
I ended up in love with Don in my own way. I just knew having his baby would fix my lack of love. This baby was going to make everything ok. However, I still felt alone. Then, I thought getting married to him and having a family would make ALL my feelings of loneliness go away. It did not.


Don and Tina's Wedding Day (02-02-85)

After baby number 3 those feelings of lack of love, missing pieces in me, and all my feelings were still very strong. My son had medical problems and I needed some answers. I convinced myself that if I just had my biological medical information, that it would be enough, it would heal something deep inside of me. So I began my search for my birth mother and wrote a letter to her hoping I would find her someday. (read it)

Adam Aaron Amanda

My babies: Adam (6-15-84), Aaron (3-12-86),
and Amanda (12-3-87)

I had always known Ginger's first and last name. I had always known what town she was from before she came to the Booth Memorial Hospital Home for unwed mothers. I had always known she was 16 or 17 years old. I had a hunch that she may have went back to school after giving birth to me in her home town. I thought that was the most obvious place to start looking.

I started sending letters to the courts and unwed mother's home to receive non-indentifying information. I did receive some information from them. Finding just medical information was so neat and it filled a tiny empty spot in me for a short little while. Then after a short time, it just was not enough. I needed more.

I wanted unconditional love which I thought I could only get from my birth parents. I was beginning to feel more and more disconnected with my adopted family, parents and siblings, as I grew older. It just was not enough only having Ginger's name and medical information. It seemed like I was always searching for something or someone to make me feel. I wanted to feel loved and safe inside of me.

I started looking for highschools in her home area. Luckily there were only a 2 or 3 in her home town. I wrote to the schools asking for them to look in their alumni information and see if they had any people that may have graduated with my mother's name. I soon received information from the school with 3 possible matches. (2 that had gotten married and had her last name of Virginia S. and one that had her madien name with the name of her married name now) I thought NO WAY! IT could not be this easy. I soon contacted that particular school and asked them to give me more information on this Virginia S. L. and they did. I contacted the unwed home for mothers she was at and asked them to confirm her birthdate. They did and it was a MATCH!

My next idea was a shot in the dark. I sent out letters to all the people in the surrounding towns by her and asked for information because I was doing family research. I included my phone number and a self addressed envelope asking for either yes or no responses to keep track of my search. These letters were sent on a weekend.

With in the next few days, I started receiving letters back with no responses. No information known. BUT, somehow my angels were watching out for me. I had 2 calls come to me.

One was from a lady near Ginger who's husband's sister had known a person in her class with the same name. This same woman also worked for the school district and did some major digging for me!! (Thank you Mary L.) She found out where Ginger last known address was and phone number, even called the city hall to see if she was still living there, she was not, but then called the man who bought her home and he knew where she was living and her new married name! (NO WAY!!)

The second lady who called me said that her husband's 1/2 brother Donald had been married to Ginger and she had written Ginger a check and still had the check signed and on the back was Ginger's SSN. Did I want it? (YES!!!, NO WAY!!)

My next step was to go to the DMV and confirm all the information I had. When I did that, I was shocked! IT WAS HER!!!!!!! I made plans to let this sink in and then call her the next weekend. (2 or 3 days away)

-- cont. on page 5 hit the next button

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Tina's infancy | Tina's adolescence "SPECIAL" | Tina's Young Adulthood (looking for love) | Tina's search begins | Tina and Ginger's Reunion | Struggles in our relationship | Tina's working on healing | Healthy Mother Daughter Relationship |

Birthmother Ginger's Story | Ginger's Childhood | Ginger at the Group and Foster Homes | Rock-a-bye-bye-baby | Home for UnWed Mothers | Empty Arms - Empty Soul | Ginger's Empty Cradle | Ginger's Recovery | Hello? I am looking for my mother. | Getting to know you | The Seperation | Real Love Never Dies |


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