USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter
    The world of Water was pretty much exactly the same as I pictured it. Underwater. I looked around. I noticed that I was standing on the ground, but...the water was almost non-existent. I moved my hands around, and it was like air. I unsheathed my Ashbane, and the flames continued to glow. I moved around freely, just as if the water wasn't even there. But bubbles still floated around. Fish still swam as if they were in water. But why didn't it affect me? Why was it that everything else in this world could acknowledge the surroundings? Was it simply another optical illusion?

    I decided to start exploring. There was a stone path infront of me, so I decided to follow it. I began to walk towards the path. I looked around. I was slightly confused. It wasn't feasible. If everything except me felt the water, then why didnt I? Didn't make any sense at all. I felt down on the ground. Cold to the touch, very cold. There were weeds growing all over place. I plucked one from the ground. Immediately it disintergrated. A new weed grew right in its place, replacing the old one.  There was definately something odd about this world.

    Even the creatures were strange. They were like some kind of odd mix between a Manta-Ray and a Shark. They had the heads of sharks, and a dorsal fin. Their bodies were a dark blue, and their eyes glowed a demonic red. They had "wings" Like Rays, and a long pointed tail. They glided through the air almost effortlessly. I examined one that was sleeping. They had armored flesh. Their skin looked rough, not slimy as it would appear from afar.

    I placed my hand on the creatures back and gently felt him. He immediately snapped awake and screeched loudly. He flew up into the air and then dived at me. Timing it perfectly, I whipped out my sword and smacked him in the face as he dived. He flew back. He was dazed now, but he came right back for more. He began to dive at me again, with this tail extended at me this time. I charged up a Lightning Attack. The huge bolt flashed from the sky and smashed right into him. He screeched horribly and fell to the ground. He dissolved into the ground.

    I continued to walk down the path, hoping for some hint as to who was the keeper of the Scepter. I walked and walked, but nothing. A few more of those Shark-Rays attackd me. I wondered why there were so many things with qualities of Manta-Rays in these strange dimensions. There were trees under the water. With purple vines. But why? What did it all mean? It was then that I got my first clue.

    As I continued to walk through the meaningless water, a squid-like creature approached me. He was huge. He has nearly a hundred tentacles. His body was gray, and he had a huge gaping mouth with thousands of tiny, needle-like teeth. This creature was definately dangerous. I unsheathed my Ashbane and prepared to fight him. He didnt make any hostile movements at all. He spoke to me. He had a calm, quiet voice. He sounded very intelligent.

"Who are you?" He asked calmly.

"I am Damian, who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Ultros, ruler of this dimension." He explained.

"Nice to meet you Ultros." I said.

"The feeling is mutual."He agreed.

"If you're the ruler, does that mean you know the location of the Water Scepter?" I asked.

"Possibly. Why do you seek the Scepter?" He asked.

"I am an adventurer, my mission could decide the fate of an entire planet. The weapons that my allies and I have been using were stolen. The Water God Leviathan told me that if I retrieve the four elemental Scepters that I could use their powers to help me." I explained.

"I see." He said.

"I've already obtained the Fire Scepter." I said, holding up the Ashbane.

"Is that supposed to impress me?" asked Ultros.

"I was just saying..." I said sheepishly.

"You're going to give me a hard time with this aren't you, Ultros?" I asked.

"I can't give you the Scepter, Damian. You should know that by doing that this world will be destroyed." He said.

"Can't I give it back later?" I asked.

"No, that would be impossible." He said.

"The Fire Guardian told me that only a chosen one could beat him and obtain the Scepters. If I beat him, doesn't that make me worthy?" I questioned.

"His silly tests mean nothing to me, he is a fool. You are a child, you cannot comprehend the forces you are meddling with." Ultros said, in a condescending tone.

"You under estimate me, Ultros." I said.

"I am not going to fight you, Damian. I am a peaceful creature. And even if you did beat me, that wouldn't get you the Scepter." He explained.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Fuego was foolish enough to keep the Scepter on his person, I have it hidden where no one will ever find it." He explained.

"I need that Scepter. I won't leave without it." I said.

"You're a brave kid. But its in vain. Showing off isn't going to get you anywhere." He said.

"Why is it you and everything else here act as though you are swimming, but I cannot even feel the water around me?" I asked.

"Our world is able to change itself to fit the needs of whatever creature enters. The water creatures are best suited for travelling by swimming, so they use the natural surroundings. You are best suited to travel on the ground, thusly the water has no effect on you." He explained.

"Thats amazing. This place is so much more indepth then the Fire Shrine." I said.

"It gets better with each area. They say the Wind Shrine is inside a Tornado. But its only a rumor. No one knows for sure." He said.

"Well I'm not leaving here without the Scepter. Even if I have to kill you, I'll search every square inch of this dimension until I find it." I said.

"You don't understand Damian, its hidden in such a way that it cannot be found." He explained.

"Well tell me where it is!" I demanded.



"THERE ISN'T!!!!!" He boomed.

    Suddenly, in the midest of our arguement I saw several Shark-Rays swim up behind Ultros. I looked at them, but we continued to argue. The creatures all formed a pack. There were over ten of them. All of them eyeing Ultros. They suddenly in a rage all began attacking the mighty Squid. He bellowed loudly as the creatures ripped and pulled at his tender flesh. Even a few of his tentacles were severed. Green blood gushed everywhere. The creatures cackled evilly and zipped away. He was dying. I ran to him and placed my hand on his head.

"Ultros...?" I asked.

"I...never...expected...that..." He said.

"You'll be ok, don't worry." I said.

"No...Damian...I'm dying..." He said.

"I'll tell you the location....of the Scepter..." He said.

    With one of his still functioning tentacles he pointed towards a cave in the distance. He told me that the Scepter was guarded by a huge creature named Tiburon. He said Tiburon was a creature of immense power, capable of killing even the strongest warriors. He said that the great shark was huge, and merciless. He said that just entering his cave would mean asking Tiburon to kill me. He sad the only way to obtain the Water Scepter would be to go Tiburon and defeat him. I nodded. His last words were: "Good Luck." And then he was gone. I sighed once more. Sighing. It had become a quite common thing for me too do. This was all way too much for a 14 year old to handle.
    I walked towards the cave. Several Shark-Rays attacked me, but I made quick work of them. As soon as I approached the cave I felt a terribly creepy vibe. Something evil dwelled inside, something very, very evil. I slowly walked inside. I heard a low growling noise as I entered, I saw two red lights looking at me. I guessed they were his eyes by the way they "blinked". This worried me. He approached me. He was huge. His body was a golden color, but also it was like it was made of some kind of stone, or a very, thick, thick shell. He was a full blown shark, scars all over his body. Bite marks taken out of his fins and his teeth were stained with blood. This creature had existed for centuries, and he had gotten into countless battles. Would I be enough to take him down?

    He immediately dashed directly at me. I lept of the way and he smashed his face into a cave wall. It seemed to have little effect, more effect on the wall then on him. He got back into his senses and torpedoed towards me. I charged up a Lightning spell and watched as a Stream of electricity smashed down into the amazing shark. He bellowed loudly. He began to swim around in circles amazingly fast. This caused a kind of whirlpool effect that drew me closer to him. I tried to resist but I was being sucked closer and closer. As soon as I was close enough he attempted to chomp down on me. I countered at just the right second, by shoving my sword into his mouth. He screamed out horribly. As he was stunned, I charged up another Lightning attack, and zapped him. He was paralyzed for a brief period of time. I took this opportunity to cast a continuous stream of Lightning attacks on him. He was losing! It took me atleast five Lightning bolts before he finally was finished. The terrifying fish was defeated. I leveled up from this battle and learned the Flash II Magic, and the Dual Slice ability. His eyes turned into a tranquil blue, and he floated to the ground. His eyes then went out.

    He turned to dust. In his place, the Water Scepter rested. I picked it up and pocketed it. I looked upwards and as usual, portal space opened. I saw the world around me begin to collapse. creatures were dying, and the water was draining. I didn't even take a second look, I immediately hopped into the portal and was returned to the Orb Room. I looked at the water Scepter. I kept it in my pocket, and did nothing with it. Leviathan had instructed me not to use the Scepters except for the first one, and I had to obey. The blue light from the Water Orb was now out. Just like the Fire Orb was no longer red. I frowned. I had just destroyed two worlds, and Now I had to destroy two more. Was what I was doing wrong? I sure hoped not...

    I approached the Earth Orb. It glowed a bright green. I placed my hand on it. A huge Rock Golem appeared. I explained the scenario to him, but he was far too dimwitted to understand. He wanted me to fight him. I sighed. He was a nothing battle, a couple Tsunami's and he was finished. He was so weak that I didnt even level up. Portal Space opened, and I hopped inside, waiting to see what the Earth-World would be like.