USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Four: Problems along the way
    We had been on our journey for about five days now. We were falling apart. The lack of food and water made us very annoyed. We had found a small spring to drink from, but  we didn't have anything to bring some with us! We also found a fruit tree...But unfortunately I think the fruit was poisonous...

"gu..hh....uh... Brilliant Idea...eating that fruit Dame....gaaah..." Mumbled Joey.

"s..hut up..." I replied.

"Hey...uuuuh...anyone...else....feel like..their....insides are EXPLODING!? uuugh..." Said Joey.

"you're...just...weak...against...poison...We're almost ....there...." Said Robbie.

"I...Can't...go...on...." Joey said...falling to the floor.

"C'mon...we" I said.

" butt...?" Rob said.


"...Fine..." I said, picking Joey up by the legs.

"" Rob said, helping me hold Joey.

    We couldn't afford to let Joey die again...We had been dieing alot... Well First we encountered a monster that was too strong for us to beat... and He managed to kill us.
He escaped by the time we revived. Then we got into a huge fight over the food  situation...And the water situation... We hadn't listened to Maldrayo, he said that  if we died too many times, it would take us alot longer to revive. By now it would take us some where near 24 hours to revive.
We couldn't let ourselves die again. We went as fast as we could, despite our poisoned state. Joey wasn't very heavy, but because of our weakened state, he was hard to carry. I saw a sign ahead of us, it said "Axefall Glen 2 miles". We were close to the town!! We kept moving. Joey was getting worse. My body could handle the poison, because I was part water element, and water was strong against poison. Rob could handle it also, but not as well. But Joey was weak against Poison... So it was hurting him much more then us.

"Why didn't.... Maldrayo...give us....any supplies...?" Rob asked.

"I don't know.... He...really...doesn't help he..should..." I replied.

"We're almost there...Hold on Joey.." I said.

"uuugh...." Joey groaned.

    We kept going until we finally reached the town. Rob instructed me to go and find some antidotes and supplies while he took Joey to the Inn. I nodded and ran off. I asked around until I found a store. I grabbed three antidotes, chugged one down, paid for them with some money I was given for helping a little girl escape from a Troll, and then ran to the inn. Joey couldn't take much more. I knelt down by him, opened his mouth, and poured the antidote into his mouth. He choked and coughed a bit, but after a minute or two he sat up and looked at us. We had got him in time. Rob cured himself, and then we sat down on our beds to get a grip on what had happened. We decided it would be best to just rest so we could recover our energy. We slept a good eight hours and then decided to explore the town.

"So...How much money do we have...?" Joey asked.

"Enough...That  girl was very greatful. And the inn keeper felt sorry for us, so she didn't charge us for last night."  I responded.

"Ok...Dame, you go and buy us some supplies. Rob, you see if you can find a place where we can get some better weapons or something. I'll find us somewhere to eat. Lets meet back here in 15 minutes." Joey said.

"Sounds good." I replied.

"Alrighty." Said Rob.

    We all walked off. I went back to the store that I had gotten the antidotes at. The owner of the store was gone and his daughter was keeping watch. She offered me some money if I would help her move some boxes. How could I refuse? I helped her move somethings around and she gave me about 100 "Kryle" Which, she told me was the Darnithian currency. Weird, I thought, If Darnithia and Earth are supposed to be the same basic place..why do we use a different Currency...Oh well...Maybe later I'll ask Maldrayo. I Shook off the thought and used the money she gave me to buy potions and antidotes and whatever else looked useful.  She thanked me and I went back to the place where I was told to meet Joey and Rob. They were waiting for me.

"Sure took you long enough..." Joey said.

"I found a store where he can make our weapons stronger but not give us new ones." Said Robbie.

"Ok. I got us supplies that should last us till we get to 'Arista Park' Which, the shopkeepers Daughter said is the next closest place. And its a huge city, one of the main commerce centers." I told them.

"Good. C'mon lets go eat and then have our weapons improved." Suggested Joey.

    We all nodded and walked to a restuarant Joey had found. The food was great! We all had about five servings. We really didn't even know what we were eating, But we were so hungry that we just shoveled it in. The chef was so pleased that we liked his cooking so much that he gave us a bunch to take with us. After our meal we went to that weapon place Rob told us about. He took my sword and Rob's Katana and made them stronger. He also gave Joey a pair of padded gloves so that he would hit harder, but protect his own hands when he fought enemies. We thanked him, took one last look at civilization and then continued on to Arista Park. I was told that the Journey would take about a day, so we didn't sleep much. We just kept moving. When we finally did go to sleep, I stayed up to keep watch. Good thing I did! A Small bird like creature tried to steal our food!! I Chased it away, But then its Mama came...It was Huge.

"Holy Crap!!...Joey... Rob?! Wake up!!!" I Yelled..The snored on.


    I tried to shoot an icy blast at him..but it missed. I tried again, but it just back fired made me frosty. He laughed at me. I tried a third time and smacked him right in the face with several shards of ice. He stumbled back. He was pissed. The enormous bird expanded it's wings to their full span...over four feet long each...His feathers were a dark blue and his beak was nearly two feet longer then his face. His eyes were silvery. He screeched at me and flapped his wings continuously, creating a whirlwind around me. It was causing dirt to get in my eyes, Although wind attacks didn't affect me much, this was still bothering me. I tried to protect myself, but it was tough. Finally it died down. I wiped my eyes clean and decided to use a spell that I knew how to use...

"MAGIC MISSILE!!" I called out.

    I concentrated hard, and shot two twin magic missiles at the bird, he fell back for a minute. Two? Why Two? Hmm...It seemed that Magic Missile got stronger when I leveled up... I wondered if all magic was like that. I Shot a fireball at the bird, but it was just like it always was. Only Magic Missile was like that apparently. He looked at me once in the eye and then fell to my feet. He was dead. I had beaten him. He was quite tough too. I felt myself get stronger. I also began learning the Water spell. I could use it, but I still needed to learn how it worked. I guess I had reached a higher level. I sighed, Joey and Rob didn't even know what danger they could have been in. I shrugged and sat down. I kept watch the rest of the night, but nothing else attacked. I hope
we reach Arista Park soon, I thought as I chugged down a potion. I also wondered on why Maldrayo hadn't been helping us...He'd better answer my questions. As soon as we got to Arista Park, I'd call to him and demand answers. But for now, we still had to get there...