MAY 2k

The Claw

I am Legend

The Present Darkenss

The Thing 2

Freddy Vs Jason

Parasite Eve

Dracula 2000

Blood Moon



St. Francisville Experiment

Leprechaun 6

The Dentist 3

Warlock 4



Twilight of the Dead

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon


Resident Evil


Stop it You're Killing Me

Jurassic Park 3

The Watcher

The Mummy Returns

Crow 3: Salvation


The Cell

Foucault's Pendulum


Queen of The Damned

What Lies Beneath

Hollow Man

Halloween 8

The ill




I can't Sleep


13 Ghosts

From Hell

Pitch Black 2

Scooby Doo


Nightbreed sequel





Hollow Man

What Lies Beneath

Jason X


The New Chapter

Mummy 2

Scream Sequels

Dracula 2000 / D2k



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FRIDAY MAY 26, 2000

The official site www.themummy.com has been updated to accommodate the Mummy Returns. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

There is a buzz at Diabolical Dominon over whether or not Rustin Parr (played by Frank Pastor) will make an appearance in BWP2. The website http://www.rustinparr.com is owned by Artisan, however the page is sometimes down. Who knows, maybe just another website tie in. If you check www.ellykedward.com you will also be treated to a surprise (Artisan owns that as well). (DD) (HFA NEWS)

The producer of Pitch Black 2 has said the following about the sequel:
"We are obviously going to emphasize the character of Riddick (Vin Diesel) and his further adventures as one of the great anti-heroes to come along in a long time. It will not be a return to the planet [of the first movie], with the same animals. It will be an entirely different story, with a different setting and different set of characters."

Beyond that, though, Engleman admits he hasn't worked it all out as yet, but he's open to ideas. He explains, "I'd love to hear from everyone as to what they'd like to see Riddick do next. So much of the popularity of the first movie was based on the fans and their getting behind it, when no one knew who Vin was, or what the show was about." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

Jamie Lee Curtis's new film will be titled "The Claw" and has been so far dubbed as a thriller. The film is likely to be shot at Universal Studios in Florida (UPC) (HFA NEWS)


Upcoming Horror Films .com have really gone into scoop heaven in the past week. Hopefully they are not being taken for a ride. If not there is certainly a lot of new stuff on the horror-izon (okay that was really bad, sad thing is someone will name their page that one day. ).

Above is what the vampires are supposed to look like in the film "I am Legend" this pic comes C/o www.milesteves.com and are done by the author Miles Teves. The film is set to star Arnie, and is to be directed by Rob Bowman. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

This is another picture www.milesteves.com from and it is of the devil from the heaven apocalyptic horror film, "This Present Darkness". (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

Here are large batch of scoops from a source at UPC.

Anyways, I have seen the script for a film called Redrum. I seriously doubt that Jack Nicholson is attatched to the script I read, though they are are mutating faster then the local insects. The draft I read is really, REALLY bad.

It suggests a sequel to The Shining only. The main character's name is Jack, and that's about it. It reads more like a direct-to-video sequel to The Dentist then the next chapter in The Shining. Nothing original here, more like a hodge podge of scenes boosted from a dozen direct-to-video slasher movies. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

Oh, and in case you might be interested I have seen these as well...

"The Thing 2" based on characters created by John Carpenter, written by Rachel Talalay whoever the hell this person is. The script wasn't very good. scooper at (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

"Watchers: The Next Transformation" based on characters created by Dean Koontz, written by Sean Dash. Horrible. scooper at (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

This is interesting.. Joss Whedon (Buffy) writing FvJ??? "Freddy vs jason" I must say that the script I read, I know there are several, was horrible. They meet on an elevator to hell and of course it's a bad thing. They start a bloody rampage TOGETHER and then get pissed off at each other over murdering this particular girl. The last half is them trying to off each other. Freddy wins. Based on characters created by Wes Craven, written by Joss Whedon" scooper at (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

"Parasite Eve" screenplay by Michael Petroni from the screen story by Madonna (?), Kevin Williamson and Micheal McNaughton based on the novel by Hideaki Sena. Isn't this a video game? The script was awesome though! Really demented. from scooper at (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

New Pictures from "What Lies Beneath" have arrived at DH.. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

There are new cast additions to Dracula 2000/ D2K. Jennifer Esposito (ISKWYDLS and SPin City) will be joining the cast as will singer Vitamin C. Esposito will play a new character in this re-telling of Dracula, she will be playing the role of Salina. Vit C will be playing Lucy, a woman seduced by Drac, so that Drac can get to Mary Heller the daughter of Van Helsing. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

John Shirley (The Crow) is doing re-writes on a film titled "Blood Moon" (no not the Werewolf film with Michael whatever his name is and not the Australian slasher film made early 90s). Greg Sullivan wrote the original script, which is a sci-fi vampire flick, that involves vampire invaders from an alternate reality. Well I'm intrigued.. (RS) (HFA NEWS)




Above is a screenshot from the new game recently displayed at E3, it is called "Undying" and is based on a concept and story designed by Clive Barker. It is set in Ireland in the 1920's and you take on the role of Magnus. Magnus must save his brother from his undying relatives, who have come back to claim their estate. Hey it may sound like a poor storyline, but remeber it's looking like a First Person shooter, so the object it just to shoot stuff. To win the player must battle through 5 different quests over 10 levels. The backdrops for the slaughter include, and ancestral estate, a ravished monastery, the eternal autumn and the occursed city of Onieros. The player has the chance to get rid of 20 different monsters, with the assistance of 16 different spells (there will be 8 offensive and 8 defensive). But if you aint into Mana there are also simpler and more effective modes of protecting yourself, like The Tibetan War Cannon (can someone else see and irony here?), dynamite, a shotgun and the Scythe of Brennan. The game will be released through Electronic Arts. http://undying.ea.com/ is the official site for the game.

Sony are picking up a not so kids comic called LENORE, about a little girl that comes back from the dead when she senses her family is in trouble. The film will have some changes to accomodate the audience. An example given is: "We are looking to appeal to adults as much as the sophisticated 10 year old. Lenore means well, when, for instance, she tries to help out by taking the neighbor baby to the park. While she feeds the bird, the baby whines and she says, 'Oh, you want to feed them.' She puts the feed on the baby, and the birds begin pecking away." It's noted that her actions in the original comic result in the baby dying. The film will have a bruised, but still living kid." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

Trimark are busy at the moment.

The St Francisville Experiment will be releasing onto video/DVD via TRIMARK soon. According to their website www.trimarkpictures.com . The website now has a clip to view. (HFA NEWS)

There is talk of a Leprechaun 6 at TRIMARK.
A friend of mine who works at Trimark recently told me that they're planning another Leprechaun movie. No word on the plot, but they're hoping to team Warwick Davis with a famous B-movie actor (like Ice-T in part 5). Doug Hall (who wrote part 5) is expected to write part 6, and Trimark is trying to get Brian Trenchard-Smith (who directed 3 & 4) to direct this one. The movie will start filming late summer and will probably be out on video early next year. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

Trimark are going ahead witha sequel called "The Dentist 3" and another sequel called "Warlock 4" but there will not be a fourth "Sometimes They Come Back.. " film. (UPC) (Warlock NEWS) (DENTIST 3 News)

Everyones fav indie Horror director George Romero has let some info slip to a source at Upcoming Horror Movies . com on the state of several of his films.

"Bruiser" is still in search of a US distributor, and Romero feels that it will have a better chance at getting a limited theatrical run than of going wide. "I don't know if anyone will ever show this movie." He says, but goes on to add "It will probably make its money in video. That stuff seems to have a shelf life." There is a 7meg promo now available HERE, and a teaser trailer available that is 22meg HERE. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

On John Russo's "Night of the Living Dead" 30th Anniversary Special Edition: "Those guys are still friends of mine and I said to them that I'm not going to put a heavy slam on it. So, I won't. As far as I'll go is to say that I certainly didn't like it." (UPC)

News on a new "Dead" film is pretty much as it's been for some time: "It's really just a tangled web," Romero laments, but doesn't seem to rule it out, citing that it "could be put together, but it would take a lot of work and it's not going to be a high-paying job."

The biggest revelation for "Dead" fans? Romero is currently writing a serialized novel set in the world of the "Dead" films and plans to release it in chapters on the Net.

He also mentions "playing around with an idea of sort of a gunslinger type, hired gun, who goes around and cleans out towns [filled with zombies]. I don't know if I want to do that or not." (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

The last bombshell dropped in the interview is this: Romero has written and plans to start production this summer on an adaptation of Stephen King's novel, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. Le Studio Canal+ is financing (they funded "Bruiser"). (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

This news, coupled with reports that Romero's doing "Carnivore" for the Wachowski's, tells us George has been a busy boy. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

Lastly, I've read his "Resident Evil" script. A cross between Romero's own "Dead" films and "The Crazies" with a little "Aliens" thrown in for good measure, the script was fast, action packed, and contained some huge, horrific action sequences. "His script wasn't good, so he was fired," one of the suits said about Romero's dismissal fromt he project. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

Some of the silence has been broken on Shyamalan's next film "Unbreakable". There aren't any real spoilers (not that I will posting spoilers on this film at this site), but there are some character details. So if you want this to be a total surprise don't read the italics. Samuel L. Jackson, says of his role in the film, "I play a guy who has very strange bones. Every time he touches something, there is a chance that his body will break. And that's all you're gonna get, O.K.?" the other main role will be taken by Bruce Willis, who plays a secuirty guard that has a special quality to him after an unfortunate train crash. Robin Wright Penn will be playing the female lead now that Julianne Moore is leaving for HANNIBAL. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

HOW's Horror ranking at the Box office??
May 19th WEEKEND
 Australia $ top 20 United States $ top 10 United Kingdom 15

2. Pitch Black
1 mil

16. Stir of Echoes
55 thou, 1.3 mil

20. Final Destination
40 thou, 2.7 mil

5. Frequency
4.3 mil, 30.4 mil

2. Final Destination

7. Scream 3
216 thou, 5.5 mill

13. American Psycho
115 thou, 3.1 mil


TUESDAY MAY 23, 2000

The Desktop theme for Stop It, You're Killing Me. Has been released. Click the image above for an 800 600 of it. Sorry I haven't got it in any other size. (HFA SIYKM PAGE).

If you are on sound stage 12 at Universal Studios, chances are you are working on the pre-production of "Jurassic Park 3". In associated news teh paleantologist that works on the JP films, Jack Horner, has mentioned that the T-Rex will not be the main antagonist in the film, and in fact something new and meaner would be going the growl. There are some Australian dinosaurs that would eat T-Rex for breakfast but the rest of the world just doesn't seem to care. Some of ours prehistoric animals survived until the Eurpean invasion. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

Keanu Reeves will be playing a serial killer in the upcoming film "Driven", however the film has gone through a title change and is now called "The Watcher". (DH) (HFA NEWS)

"The Mummy 2" will be officially titled, "The Mummy Returns" and is expected to release in November of 2001 ahead of the first LOTR's film. The ealry announcement of the release date gives a lot of studios the time to try and find something they can beat the film with. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

James O'Barr the creator of The Crow has given the "The Crow 3: Salvation" a solid nod.
"It was pretty good, a lot better than the second one. It had the potential to be really good. It was different; it wasn't a repetition of the first one.""Last I heard, they're hoping to release it in September. It's been ready to go. They just need a time spot. They're releasing it in Europe on the 28th." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

Okay here is something you don't see everyday Jack Nicholson doing a sequel. But he is close to signing on to do REDRUM the sequel to "The Shining". This news comes from Upcoming Horror Movies.
Can't say my name, but I got some major news. Sources close to Jack Nicholson, say he's close to signing on to 'Redrum.' Yep, that's right the sequal to 'The Shining.' The movie takes place in modern day in the summer at the hotel they were watching in the first film. We never knew if Nicholson was dead in the first one, so that's why they're bringing him back. The reason it is not called 'The Shining 2' is because nobody in this movie has the shining, its all about a crazy man still loose since the 70's waiting for his revenge, the man being Jack Nicholson. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)


Been sick, sorry for the lack of updates.. This will bring you up to date.


Trailers for "The Cell" have popped up on DH. 4 meg MOV. or 15.7 meg MOV. Unfortunatley they are a slow download. The film is also going to play a little on the controversial side, check out the MARY-esque picture of Jennifer Lopez below. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

The full teaser for "What Lies Beneath" is now available. It is a 7.8 meg MOV. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

More Hollow Man pictures popped up at cinescape. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

Fine Line Features is picking up the rights to Umberto Eco's thriller "Foucault's Pendulum" (Anyone who has done Film and Media or Cultural studies is cringing at the mere mention of Michel Foucault I am sure). Cinescape sums up the story thus: Pendulum tells the story of three book editors who create an elaborate joke about a worldwide conspiracy involving occultism, voodoo, legends of the Holy Grail and other bits of arcane and scientific info which they construct in a computer capable of piecing together the various parts. Then, it takes a terrible twist as people start disappearing. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

Dimension Films have picked up a thriller called "The Ritual" which will be a Peter Abrams and Robert Levy production under their production house, Tapestry Films. Andrew Panay will co-produce the film. The film is based around witchcraft. It follows a 3 Uni students as they discover that the best in the student illumni got that way with a little bit of wicca. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

Michael York will be reprising his role as the bad guy Alexander Stone in teh sequel, Omega Code 2. The film is now titled Megiddo, which is latin for "The place of Armaggedon" (Those latins people have a lang word for everything don't they?). The film will have a budget in the 12 million range. John Fasano is writing the screenplay with help from Stephen Blinn (who wrote Omega Code). The film will be less about the biblical code that was contained within the first and more about the rise and fall of the anti-christ figure STONE. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

David Arquette has told EON magazine that if more Scream Sequels were to be made, it would likely be without the cast and director of the original trilogy. Sounds fine by me, I reckon they should have ended the trilogy with them all being killed, but instead they purposefully left room for a sequel. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

Josh Hartnett (The FAculty, H20) has been dubbed the next likely to play LESTAT, in "Queen of the Damned". Filming must begin before mid August this year or Warner Bros. looses the film rights to the sequel. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

Another big Halloween 8 rumor has popped up c/o www.upcominghorrormovies.com .
1) We've got new information about the new Halloween. Yesterday I said the title would be Halloween: Secrets Revealed, but now they've simply entitled it Halloween Revealed. Jamie Lee Curtis is close to signing on, and so has Chris Durand, who played Micheal in H20. Some other key plot lines include who the man in the black was all about, why they sent out a copycat to kill everybody in parts 4 through 8, and how Micheal has survived all the incidents in one, and two and how he survived the fire at the end of two. (Because remember it was a copycat in all the other ones)

2) I have noticed that you are posting ALOT of bogus information on your site concerning Halloween 8. I do not want your site or any of your visitors to lose there trust in the information you present. I work in close relations with many of the scipted movies for Trancas Films Inc.

I do not work directly with them I do work with outside projects with producers and production crews. As I can not tell you the all the info I know about H8 I can tell you all of the info I read on your site is not true. The current two strongest scripts going for the movie are the only two choices the office has decided upon. It would have went with one already but decidingly as we all know H20 was rushed out, and if we did a Fall 2000 release then the film would be rushed and would not represent the best sequel to this dieing franchise.

The first script A sequel to the Halloween 6 movie. This script has been floating around since the end of H6 and was to become the H7 movie until Jamie agreed to do the H20 idea with Mr. Akkad. This script goes furthur into the ideas started with H6 and is around the idea H20 never existed. The next script is one that is a sequle to Halloween H20.

The script starts out in the end of H20. As of now there are five ways written to make Michael come back for the next movie out of H20. The best one , and the one I think will be chosen if this script gets the go-ahead is that we Jamie takes off in the Van with Michael and crashes off the side off the hill, she in knocked unconcious and awakes minutes later to see she has dreamed the slicing of Michael's head and to find that Michael has escaped.

These ARE the only scripts currently in the works here at the office and due to other inflimations with legalities and such, the film was pushed back to a 2001 release date. I hope this helps. (UPC) Sounds like they might try to right the many wrongs of H20 in this next film. (HFA NEWS)


New "Hollow Man" pictures are have popped up on Cinescape. Kevin Bacon looks 20 again, wonderfull special FX huh? This is my prediction for the surprise hit of the summer in the USA. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

Upcoming Horror Movies.com is turning into the up to the minute plot leak site for Halloween 8 information. The film can no longer be called H2K for legal reasons but the plot leaks keep on coming. TWO turned up today at UPC.
1. Well I have some H2K news from a source I can't name. Please do not name me either. Well, it's a year after the events in H20 and Laurie left the country happily, after killing Myers. Well, the autopsy says it was a copycat and now the real Myers, who has been recovering in Haddonfield from the burning in '78, heard the news and goes after John and Molly who happen to be in town. A detective is on the case after reading the file.
2. I've got definite news from Miramax headquarters. The new Halloween movie will be titled Halloween: Secrets Revealed, and centers on (yes you guessed it) Laurie Strode. The movie takes place ten years after the events in H20 on Halloween and focuses on the return of Michael Myers. It was a copycat at the end of H20, and the real Micheal Myers has been resting since 1978. The movie traces all accounts from 1 through 8 (except 3) and we will see old faces making cameos, and we even learn about what Laurie's daughter. (UPC)
Of course those who are informed know that in Halloween 6 Laurie's daughter Jamie was killed after giving birth to Steven (Lauries Grandson). However the film H20 made so many loose ends it is doubtfull that the film makers will tie these off. For those who saw the producers cut of Halloween 6, you will know that Laurie's daugher was raped by Michael and was not killed. So it will be interesting to see what version of Jamie's story is taken up. If the later is than perhaps the produces cut will get a commercial release. At least Akkad could make some money that way.. Well that is all of course just my 0.02. (HFA NEWS)

The people of Florence in Italy are concerned about the violence in the upcoming film HANNIBAL and the use of their city as a background for the horror. A local paper was quoted as saying "I'm not sure how people will react when they see these Renaissance streets as the background to a horror story." . I find it funny that ITALY of all places is opposed to HORROR of all genres, espeacially seeing many of the greatest horror directors stem from that country. (DD) (HFA NEWS)

"Your site was chosen due to a very nice and original layout. It is also very
easy to navigate. Keep up the good work."

I got me a new award for the trophy room. Sweet huh?? It comes care of the lovely folk at LIVE THE HORROR.

I have also added LIVE THE HORROR to the link section. IT is well worth a gander.

HOW's Horror ranking at the Box office??
May 13th WEEKEND
 Australia $ top 20 United States $ top 10 United Kingdom 15

8. Stir of Echoes
140 thou, 1.2 mil

13. Final Destination
87 thou, 2.6 mil

6. Frequency
4.7 mil, 24.6 mil

3. Scream 3
454 thou, 5.1 mill

6. American Psycho
219 thou, 2.8 mil

MONDAY MAY 15, 2000

More still from the set of HANNIBAL are turning up on DH. Above is a nice one of Anthony, looking around for something to eat. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

George Romero is set to direct a Vampire film, titles "'The Ill" for P-kino films. It will be set in a college where a fellah meets a girl and she has some secret.. I wonder what that could be?? (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

David Twohy (The Arrival, Pitch Black) is set to direct and write a film for Miramax called "Proteus" it will be about a haunted submarine in World War II. So the poor buggers in the sub will be fighting ghosts and Nazi's in this film that has been described as a combination of "The Shining and Das Boot". (UPC) (HFA NEWS)


SUNDAY MAY 14, 2000

Seems the Australian Film industry is waking up. Two official sites for Aussie films with a horror twist opened this week.

The first is a film called "Angst" about a horror loving video store clerk and his various friends. The official site is HERE. The trailer is available for download HERE. Garth Franklin from Darkhorizons has a very brief cameo in the film. The website opens with a pink vibrator so I guess you can expect the film to be pretty racy. Imagine that American Pie is the most in your face film about young sexuality and you will be seriously shocked. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

The second Australian film today to bring your attention too stars Matt Day and is titled MUGGERS, as in robbers or thieves, Right?? This film however is not about your regular ordinary mugger, this is more about the kind that you hear about in Urban Myth. You know, the one about the night-club. If the above animation does not spell it out, "Kidney Thieves". The film also stars Jason Barry from Ireland and Nicola Charles from the tedious Australian soap called Neighbours. The official site is now open HERE. There is a teaser available at both 28k, 56k and 100k RP stream. (HFA NEWS)

The new Dario Argento film is entitled "I Can't Sleep" and will star Max Von Sydow, the film will not be in Italian, instead it will be in English, so this could very well be an Argento sell out film. But not likely, I'm sure he would not leave his Horror Auteur status to make a Hollywood horror film. The film will have a mid 2001 release. The following synopsis appeared on DD, Von Sydow plays the central character, an elderly police officer with insomnia who gets caught up in a bizarre rash of murders. (DD) (HFA NEWS)

Upcoming Horror Movies has news pictures from the latest FANGORIA, they are of the upcoming film PINATA. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

A couple of NEW HORROR LINKS added today.. They are sites that are well worth having a look at.

The first is called VAULT OF DEATH.

The second is called MASKMAKER PRODUCTIONS.. so if you were ever looking for any of those hard to get, or can't make them yourself, horror masks, perhaps you can try there.

FRIDAY MAY 12, 2000

There is a new trailer available for HOLLOW MAN, it is available in MOV format, lo res 7.4 meg, or Hi-res 14.1 meg. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

A few pictures from the set of HANNIBAL have popped up on UK site POPCORN. They include one which has Hopkins in it. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

H2K will not happen this year due to legal reasons. The next Halloween film will not be produced until 2001. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

Joel Silver has said the following about the remake of 13 Ghosts.
"We're going to have visual effects no one has seen before. We want to make very scary movies, and we hope to scare the shit out of people." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

Robbie Coltrane is joining the cast of FROM HELL. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

More news on the sequel, "Pitch Black 2" turned up on Cinescape. , Touhy has written a treatment for the potential film, which is likely to be picked up and greenlighted quickly due to the first film's modest success. When this happens, Diesel is expected to return to reprise his role of the nightsighted psycho, Richard Riddick. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

One of my fav cartoons as a kid was SCOOBY DOO, for ages there have been rumours of a film being made.. Now the wheels are really in motion.. and there is a chance that Michael Myers (Austin Powers) could become SHAGGY.
"We just turned in our first draft," Gunn recently told Cinescape magazine editor Steve Hockensmith. "By 'we' I mean me and the producer, Chuck Roven, who did 12 Monkeys and Three Kings. The studio loved it, so it looks like we're pushing forward hard. We should have a director within the next couple of weeks."

According to Gunn, the film will finally give fans a peek at the origin of the mystery-loving Scooby gang.

"We see a lot of flashbacks as of right now. The script could change so much," Gunn said. "[But how the Scooby gang came together] will be thoroughly investigated in the movie. I'm interested in taking these cartoony characters that are larger than life and making them as real as possible."

Though Gunn was reluctant to talk about the plot, a source close to the project confirms recent reports that the film will be a cross between Ghostbusters and Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.

"It's very scary and it's a comedy and it's a big spectacle with lots of action sequences," the source told Hockensmith. "I think the tough thing now will be finding a director. The movie has a lot of heart -- there's an emotional center to it. And it also has huge special effects and it needs to be funny and scary. It's going to be really hard to find a director who is accomplished in all those areas."

The source also revealed that Warner Bros. is considering using a CGI Scooby in the film and that rumors about the studio courting Mike Myers for the role of Shaggy are true. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)



Interviews with the cast of HANNIBAL can be found here. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

Larchmont Boulevard is looking at making a film called VLAD, which will be a film based on the guy who inspired Stoker to write Dracula. The film will be based on the book by Radu Florescu and Raymond McNally called "Dracula, Prince of many faces". (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

According to Darkhorizons the recent rumours of a Nightbreed sequel have been untrue. The source of the dismissal of the sequel is none other than Clive Barker. (DH) (HFA NEWS)

Above is some concept art from BWP2, c/o UPC. Footage will be shown at the 19th Video Software dealers association convention and Expo in Las Vegas.. That footage will be of BWP2, Artisan big man Amir Malin will be giving a speech on the whole deal. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

A teaser from Entertainment Tonight on "What Lies Beneath" is available here. IT is a 7.5 meg MPG. (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

A scooper at UPC has come back with some more news on H2K.
It's me again, you're source for Halloween 8 goodies! Kent Gleason was able to fax me some pages from his script. I haven't actually spoken with him in a few days so I don't know too much about what's going on with final decisions at the studio. But here is what I got from the first 54 pages of the script.

It's a pretty neet idea so far: The movie opens with a girl walking through the old Myers house. Just as she is about to be stabbed by THE SHAPE someone off stage yells CUT and we learn it was only a movie. Laurie's son, John (Josh Hartnett) is trying to deal with the hospitalization of his mother (although Curtis will not star). A year after the aftermath of H20, John is finally learning to live a normal life with his girlfriend Molly. A big time movie producer arrives and offers John ALLOT of money for the rights to use his mother's name and her story for a Hollywood movie about Michael Myers.

John, feeling this is a good opportunity to cash in on his mother's story, and use the money to continue getting her medical attention, agrees. The story moves to Hollywood where John and Molly sort of act as supervisors on the movie, making sure they get the facts straight. There are characaters in the movie within the movie playing the roles of Dr. Loomis, and Sheriff Braket and allot of funny in-jokes are being added. That's when people start to die by the hands of someone dressed as Michael.

From the script so far, it appears we are to believe right from the start that this is a Michael impostor and not the real thing. My guess is that we will find out that the killer is the same guy playing Michael in the movie within the movie.

Hey, just wanted to let you in on some info I got from one of the writer's who is working on Halloween 8. Kent Gleason, a good friend of mine, is one of the many writer's trying to pump out a workable screenplay for the next instalment. And he tells me things are looking good, and that executive producer Moustapha Akkad has responded positively to his script.

Here's the apparent plot from what Gleason would tell me: A year after H20, a movie is being made in Hollywood about the true story's of Michael Myers. The movie is a telling of all the events from 1978 to 1998. But very soon, as October 31st approaches and production of the film wraps, Michael Myers appears to show the filmmakers how it's done. Gleason says that Jamie Lee Curtis will NOT be returning as believed from earlier rumours. In the script, Laurie Strode was committed to a mental ward after H20, never to be seen or heard of again. And in fact Michael Myers DID die at the end of H20.

The new Michael in Part 8 will be an impostor (like Friday the 13th Part 5). Again, no word as to if this is the official script being chosen, but it is being strongly considered. Don't expect this movie to be released until fall 2001. And to leave you with something extra juicy, Gleason's script is momentarily titled - Halloween: A New Evil.

SPOILER: When word gets out that a Myers impostor is on the loose, John learns that his mother has commited suicide.
IN my opinion the film is paying homage to the recently made Australian horror film. CUT. Who knows, what kind of impact that film will have in the USA. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

HOW's Horror ranking at the Box office??
 Australia $ top 20 United States $ top 10 United Kingdom 15

7. Stir of Echoes
206 thou, 1 mil

9. Final Destination
166 thou, 2.5 mil

19. Mission to Mars
47 thou, 3.7 mil

3. Frequency
6.5 mil, 17.8 mil

3. Scream 3
889 thou, 4.2 mill

5. American Psycho
327 thou, 2.5 mil


SUNDAY MAY 7, 2000

The official site for DEMONIUM is opening soon. www.demonium-themovie.com . It has been co-written by Ted at the Diabolical Dominion. (DD) (HFA NEWS)



I got a flyer from an anon source about a new horror film that is going to be made by MUSHROOM PICTURES, ("CUT" and "CHOPPER"). The film is titled ROGUE and is about a crocodile even Mr. Irwin would have trouble with. The flyer reads like so.



An idyllic wildlife cruise disintegrates into terror when a party of tourists are stalked by a massive man-eating crocodile…

Pete McKell, a cynical American travel writer, joins a disparate group of holiday-makers on a river cruise through the waters of Kakadu National Park. Initially Pete clashes with their tour captain, Kate, a feisty young woman who assumes he is just another ‘city-slicker’ in search of a quick thrill. After an uneventful day cruising the river, Kate is reluctantly persuaded to steer their boat into unexplored territory. They discover a secluded lake but terror strikes when their craft receives a powerful blow from beneath the murky depths and begins to sink. With little choice, she beaches the vessel on the closest dry land –a tiny mud island.

With a rising tide and only half an hour of daylight left, fear grips the group as they realize they are trapped in the lair of a ‘rogue’ crocodile, governed only by its need to hunt and kill. Begrudgingly, Pete and Kate join forces to keep hysteria at bay and in the process start to see beyond their initial impressions. Their first attempt to escape fails, but then Pete has an idea – they must trap the crocodile to enable the group to flee to the other side of the island whilst Kate swims for help. Pete volunteers to stand guard, but without warning, the beast breaks free and targets Kate who fails to resurface.

As darkness descends and the muddy waters rise, a terrifying struggle ensues with only one probable outcome…death.

Writer/Director: Greg McLean

Producers: Martin Fabinyi (CUT, CHOPPER)

Julia Overton (CUT, SPIDER & ROSE)

Cast: TBA

Status: In Pre-Production

Genre: Horror Thriller

Kind of sounds like JAWS meets Crocodile Dundee, shakes hands with Anaconda while looking around for snack to eat. This will be more than the Australian LAKE PLACID for sure. (HFA NEWS EXCLUSIVE.)


Hannibal will be released exactly a decade after SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, on Valentines Day 2001. Filming starts in a 1 week, but there is already a streaming TEASER on the official site. MGM may have a winner on their hands here. (DH) (HFA NEWS)



David Cronnenberg is rumored to be in the opening GORY sequence of JASON X. Well the film just keeps getting better for fans of the genre. (DD) (HFA NEWS)

House of 1000 Corpses has now got a cast list going for it, care of DD, Ranin Wilson, Chris Hardwick, Jennifer Jostyn, Erin Daniels, Bill Moseley (oh yeah) and Karen Black. (DD) (HFA NEWS)

There is cast information for BWP2 from DD:
"Tristen Skyler, age 21, is the blonde wearing the wool cap; Stephen B. Turner (Tristen's boyfriend) is the guy who tries to calm her down; the red head is Erica Leerhsen- a Wiccan, age 19; the female with the black hair is Kim Director; the other male Jeffrey Donovan, age 25." Keep up the good work who ever scooped this. But I muste remind you all that it was said at the start their would be a lot of disinformation amongst the information. (DD) (HFA NEWS)



Some new pictures have arrived at THE NEW CHAPTER Official site, above are pictures of Dutch Dalton (Erich Troudt), Jacob Flannery (played by Todd Crawford) and Alex Stokely (Jason Fenton). (HFA NEWS)

John Hannah recently appeared on an british morning show and was sporting an Errol Flynn type moustache and a sense of humour. He described his character in Mummy 2 as "Shaggy in Scooby Doo.". (DH) (HFA NEWS)

Wes Craven has started his denial of further Scream films... For the moment.
"Consider this the final word.I have no intention or making Scream 4.
I have several projects that will keep me occupied for the next couple of years. While the Scream films have been a wonderful experience, I have other projects to pursue. I certainly appreciate the loyalty of the Scream fans and their enthusiasm for the films, but I think that we've done what we had set out to do.I would also appreciate it if you would squelch the rumor that I am accepting Scream 4 scripts. We have been inundated with amateur writers that are saying that they heard this was true." (DH)
If he really thinks that the 3rd film tied up the trilogy nicely he is dead wrong, it is far worse an ending than any other previous trilogy. All the final film did was show how much Wes Craven thinks a family unit, and the family members will become deviant if they are split apart. It was more of a continuation of themes started in his earliest films and prooved that Scream was a writers trilogy, not the directors. I better write my Scream 3 review or I'll explode with anger. (HFA NEWS)

Wes Craven's film "Dracula 2000" is now becoming known as D2K. Craven will produce while his long time editor Patrick Lussier will Direct. Christopher Plummer has been cast as Van Helsing, whilst other more important roles are yet to be cast. Shooting begins on June 15 and wraps on July 28 and it will be shot in Canada. This will be the second remake of Dracula that Craven has been involved with, remember "Vampire in Brooklyn"?? (DH) (HFA NEWS)

There is a rumor that a teaser for HANNIBAL will be screened in front of "GLADIATOR" which opens in Cinemas in Australia today and in America this weekend. The rumor is for American cinemas, but us Australians can always dream. Hans Zimmer may very well be providing the score for the film. (DD) (HFA NEWS)

Paul Verhoeven has spoken out about the kinds of things the audience should expect to see in "Hollow Man".
"You won't see Kevin eating a sandwich and then the food floating in his stomach. This is pure evil. The audience gets to watch evil encroach upon a man's soul."

"Plato says you'd go into house, get what you want, rape the woman and kill the man. It's the constraints of society that makes man good. Take away those restraints, and you take away the goodness…Hey, people love to see something that starts out good and then morphs into something evil. I know I do." (CSO) (HFA NEWS)

The film that Lions Gate bought in January, "FEVER" is going to be a US FALL release. The film stars, Henry Thomas, David O'Hara, Bill Duke and Teri Hatcher. The story is based on a paranoid painter that puts two and two together and believes that the coinicidence of a new tannant and bruttally murdered land lord shoudl not be overlooked. (UPC) (HFA NEWS)

Sorry for the lack of updates been doing some game testing for Krome Studios. They need the build ready for E3 so that everyone can see what great games Australian companies can make. I've also still got a mass of computer glitches.. So sorry in advance for all those days ahead when my computer goes into be upgraded. HFA is going to be in for the long haul no matter what.. This is a promise.. Even when I'm rich and famous, I'll hire someone else to make it happen!! So don't pass us by on the odd bad day. :)

HOW's Horror ranking at the Box office??
 Australia $ top 20 United States $ top 10 United Kingdom 15

5. Stir of Echoes
562 thou, 661 thou

8. Final Destination
371 thou, 2.2 mil

9. Mission to Mars
302 thou, 3.6 mil

18. Scream 3
107 thou, 6.3 mill

3. Frequency
9.1 mil

10. Final Destination
2.5 mil, 46.1mil

1. Scream 3
107 thou, 2.4 mill

7. American Psycho
494 thou, 1.8 mil

10. Mission to Mars
130 thou, 2.1 mil

13. Lake Placid
80 thou 3.4mil

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