USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion
    I fell down, into the darkness. Down...down...into...the Light? Whiteness all around me. I stood up, and looked around. An outline appeared. I couldn't make it out, but it was shining at me. It told me to come closer, so I did. It spoke to me in a very gentle, cautious tone. It sounded very trustworthy. It told me that it was here to help me. His voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't tell from where. Even as I approached him, he didn't get any clearer. He just seemed like a ghost. He said that he would help me, by giving me some training.

"Damian, You've come so far." He said.

"I'm so proud of you." He said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"A dream world, it isn't real." He explained.

"Then how can you possibly help me?" I asked.

"I am a being capable of breaching the gap between reality and fantasy." He said.

"So you can make me stronger?" I asked him.

"Yes. Are you ready?" He asked.

"I guess..." I said.

"The levels you gain will be evenly distributed between the rest of your friends. In every battle you will have one allie of your choice aiding you. Lets begin." He explained.

"You're first battle will be against....Cerberus." He said.

    The flute was taken from me and used to summon Cerberus. Cerberus was a dark creature, so Flash III would be effective in this fight. I chose Joey to aid me in this fight. Joey appeared next to me. He blinked a few times, but didn't ask questions. Cerberus roared loudly and started to stampede towards us. I quickly enhanced Joey. I unsheathed my sword and Joey floated up towards Cerberus. Cerberus kept charging foward. Joey grabbed me and put me inside his energy shield. Cerberus smashed right into the shield, and fell back on his tail whining.

    I jumped out of the shield and cast Flash III on him. Joey also Cast Flash III. Two twin beams of light began to smash all around Cerberus, He yelled out horribly. Joey continued to cast Flash III on Cerberus, but I ran up to him and started to slash at his middle head. He smashed me away and I flew into Joey. Joey lost his balance and we both crashed into the ground. Cerberus screamed out and started to shoot huge blasts of darkness at us. I jumped to my feet, right before being smashed by the darkness ball.

    He charged up another Dark Ball and shot it at me. I used my Energy Counter skill to reflect the Darkness Ball and then counter attack with a Flash III attack. He moaned out loudly. He then slammed down on the ground so hard that the shockwave force knocked me to the ground. Joey was up now, He helped me up and then we started to attack him. Finally, Joey turned back to his normal form and we both ran straight towards him. I jumped in the air with my sword, and he jumped in  the air with an amazing jump kick. I slashed his left head with full force. At the same time, Joey's foot connect right into Cerberus' right head. The creature gave out one final moan and fell to the ground, defeated. All of my allie's and I leveled up. I gained the Melt Down ability, and Kiki learned the Harm ability. Joey disappeared.

"Very Impressive!" Called the figure.

"Why did I have to fight Cerberus? He's my allie..." I said.

"Don't worry, that fight didn't take place, but you still got the experience." Said the person.

"Hmm...Alright..." I said.

"Your next opponent shall be Leviathan." He said, removing my Serpent Flute, and returning the Demon Flute.

"But Leviathan is my friend!" I shouted.

"As I said, this is not the real Leviathan, only a mirror image of him. Now, Choose an Allie other then Joey." He commanded.

"Um...Let's See...Kiki has alot of Thunder Attacks...I'll take her." I said.

"So be it."

    Kiki appeared next to me, and Leviathan was summoned. He appeared in a huge splash of water. He hissed loudly at us. Kiki took out her staff and got ready. He started to fly at us. As He came towards up, I told Kiki we would have to use Lightning to win. He flew right at me. I got ready.
I stood my ground and didn't move. He was just about to slam into me, but just then, Kiki cast her Call Lightning spell on him. A giant blast of electrical energy smashed into Leviathan. He stopped dead in his tracks and fell back. I winked at her and she smiled.

    Leviathan had been paralyzed by Kiki's spell. As he lay there twitching, we took turns casting Thunder seplls on him. I cast Thundara on him and she cast Call Lightning. He hissed loudly in a shrill cry of pain. He slowly got back up. As he was getting up, I jumped up in the air and did a Dual-Slash on him. He cried out again. I never realized how unoffensive Leviathan was compared to Cerberus. I decided to try my new attack out, Melt Down.

    I clenched my fist tightly. I green, bubbling, gooey film appeared in my hands. I slowly lifted my hand towards Leviathan. The goo began to glow. A huge beam of poisonous energy blasted straight towards Leviathan and smashed him right into the "wall" of the area. The Poison ate away at Leviathan's flesh and lowered his defensive stat, which was good because Leviathan was obviously a defensive fighter. Leviathan was barely able to stand. Kiki cast another Lightning attack on him.

    Leviathan got up slowly and slammed me back with his tail. He flew towards me and started to attack me with his fins and tails. I couldn't even counter attack because of how fast he had suddenly become. Kiki came up behind Leviathan and smashed her Rod over his head. He shook his head and confusion and I managed to get back up. I cast another Melt Down attack on Leviathan. The poison was now eating away at his flesh. Kiki and I double teamed and both of us physically attacked him, and he fell  down. He turned into a puddle of water and evaporated. Kiki and I both leveled up. She learned Disintergration and I learned Water II. She disappeared.

"You get stronger with every battle. Can you handle the next fight?" Asked the voice.

"I still don't see why I have to fight them, can't you conjure something different?" I asked.

"I could...But I won't." He answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because this way is easier." He said.

"That seems the word?" I asked.

"Lazy? Maybe. But you're lazy too, so don't be a hypocrite." He said.


"You're next allie will be Robbie, Obviously. And you're opponent will be Phoenix." He explained.

"Will there be other fights besides this one?" I asked.

"Yes." He answered.

    Robbie appeared next to me. He blinked a few times. My Serpent flute was returned to me, but in return he took my  flute used for summoning Phoenix. Robbie and I both unsheathed our blades as the skies opened up and bright shining bird of flames emerged. He made a loud, shrill cry and dive bombed at us. Robbie used his Double Team ability and created several mirror images of himself. Phoenix stopped for a moment to ponder which image to attack. While he tried to decided, I cast my Water II attack on him. Huge Bubbles of water formed around Phoenix and exploded all over him, causing massive damage.

    The bird cried out again. He sent a huge flaming tornado our way, but I countered with my Tsunami attack. It extinguished the flames, but missed the bird. Robbie tried out his Squall attack for the first time. A huge storm-force cyclone of water was sent straight towards Phoenix. Phoenix tried to escape, but some water still doused him. Phoenix was steaming now. The Robbie clones were fading, and the real Rob was in clear sight. He was about to cast Squall again, when Phoenix dive bombed into him in a kamikaze type attack. He was knocked to his feet.

    I helped Robbie out by Enhancing him into Shadou. His entire body turned to darkness. The only part of him that wasn't bitch black were his green eyes and glowing aura around his hands. He started to dash around like a mad man, unable to be seen. He used his Darknes Blades attack. Two twin black swords appeared in his hands and he began to slash Phoenix with them. Phoenix was stunned by Shadou's amazing speed. I helped out by casting Tsunami on him. The wall of water, combined with Shadou's blades, completely overwhelmed Phoenix. He began to lose altitude.

    I jumped up and Dual-Sliced him. Shadou jumped down and de-enhanced. He then cast his Squall attack one last time. Phoenix was done. He fell to the ground and turned to ashes. The ashes then caught fire, and a small egg formed. The egg hatched and a small baby Phoenix emerged. He flapped his wings, and in a flicker of fire he disappeared. We all leveled up. I learned the Power-Word, Blue Fire magic and the Meio Twister ability. Kiki learned the White magic and Pearl ability, two Holy elemental Attacks, which was good because Holy was technically stronger then Light. Robbie learned the Cherry-Blossom ability, and Joey learned an ability called Mantra.

"You are doing well. Very well." Complimented the voice.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I will tell you the next time we meet, after this vision." He said.

"If this is only a vision, how am I getting stronger?" I asked.

"I am just that powerful." He answered.

"Thats pretty damn powerful."

"You have no idea." He said.

"Whats next?" I asked.

"Next you fight by yourself." He said.

"What!?" I demanded.

"You can do it. I have total faith in you." He replied.

"BLADE WORM! COME TO ME!" Shouted the figment.

    A giant green Serpent-like creature jumped out of the grounded. He was like a flat worm, with flippers for hands. He also had a huge, chainsaw-like blade growing out of his back. His eyes were blood red. He wailed like a banshee. I nearly fell to my knees from the immense loudness of the screech. He curled up into a ball and began to spin. Blades whirling everywhere, he rushed towards me. I had no idea what to do. I waited for exactly the right time, and slashed the blade with my own. This knocked him back, and out of his spinning globe of blades. He blinked a few time, a bit dazed.


    I nodded and ran towards the Blade-Worm. While in mid-run, I lept in the air and spun around in a tornado form, with my blade held out. A huge aura of light surrounded me and caused an enormous whirlwind of energy to fly around me. The creature was sucked into the tornado, and for every second he was trapped within the Meio Twister, more damage was done to him, until finally it ended and he was knocked back.

"So've become so strong..."


    A circle appeared around Blade-Worm. Huge blasts of red/orange fire burst all around in a pillar, this was followed by an aqua blue and dark blue pillar of fire. He was not only damaged by enormous amounts of fire energy, but also by huge doses of Ice and Water elemental energy. The circle around him subsided and I was free to run to him and slash him with my blade. He was losing very easily. This fight would be incredibly easy if it kept up like this.

    Unfortunately it was then that it began to get harder. He curled into a ball again. He began to spin so fast that he was nothing but a silver disk. He shot himself at me, and nearly chopped me in half. I managed to dodge, but just barely. To this day I still have a tear in my beloved dragon jacket where he had once attacked me. He continued to fling himself at me, nearly hitting me everytime. I was getting a little too close for comfort.

    As he finally began to slow down, I cast my Aero II spell, it shot just arrow. It fired straight at him. Forcing him into the wall. It also spun him around a bit, and confused him. The attack projected like a spear, covered in a small tornado, complete with leaves and dust. As he tried to get up I cast my Demi Attack. A huge force of gravity surrounded him. 1/4 of his health was taken away as the darkness collapsed all around him. Definitely a powerful gravity attack. He was losing horribly, even though he completely had the potential to kill me in nearly one, well aimed attack. I decided to end the battle right there. I cast another Power Word: Blue Fire attack. The three seperate sets of elemental damage obliterated him. He disintergrated and My team leveled. I learned the Firaga attack. Kiki learned Mass-Revive.

"Just as I thought. Well use of magic." Complimented the figure.

"Am I done?" I asked.

"Not quite." He said.


"Do you remember the friendly fire Creatue Malaris?" He asked.


"Time for you to fight her. Specter can help you for this one." He said.


    Back to fighting allies, or so it seemed. Specter appeared and smirked. He gave me a thumbs up to show that he was ready. Malaris appeared in a huge ball of flames. She was huge, longer then Leviathan. She was a Fire Serpent, with the face of a woman, and four human arms. She also had what looked like legs, but they did not fully form when she was evolving. Her underbelly, face, etc. was all light blue, but her outerskin was a sharp read. The tip of her tail was like a rattle snake, except with a ball of fire that made a sizzling noise when she made it move. Her eyes were a light blue. Specter simply arrogantly laughed.

    Malaris pulled out four identical flaming swords. Specter got himself ready. She began to slither towards us, flailing her blades madly. Specter jumped up and shot a blast of Shadow energy at her, but it was deflected by her swords. I got back and cast Water II on her. Huge, explosive bubbles of water formed all around her and smashed into her. Believe it or not, it had little effect. Specter continued to shoot at her, but she continued to deflect. Specter was getting mad now. He wasn't being arrogant, just angry.

    Malaris formed a huge ball of fire and blast it at Specter. He wasn't agile enough, so I dived in the way and performed an Energy Counter. I took minimal damage from the attack, but also Countered with a Blizzara attack. Enormous blasts of icy sheets crashed into the great flaming serpent. Still, she was uneffected by the attack. I was completely confused. I turned to Specter, but he was still trying to attack her. While I was contemplating what to do, she managed to slash me with all four blades, causing MAJOR damage.

    Specter realised we needed help. She was far too defensive. He closed his eyes and stood perfectly still. I tried to distract her, but I was very dazed. The grounded opened up and huge demon crawled out. His body was a flaming red, with demonic wings, horns, the works. But he was also glowing. He was chromatic. He slowly began shapeshifting. He turned into a diamond-like ice titan to a huge, living tornado, to an enormous earth golem. He remained a golem and began to physically assault Malaris. Her defense was good, but his was better. While she was trying to ward off the Golem, Specter and I attacked her from behind. She screamed out as I cut off the flaming tip of her tail.

    She dropped all four swords. Her arms went limp. She could barely hold herself up. The flame was her lifeforce. It was her power, it was what made her defense so strong. Specter returned the demon to its dimension. The negative plane closed, and the portal that summoned the demon disappeared. I looked towards Specter and motioned for him to finish Malaris. I wasn't about to kill an allie. Again. He held up his hand and chanted "Death." Suddenly, a huge clocked Phantom resembling the Reaper appeared. It held up its sickle and slashed it accross Malaris. Her life was sapped, and she fell. Both her and Specter disappeared as We all leveled up AGAIN. Blizzaga was learned by Me, and Kiki coincidently learned the Death Spell.

"I'm growing extremely weary of your battles. HOW MANY MORE?!" I demanded.

"Three." Was his response.

"NO MORE!" I shouted.

"Do you want to get in fighting condition for facing your enemy or not?" He asked.

"I want to end this freaking dream!" I yelled.

"Why?" He asked.


"You won't like it when you go back..."

"Why not?!" I demanded.

"Next fight... You and Frost will take on the mighty Squid Ultros." He said.


    I was ignored again. My blue friend Frost appeared. He nodded and waved a claw. The giant magenta squid slowly materialized. Starting from the front of his "whips" (Unlike an octupus, Squids have two extra tentacles called "whips" these 9 and 10th tentacles are twice as long as other tentacles, and the suction cups have blades on them to catch their prey), The soft pink invertabrae began to form. Ten long, amazing tentacles, then his "beak" (A Squid's mouth is called a beak) all materialized. His eyes, yellow and black. He looked so non-hostile.

    Ultros was a gentle creature, he had no reason to fight me. Nor did he want to. I could tell by looking at him that he did not want to do this. Frost was just about to leap into battle when I stopped him. I turned to the figure who still refused to unveil his identity. Hmm...Unveiling. Interesting choice of words, It seemed I wouldn't be in this mess if the veil had never been lifted...Getting beside the point... The figure seemed to be confused. He asked me why I wasn't attacking Ultros. I glared at him.

"Is there a problem?" He asked.

"You are forcing him to fight me. Look at him, he doesn't want to!" I said.

"He is not a sentient creature, he has no say in this." Commented the figment.

"No. You've taken this too far. If you're so powerful then you won't need to make me fight anymore. You can increase my strength yourself." I said.

"He isssss right hisssss..."

"You have the true heart of a hero Damian. You will save this world." He said in a happy sounding tone.

"Archimedes and Ultros will not need to be fought, but you will increase in level." He explained.

"Thank you." I said.

"Frost, you aren't going anywhere. You, Your brothers and Damian have one last fight."

"Who?" Asked Frost.

"Someone you've been wanting to kill for a while."

    I turned around just in time to see Ultros disappear. The team and I gained two levels. I learned Blizzaga and Thundaga. Kiki learned Life-Drain and Zeus' Bolt. Not too shabby, we were getting immensely powerful. It was down to the last fight, but why did I need all three brothers to help me. I later realized it wasn't that I needed them, it was that the spirit wanted to let the brothers get their revenge. It was pretty obvious, but I never did have much common sense.

    The craziest thing appeared as Specter and Lych materialized next to me. And what is the craziest thing? You guessed it. Schizo. Thats why he wanted all three. Immediately as he appeared, all the brothers growled. Schizo just giggled and waved. Frost immediately lunged at Schizo and smashed his pincer-claw into Schizo's head. Schizo cried out in pain. Lych dashed toward Schizo and tackled him to the ground. I decided to help out with my Thundaga spell. Amazing beams of lightning rained from the sky and smashed down into Schizo.

    Specter began to conjure spells. Four balls of black energy formed around him. They each shot three small beams of energy and moved in a circle. All tweleve shots missed. The four balls formed into two. The two balls shot four beams of energy, bigger but still missed. Schizo laughed at his brother. Apparently Lych and Frost had seen this spell before. They both ran to me and brought me back, away from the battle. Suddenly, the two balls formed one. A beam of Shadow energy nearly a mile in width and length was blast straight straight towards Schizo, who was trying to eat his foot.

    As Schizo looked up to see what was headed towards him, He tried to run. Frost created an icy sheet along the floor and Schizo slipped. Schizo started to scream and began to scramble to get to his feet to run. Lych lifted his hand and slammed it into the ground, causing a huge earthquake (which only affected Schizo I should add) and caused the psycho to lose his footing again. He screamed "NOOOO!!!!" As he was completely oblitterated by Specters attack. He was finally defeated. I leveled up yet again, and learned the Gravija attack, a stronger Demi! Kiki learned Fire Storm.

"Finally." Said Specter.

"He caused us so much trouble." Said Frost in a normal voice.

"Thank you." Said Lych.

They Disappeared.

"We will meet again Damian, but for now...Farewell." Said the voice, fading.

    I shot straight up. I was laying in a bed. Andrea and Joey were sitting by me. They were asleep. Robbie was also in the room, but he was different. He wasn't the same Robbie... He now had a very long, scarf wrapped around the lower half of his face and trailing behind him. He also had a metal piece with green eyes covering the top half of his face. His costume was now jet black, with metal plates around the shoulders and stomach. His legs were also armored with new shoes. Despite that, he had special arm gauntlets with huge spikes sticking out of the sides. He was also asleep. I smiled abit. I liked Rob's new costume. It made him look extremely dangerous.

    I looked around a bit, but didn't see Kiki anywhere. I assumed she was just in a different room or something. I thought nothing of it and just went back to sleep. I didn't dream again that night. When I woke up the next morning, I complimented Robbie on his new suit. He told me he was exploring Velencia when he saw a rogue ninja being attacked by monsters. He explained that after saving the Ninja, he gave him this new equipment. The scarf not only provided extra speed, but stealth as well. The plates were obviously for protection, but they were made of a thin-as-air metal that added no extra weight to Robbie. The mask provided night vision and the shoes allowed him to run on walls to a small extent. But he was still upset about something. I couldn't figure out what.

"Damian...we're so happy you're ok..." Said Joey finally.

"Why wouldn't I be? I can breathe under water." I said.

"Bad stuff happened Damian..." Said Andrea.

"Did everyone get to Xenon safely?" I asked.

"Yes..." Answered Joey.

"Did you notice how much stronger you all are?" I asked Joey and Robbie.

"Yeah. We all dreamt about the fights also." Said Robbie.

"Soooo...Wheres--" I began

"Dead." Said Joey, bluntly.

"Excuse me?"

"Kiki is dead."

"Come again?"

"Dammit Dame you heard me, She is No more." Joey said.

"Bu--wha...?" I stammered.

"Yesterday...Some...odd Demon appeared and killed her. We couldn't save her because he put up a magical barrier." Said Robbie.

"But...shes strong...she..."

"He killed her in one attack. There was nothing anyone could have done." Joey interrupted.

"No...No you're lying...She can't be..."

"Damian...I'm sorry..." Joey said, looking down.

"NO! I don't believe you..." I yelled.

"Damian ...please stop..." Said Robbie, trying to calm me down.


"KIKI?!?!? KIKI WHERE ARE YOU!?" I screamed, jumping from the bed.





    I fell to my knees and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe it. She couldn't be dead. It felt like my sword was just shoved right through my chest. I couldn't move or speak. All I could do was quietly whimper and mutter her name. I couldn't take it, it couldn't be true, she couldn't be....dead.. I started to lose it, Maybe it was still a dream! Maybe I was asleep!! But I wasn't. The feeling was real. She was gone, as was a part of me. Joey came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, but I got up and pushed him away. I turned and left the structure. I couldn't accept it. No one followed me.