USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Ten: Seabound Again
    So we went to the barracks to get the damned letter delievered. Along the way we killed some basic monsters, but no one leveled up. We got to the barracks. It was huge, kinda like the ones back on Earth. People ran around, practicing war tactics. As soon as we got there some guy came up to us and asked us to state our purpose. I gave him the letter. He nodded and thanked us.

"So Perseus finally had decided to give up... This is good news!" Said the soldier.

"Yea thats lovely, can we get a letter stating we gave that to you so we can go?" I said.

"Well aren't you a bitch. Don't you care whats going on?" He asked.

"Not Really..." I said.

"Yes we do..." Said Joey.

"Hmph. Well, we were at war with Perseus for many years, they have now officially surrendered!" Cheered the guard.

"Fascinating." I said, sarcastically.

"Why are you such a bitch today Dame?" Asked Robbie.

"Hes cranky, He didn't sleep last night." Said Kiki.

"How do YOU know?" Asked Joey.

"Cause when I woke up this morning he was still awake, just staring at the sky and thinking." She said.

"What were you thinking about?" Asked Joey.

"Lots of stuff." I said.

"Liiiike?" Asked Joey.

"Go to hell." I said.

"Fine..." Said Joey.

    The Soldier walked away and then came back with his commanding officer. The officer told us that because he was grateful, he would train one of us a bit. He said we needed some more firepower. We all agreed that Kiki should be trained, since she was a lower level then the rest of us. He instructed her to go to the big dome in the eastern part of the barracks. It was a battle arena. She would be fighting a weak monster until she got enough experience to level up. We went to the stands to watch her. She was standing in the center. Suddenly a huge creature slowly approached from behind her. It was gold..with four heads and a snake four a tail. It had wings. The first head was a Lion, then a Bird, a Bear and Lizard. I had heard of such a creature before...But what was it called.....

"Joey...doesn't that creature seem familiar...?" I Asked.

"Yea..." He said.

"Four heads..." I started

"Snake tail..." He said.

"It couldn't be..."

"Kiki isn't strong enough to fight a..."

"Chimera." Said the Captain.

"It escaped from the monster hold. We couldn't contain it. That thing is immune to lighting and poison, and absorbs water, shadow, fire, and wind." He said.

"What!?" I shouted.

"You bastard! You endangered Kiki!!! I have to help her!!!" I shouted.

"No You can't!" He yelled.

    He was too late, I had already dashed from my seat and lept into the arena. I was holding my sword in my hand as I ran. Kiki still didn't see him approaching. He was huge, and so was the arena. Would I reach them in time? He was picking up speed. Kiki finally heard it. She turned around and saw it. She screamed. He was at a run now. He was just about to jump on her, Claws first, when I tackled her out of the way. He missed her. I got up immediately and started casting his only obvious weakness: Light. Flash was pretty effective, but it could do more. He was amazingly strong. I kept casting flash on him while he tried to attack us. He flew up and cast tornado at us. I got in the way and took the blow, but of course, I'm a wind elemental. He did nothing but heal me. He was pissed. His heads rotated to the Lizard. He spat a huge blast of water at me. Also healed me. His head switched to the Bear. He casted a Thunder Elemental Attack on me. BINGO. I went down. I was hurt BADLY. Kiki ran to me and started healing me. I got back up. Only one thing left to do. I enhanced myself. I stood up. I began charging my Energy Ball attack. My entire hand glowed a bright blue. I threw the huge ball of energy at him. He flew into the wall. I did it again. And Again. Four, Five, Six times. He was still attacking. Joey and Robbie finally ran in and began attacking. After about four more energy balls we felled the amazing beasts. We all leveled up. I learned the Flood attack. Kiki learned the Ghost Armor attack. I returned to human.



"I'm sorry everyone..." Said the general.

"Train Kiki to level 12. ON SOMETHING SHE CAN HANDLE!" I shouted.

    He nodded. Kiki was attacked by several weak creatures, and trained until she reached level 12. She learned the Fire Blade attack. Finally we were all on par with each other. I was still pissed. We left the barracks. We then returned to the space port. We gave that guy we met earlier the note from the general. He nodded and took us to the Marina. He paid for all for us. It was cruise liner, bound for Xenon. Unfortunately, there were only two rooms left. Me and Joey played Rock, Paper Scissors. Loser in best two out of three had to bunk with Rob. I won. Joey got lucky that there were two beds. It was midway through the night when things got interesting.

"Thanks for saving me today Damian.." Said Kiki.

"You're welcome.." I said.

"I'm sorry I cause so much trouble." She said.

"You don't cause any trouble." I said.

    Suddenly a bareassed Robbie burst into the room. As usual, he wore nothing but a Ninja mask. He looked around, in a shifty way. He was making us both very uncomfortable.  He walked in, Looked around the room and then approached me.


"Joey said to come in here in and make sure you two aren't doing anything naughty." He said.

(Now would be a good time to point out the beds are on the opposite end of the room.)

"Yea. We're having sex Rob. Oh Kiki. Oh, oh Kiki. Ahhhhh." I said monotonously.


"But how are you doing it from all the way over there?" He asked.


"Magic." I said.


"Go away Rob, when people have sex they dont like to be watched." I said.

    He left. Two minutes later Joey burst in the room. He looked around. Then scratched his head. He walked into the middle of the room. He looked and me, then Kiki. Then back to me. He then walked out of the room and game back dragging rob my ear.


"Magic!" Rob said.

"You are so friggin' dumb Robbie..." Joey said.

"Guys I'm tired will you leave please?" Asked Kiki.

    They both left. Me and Kiki said good night and went to sleep. Well...she did, I basically just stared at the ceiling. Suddenly, my entire body went numb, my mind started going blank. I tried to call for help, but I was no longer in control of myself. I couldn't even see...and then...All time just stopped...........