USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave
    We had finally reached the Eki Abassi Desert. It was huge, and HOT. The sun beat down on us like big, flaming fists. The sand was hot also, and it got in our shoes. I hated sand. I dragged my sword on the floor, creating patterns in the ground. We were walking for hours. I cast Water magic on my allies to keep them hydrated, but we were still exhausted. Then, just when things were there worst, our favorite person in the world showed up. Schizo. He cackled insanely and then whined out.

"Bluuuugh! That water was bad!! You hurt me! Tum dum diddly dum.." He said.

"What? Schizo what are you.." I started.

"Diddly Diddly dooo..." He sang.

"Schizo...?" I asked.



"TELEKINESIS!!" Called out Schizo.

    My body turned purple and flashed. My sword was ripped from my hand and flew into Schizo's. He laughed insanely and danced around. Kiki came up behind him and Thwacked him with it. He cried out and fell over. He yelled out Telekinesis again. He grabbed Kiki's staff from her. Two down, two to go. Joey ran up and socked Schizo, or so he tried. Schizo now had a Psychic shield around his body. He stole Joey's Gauntlets. It was up to Robbie. Unfortunately, Robbie was weakened by the Desert sandstorms. Schizo easily laughed and stole his Katana. I tried to grab at him, but he knocked me away with his Psychic shield. He laughed insanely.

"Schizo that isn't Funny! WE NEED THOSE!!!" I shouted.

"HeeHee Hee...TOOOO BAD!" He shouted.

"SCHIZO!!!" I screamed.

    It was too late. He disappeared. Dematerialized. I sighed. What would we do now? We needed weapons, without them we were helpless. We had no lifeforce without our weapons, we couldn't enhance, we couldn't use magic, we were useless. Atleast I still had my Serpent Flute. We decided to turn back and go back to the coast, since it would be easier to summon him that way. It took us another few hours to reach the coast, but atleast we had water. And it wasn't as hot.  I summoned Leviathan. He bubbled up and emerged from the sea.

"Yes..?" He asked.

"Leviathan...Schizo stole our weapons..."  I said.

"We're powerless..." Joey added.

"What!?" Leviathan demanded.

"What do we do...?" Asked Robbie.

"Everyone on my back now. I'll take you somewhere safe." He said.

    We all climbed on and he zipped through the sea. He explained that he had a plan. He had once heard a tale of a mystical cave that was at the bottom of the ocean. Inside the cave were four scepters. The scepters were created by Malzakk in the begining of time. In the start of time, the only four elements were Fire, Water, Wind and Earth. To make sure these powers would never run out, he contained their essence in four scepters. Of course, now there was no need for the scepters, but they contain immense power and they might be enough to help us. Unfortunately, for over 10,000 years people have tried to claim the scepters and have failed. It was incredibly dangerous. Not even Leviathan knew what was inside the Mystical Cave. By the time he was done with the story we had reached an Island. The island was pretty bare. There was a small oasis in the middle, and plenty of fruit trees around. No monsters in sight. There was no sand either, and tons of shade. It was like a paradise. Leviathan informed us that only he knew about this place. It was called the Isle of Peace. Leviathan insured us that we would be safe here as long as we stayed on the Island. The four of us ran to trees. We were starving. We stuffed our faces with apples and oranges and some other weird fruit I had never seen before until we were filled. Leviathan called me over to him.

"Damian I need YOU to come with me to the cave." He said.

"No Problemo." I responded.

"No I mean just you." He added.

"Why just me?" I asked.

"Because you're the only one who can breathe underwater besides me." Explained Leviathan.

"But...All by myself...?" I asked.

"Yes. You can do it, Don't be afraid. I believe in you." He said.

"When do we leave...?" I asked.

"Now." He said.

"Alright..." I said in a low tone.

    I turned to my friends. They were asleep. I signed, thinking I'd never see them again if I failed. I climbed on Leviathan's back and he dived under the sea. We swam down, down into the depths. Down into the darkness. Many strange creatures dwelled in the Darnithian Sea. One looked like an eel, But it had two heads, and it was transparent. One was like a shark, but it was purple and pink, and its teeth were...on its tail... It didn't have a mouth on its face... It took us about 10 minutes because of the strong ocean currents. We finally saw the cave. it was huge. Leviathan swam inside the cave. There was a small alcove inside the cave. We surfaced and I climbed out onto the ledge. The cave glowed a cool blue, probably because it reflected most of the water. I looked around. I looked too Leviathan. He could tell I was worried. He asked me what was the matter. I explained that without my Hyperion I had no lifeforce, I couldn't use magic, and I couldn't defend myself against anything.

"Damian, you don't need the Hyperion to protect yourself." He said.

"What..?" I asked.

"Yes, it is true that its enchantment gave you ability to enhance, cast black magic and have Health, but you are STILL a Kensage. You can STILL cast magic, you can still defend yourself. You just don't have cold steel to back you up." Leviathan explained.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. Besides, any monsters you encounter will probably be slow, you won't need to worry about them if you enhance, you could easily out run or dodge their attacks in normal form. In your Nuclear Nova form you can blow them all away." Said Leviathan.

"I hope so...I'm scared..." I commented.

"You'll be fine. I'll be watching you." Leviathan promised.

"Leviathan, what do the Scepters look like?" I asked.

"Small silver Rods, with three colored stripes on them. Fire would be red, Water would be blue, Green would be Earth and Yellow is Wind." He said.

"And what do I do once I get one?" I asked.

"When you get the first, and ONLY the first, Twist the two ends together and something good will happen." He explained.

"What will happen?" I Questioned.

"It's a surprise my friend. Have patience." He said.

"Alright...Are you leaving?" I asked.

"I am going to go tell the others where you are." He said.


    He swam away. I began exploring the cave. The cave had odd paintings on the walls, paintings of creatures...nothing I could make out though. Each room had a different painting on it. There were tons of statues in the rooms. They depicted men holding weapons. Each one looked like they had been roughed up. Very detailed. I shrugged and moved on. The cave was lit by some kind of eerie blue light. Finally I got into a room with four glowing orbs. One for each color Leviathan had told me about. I didn't know what to do. The way I figured it, my Water elemental status would make the Fire shrine easier. It would actually make all the places pretty easy. Maybe I could do this. I walked up the fire orb and touched it. Suddenly a voice said:

"Why have you come to this place?"

"I..I have come to claim the Scepters..." I said, nervously.

"Only the one who is good of heart, and strong of mind can defeat me and move on to claim the Scepters." He said.

"Well... I need the Scepters..I have to try..." I replied.

"Why do you need them?" It asked.

"My friends and I are on a quest that could decide the fate of Darnithias...Our weapons were Stolen...Leviathan, the Water God, Told me that they would help me..." I explained.

"Leviathan? You actually expect me to believe the Water God is helping you?" He asked.

"I wouldn't Lie..."  I said.

    My chest began to glow blue...I felt something crushing down on my heart. I fell to my knees and clenched my chest. I beat at my chest. I slowly felt it let up. The glow died down and I stood back up. The tightness that was crushing down on my soul let up. I asked what had happened. He told me he was viewing my heart. He said that while I was not perfect, I was a decent person. I smirked. He told me that all the statues were warriors that had tried to claim the scepters but failed.

"Why do you petrify the losers?" I asked.

"They are unworthy." He answered.

"Well...I have no choice...I have to try..." I said.

"Very well." He said.

    He appeared before me. He was like a human, but on fire. His robe was on fire, and he was on fire. He glowed bright orange. He approached me. He told me he was the fire guardian. He said that he would have to destroy me now. He then said that he was feeling generous and that I could have one free hit on him. I Didn't know what to do...I had no sword...But I did the only thing I knew how to do. I charged up my Gift Ability, Tsunami. Suddenly, a Huge wall of water smashed right into the Fire Guardian. Knocking him right off his feet. He was slammed into the wall of the cave. He could barely stand. He stood up and was furious. He screeched and his fire turned blue. Now, I once heard that Blue fire was much hotter then Red fire. He ran at me, but I managed to get out of the way. He began shooting Flaming Arrows at me. I tried to dodge, but I was nearly seered by his flames. I decided to Enhance myself. I began to flash as my clothes were replaced with the familiar green jump suit, blue cape and gloves...and the Nuclear symbol on my chest. I charged up my Energy Ball ability and blasted him with it. He fell over. He was pissed. He got back up and called out "HELL FIRE." Huge Balls of Fire flew up from the ground and flew towards me. I tried to Light-Dash out of the way, but it was very difficult. The first Fireball was still about to come crashing down into me. I waited at just the right second and dashed under it. It missed! I did this with the remaining Fireballs. He couldn't believe it. I charged up another Energy Ball and blasted him with it. He was weakened, I continued to Blast him until he finally surrendered.

"I Give up...You are the chosen one...Fine...Go and try to claim the Scepters.." He groaned.

"I will return them when I finish." I said.

"You do that...but for now, I have seen the end of my 10,000 year life..." He said.

    He turned to stone and disintergrated. I sighed. I reapproached the Red orb and placed my hand on it. A big portal opened up behind the Orb. I looked at it. I Slowly walked toward it and I was sucked in. I screamed as I flew through the portal. What would lie behind this portal? Did I really want to know? I had come this far...No way I was turning back now. I wish Kiki was with me, I thought as I flew through the swirling portal.