angel watering flowers
Working on healings

It was during this time that I started therapy. I started sorting out past issues, unrealistic hopes, dreams and expectations that I had of my friends, my birth mother, of my husband and my adopted mother. I wanted them to fix everything with in me. I soon came to find out that I had been unconsciously blaming Ginger for leaving me at birth, giving me up to this "special" place that I did not feel like I fit in and for abandoning me.

I began to feel like I was dying inside. I had 2 mothers that neither one could be with me for whatever reason. I just knew something was wrong with me. So, I began therapy. While in therapy, I began to sort our lots of OLD issues with my abuse, issues around abandonment, issues around lack of love, the expectations that I had of my 2 mothers, what mothers should do for me. When going through therapy, I learned a lot; I had a lot of hurts to sort out. One of the most painful yet reasonable and rational piece of information that my therapist told me, was that maybe both my birth mother and adopted mother were probably giving me everything that they could and knew how to. That they were probably acting they only way they could due to issues that have gone or are going on in their life.

READ the 5 Stages of Reunion

It was a real shock to me that it might not be about me. I was acting out in the only way I knew how and so were they. This certainly did not mean that they did not love me in their own way as best they could, or that I was bad in any way.

It was then that I began to look at things differently and to start taking care of me and my hurts. I began to feel my feelings and take care of me. I began to feel my pains and work through the years of pain. I have a long ways to go yet, but I am beginning to see things differently, react to things differently and realize that all people are not out to get me and hurt me.

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Tina's infancy | Tina's adolescence "SPECIAL" | Tina's Young Adulthood (looking for love) | Tina's search begins | Tina and Ginger's Reunion | Struggles in our relationship | Tina's working on healing | Healthy Mother Daughter Relationship |

Birthmother Ginger's Story | Ginger's Childhood | Ginger at the Group and Foster Homes | Rock-a-bye-bye-baby | Home for UnWed Mothers | Empty Arms - Empty Soul | Ginger's Empty Cradle | Ginger's Recovery | Hello? I am looking for my mother. | Getting to know you | The Seperation | Real Love Never Dies |

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