stuff, including units and buildings (without descriptions, unfortunatelly). I put those new pictures in my Emperor:BFD section, along with my guessed descriptions. I also changed the layout of some of those pages. Most importantly, I also added a screenshots page.

New stuff uploaded------------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
26th of january 2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12:30 CET
I just uploaded 3 new pages to my Emperor: BFD section. Also, I added a mini poll at the lower end of the sidebar on my main page (this one, of course). Start voting, please! (especially since my votecaster doesn't seem to be too popular)

Dune 2000 mods---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dune news
23rd of january 2001----------------------------------------------------------------------------------18:00 CET
I'm behind schedule in some ways... I should have posted this some time ago. Well, the upcoming Emperor: BFD seems to have boosted people's interest in Dune2k. Something "impossible" has happened: The Dune2k code has been broken and mods started to appear everywhere! I uploaded a Dune2k mod pack on my site. It's also on my downloads list.

Emperor section & pictures-------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
22nd of december 2000-------------------------------------------------------------\------------------19:00 CET
I took a good look at my site... and noticed there's no Emperor: BFD section! This needed to be changed right away :) Now you can visit my Emperor main page.
And also I added pictures to my units and buildings descriptions for the games that this site covers

New download------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
22nd of december 2001-------------------------------------------------------------------\-------------19:00 CET
Well, for the past few days I've been working on a custom campaign for Age of Kings. Now I've finished it and it has 12 missions. You can download it now, and it's also listed on the Misc articles & other stuff page.

New pages-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
29th of december 2000--------------------------------------------------------------------------------23:00 CET
"Comming soon" - that's such a relative concept :) Well, I finally added those new pages I was talking about: Misc articles & other stuff

"Last Survivors" - TS mod------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
29th of december 2000--------------------------------------------------------------------------------23:00 CET
Okay, I admit it. These past 2 moths, I completelly neglected my site. But this is changing right now. I decided to upload a TS mod I made last summer. I never finished it back then, and now I just found it and finished it in one day. Merry Christmas everyone!

No news...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
30th of november 2000--------------------------------------------------------------------------------15:30 CET
Hmmm, my last news post is from a month ago. Well, RA2 has been released so there's not much C&C news. Dune Emperor is being developed pretty much secretly, no new info. And SPW is stagnating because there's nobody to help me with the programming. So what news is there? None so far, but I will add some more pages on my site soon.

RA2 is released!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
31st of october 2000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13:50 CET
OMG what have I done? I completely forgot to post about this. Red Alert 2 has finally been released... 4 days ago. Haven't you got it yet? Well what are you waiting for? :)

Top 10 Dune sites-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
20th of october 2000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------21:10 CET
Maybe you've heard about the top 10 Dune sites. Now my site has joined. So you can vote for us here. Or click on the link at the bottom of the page. Hurry! :)

Previews, previews and more previews!--------------------------------------------------------dune news
20th of october 2000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:30 CET
Wow! These guys move fast! There are already lots of Dune Emperor previews. Check the Gamespot preview, the CGO preview, the Daily Radar preview or the pc.ign.com preview! You can also pre-order Dune Emperor from EA store, right here.

Official announcement-------------------------------------------------------------------------------dune news
20th of october 2000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------19:30 CET
Well, this is it. Westwood officially announced Dune Emperor! Go to  http://www.duneemperor.com, the official site. But this leaves a question: if the game is called Dune Emperor, what about the www.Dune3000 domains?

Sneak peak, screenshots... leaked just for you!----------------------------------------------dune news
14th of october 2000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------22:45 CET
Wow! This is incredible! It seems stuff isn't just leaking from WW, it's a raging torent. But I personally think they let it out on purpose. You can download the sneak peak. There are also some screenshots of much better quality. But keep in mind it's a taiwanese site.
It's comming, it's comming!

Sneak peak confirmed-------------------------------------------------------------------------------dune news
12th of october 2000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------20:30 CET
Over at FED2k there have been numerous clues that there WILL be a Dune3k sneak peak in RA2. First of all, Brian (a RA2 beta tester) made a few comments on the sneak peak news, saying that he actually saw it. Second, Chris Rubyor (Delphi), from Westwood, said that we'll know everything in a couple of weeks. And RA2 will be released in a couple of weeks...

SPW help needed------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPW news
12th of october 2000----------------------------------------------------------------------------------20:30 CET
It seems Stefan (the programmer of SPW) doesn't want to continue the project. That's why there hasn't been any progress for so long. So if anyone wants to help me, please send me an e-mail. Fremen59 has already offered his help (look in the forum), but he's not able to do everything.

Dune 3000 sneak peak?----------------------------------------------------------------------------dune news
11th of october 2000----------------------------------------------------------------------------------16:00 CET
It seems there might be a Dune 3000 sneak peak on the RA2 CD! This means that Westwood will announce the game before RA2 is out, which is highly unlikely... still, who knows? Thanks to RAX for the hint.

RA2 gold!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C&C news
10th of october 2000----------------------------------------------------------------------------------21:00 CET
Well, this is actually old news, but I didn't have a news section when it was fresh!
Red Alert 2 is gold! For those of you who don't know, that means Westwood has finished it, and now the only thing left to to is multiplicate it. Which means... no delays! It will be out on the 27th of october without a doubt.

Dune 3000 screenshot!------------------------------------------------------------------------------dune news
10th of october 2000----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15:00 CET
Finally, solid proof of Westwood's work on Dune 3000! Edward Aldrich scaned a page from Computer Games magazine. Part of the screenshot is blured (I wonder why), but you can clearly see the rest. It seems to be an atreides base with a palace and a barracks, and something that looks like a siege tank. They're under attack by... I guess the Ordos, but I can't tell. Se it for yourself here. Thanks to FED2k for this news.

News section on my site!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------site news
10th of october 2000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14:55 CET
Welcome to my news section! I thought my site needed something new, so here it is. More news comming up...