USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Two: The boys learn
    It was our second day, where ever we were. I woke up and looked around. It had not been a dream, it was all real. Joey and Robbie were still asleep, so I took it upon myself to walk outside and look around. The land was vast, and uninhabited. The terrain was much like normal flatlands. I walked around for a little. After a while I got bored, so I took out my sword and began to swing it around playfully. It was light, and easy to use. After a few minutes, a voice appeared in my head. It was very familiar, the voice was from yesterday. I looked around, expecting to see something, but of course there was nothing.

"Damian. I am here to explain things to you. Please go get the others." Said the voice.

    I obeyed and retrieved Robbie and Joey. They were sleeping like rocks. So, I decided to play an old joke on them. I started by putting both their hands in warm water. Lets put it this way, it wasn't pretty. After we woke up, and they cleaned up (I'll leave it at that), we went back outside. I called out and the voice returned to us.

"I see you have arrived. Let us begin you're lessons." He said.

"For starters, I will explain you're Stats." He said.

"Stats?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"There are nine stats: Health Power, Skill Power, Strength, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Magic Attack, Speed, and  Evade." He started.

"Let me begin by saying, Joey, Robbie, you do you not have a Magic Attack stat because you cannot use magic." He said.

"Why?" Asked Robbie.

"I will get to that later." He said.

"Health Power determines how much you can be hurt before you die. Skill Power determines how often you can use a special attack and or a Magical attack. Strength determines how hard you hit with your physical weapons, and Defense determines how much damage you take with physical damage." He began.

"Special Attack determines how hard your special skills hit, Special Defense determines how hard you are hit by Magic/Special attacks. Magic Attack is self explanitory. Speed determines how fast you hit and how accurate you are. Finally, Evade determines how often you can dodge your opponents attacks." He finished.

"Do I have magic attack?" I asked.

"Yes Damian. Now I will move onto to Classes." He said.

"Because there are many classes, I will simply generalize." He began.

"Basic classes are Figthers, Mages, Thieves and Clerics. They are most common." He said.

"Damian, you are a Dual class between a Kensai, which is a type of fighter trained harder then a normal fighter and a Mage. You are what is called a Kensage. You can use swords, and cast magic. That is why you have a magic attack stat, the problem is you cannot wear armor, which makes your defense weak." He explained.

"I see." I said, nodding.

"Joey, you are a type of Fighter called a Monk. Now, you probably think of Monks as enlightened type people who live in monasterys and ecetera. This is not true in this world. Here, Monks are fighters who do not wear armor and fight with only their fists and armored gloves called Gauntlets. A Martial Artist may make more sense." He said.

"Cool." Said Joey.

"Robbie, you are a Bounty Hunter, a type of Thief. Bounty Hunters are alot like, wouldn't you guess it? A Ninja. They are assassins, hunters of men. They are extremely agile, and can move faster then the eye can see. Of course, your weapon is a Katana. You have abilities that allow you to cloak yourself in Darkness, disarm traps, and later you will even be able to defy time and gravity itself." He said.

"Of course! My Ninja Skills are UNMATCHED!! HAHA!!!" Robbie said, laughing.

"Next, we shall talk about elements." He said, starting a new topic.

"Ok..." I sat down. The others followed my example.

"The elements and their descriptions are as follows:

Fire- Fire spells are strong against Undead Monsters, Plant Monsters, and Icy monsters, Fire is Super Affective against Ice and Poison, but bad against Earth and Water.

Ice- Ice Spells are strong against Bugs, Dragons and Fiery monsters. Ice is super effective against Fire. A Good thing about Ice is that it doesn't do bad against anything!

Water-Water attacks are strong against earthen and fiery monsters. Water is super effective against Fire and Earth, But bad against Thunder and Plant Monsters.

Wind-Wind spells are powerful spells that are good against Gravity, Earth and Flying Monsters. Wind is super effective against both Earth and Gravity.

Earth-Earth Spells utilize the power of mother earth. They are strong against Fire attacks, and Immune to Thunder Attacks. Earth elementals are very weak against Ice, Water, and Wind.

Poison-Poison attacks are strong against Bugs, Plants(Some Plants absorb Poison), Humanoid Enemies. Poison is weak against Fire because Poisonous creatures are highly flammable due to the large number of toxins in their bodies. Poison attacks aren't very strong against water creatures.

Thunder-Thunder Elemental attacks have the highest Magic Attack. They would do slightly more damage then say a fire attack, to a normal enemy. Thunder attacks are strong against Water creatures but are useless against Earth Creatures.

Holy-Holy Magic is very strong against Demons and evil creatures. Being a holy element, its only weakness is Shadow. Holy magic is more so considered White Magic then Black Magic.

Shadow-Shadow is an evil element. Shadow is good against Light and Holy enemies. Shadow attacks are also weak against both holy and light.

Gravity- Gravity is a Special element, Not really an "Element" at all. It isn't really Anything to do with gravity. Gravity attacks are Percentage attacks that take off a certain amount of health from the opponents. Gravity does the same damage to all creatures. Although there are FEW Gravity monsters, the ones that DO exist are weak against wind.

Light-Light attacks are super effective against Shadow. They are also weak against Shadow. They are characterized as huge flashes of energy.

Non-elemental-There are also Non-elemental Magics that are strong against everything and weak against nothing." He said in one HUGE breath.

"Damian, your elemental status is that you are healed by Water and Wind attacks, but you are weak to Thunder and Gravity Attacks." He began.

"Robbie, you are Gravity and Shadow. You are weak against Wind, Light and Holy."

"Joey you are Fire and Earth. This gives you a 4x weakness to Water, Weakness to Wind and also ice." He said.

    By now I was trying to force myself to stay awake. I had never been given so much information before. He could tell we were tired, so he allowed us to take a small break. The three of us talked together about all we had learned thus far, and were quite confused. It was alot for us to take in, and alot for us to understand. But there was still more to learn, our lessons were far from over.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess." Answered Joey.

"Well, moving on. All of you have special abilties. Damian you have not only abilites, but magic. To use your abilities, you need to concentrate hard, and they will appear to you in your mind. You will be able to choose what you want to do, and then all you need to do is focus your energy on the monster you need to, and it will be so. At first this may be difficult, but soon enough you will be able to learn it instantly." He explained.

"Can we try our abilities?" I asked.

"Not yet. First, let me finish." He said.

"Damian, you have a very unique ability called Enhance. You can make yourself and your allies become their stronger form. But, you can figure that out yourself."

"Next. Would you like to know how to make yourselves stronger?" He asked.

"Sure...knock yourself out." I said in an uncaring tone, exhausted.

"Does my teaching bore you, Damian?" He asked.

"Is it THAT obvious...?" I answered.

"Don't make me ignite you in flame." He threatened.


"To become stronger, all you must do is kill monsters. You will become more experienced, and your level of power will increase. We call this Leveling up. As you Level up, your stats will increase and you will learn new abilities and magic. When you level up, in your head you will see that you have gotten stronger, and any new abilities learned will be unveiled to you." He said.

"Now, are you ready to try and fight?" He asked.

"Lets go." I said.

    A small plant monster appeared. The voice told me it was called a Mandragora. I pulled out my sword, which I had named Hyperion. The voice told me to attack it with my sword. So, without much hesitation I ran at the creature and slashed it with my sword. The creature was small, and ballshaped. He had two stubby arms and two stubby legs,a nd four huge leaves sticking out of his head. He squealed horribly, causing me to fall to my knees. Our "Teacher" yelled at me to get up and use my magic. I tried to concentrate. Two spells were available to me, Fire Ball and Magic Missile. I figured that I would try out Magic Missile. I concentrated all my energies on the small creature. My hand began to glow with energy, I then threw back my hand and threw a huge ball of energy at the Mandragora. The energy ball was shaped like a four point star, and was a very bright reddish-pink color.  
    Upon impact, the creature began to squeal again, and I could barely withstand it. Getting anrgy now, I went crazy and began to slash at the small creature madly. Within a few seconds I had cut him up so badly that I could have made a salad out of him. I understood now what he had told us about leveling up, as I did. I had now learned a new magic called Ice Blast. I put away my sword and sat back down by my friends.

"Very good. Joey, Robbie would you like to experience your own abilities?" He asked.

"...I'm good..." Said Joey, obviously lazy.

"Robbie?" He asked.

"Rob?" I asked also.

"ZzzZzz..." Robbie was asleep.

"Good Idea Robbie. You three have learned what you need. Return to the inn, your journey begins tomorrow. Remember, call out MALDRAYO! if you need me, and I will aid you..." He said.

    His voice seemed different, like...unsure, but I shrugged it off. Joey and I picked up Robbie's legs and dragged his carcass back to the inn. We threw him onto his bed and crawled into our own. After we had shut out the lights, Joey asked me what using magic was like. I explained how awesome it was to him. He just snickered. After a long night, we finally fell asleep.