USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Eleven: Domination
(As Narrated by Joey.)

    Why am I narrating this you are wondering? Simply put, Damian has no memory of this part of the story, yet it must be told. It was about 4:00 a.m. When Kiki ran into our room. She shook me until I woke up. Damian was missing. She woke up and he was gone. The door was also broken down. She had searched the deck and found alot of sailors dead. She said their wounds were slash marks. As if from a sword. This definately worried. Damian was gentle and would never hurt someone for no reason. I got up and got Rob. We waited for Rob to get dressed and ran out to the deck. She was right. Everyone was dead. We followed the trail of death. It lead to the captains room. We saw Damian walking toward the door. We didn't say anything. He smashed down the door and walked inside.

"Arrgh...Hi Damian." Said the Captain.

"Move." He said.

"What..?" Asked the Captain.

"I am taking over the ship." Said Damian.

"Damian what are you doing!?" I shouted.

    He turned around. His eyes were dead and lifeless. His face was expressionless. He didn't even blink. His sword was stained with blood. Then I noticed something...the insignia on his shirt was no longer silver but black...His eyes were also much more of a red. Glowing. He was almost inhuman. He approached us.

"What are you doing Joey?" He said in a monotone.

"Stopping you!!! You've killed hundreds of men for no reason!" I shouted at him.

"I am taking over the ship. We are not going to Xenon, we are going to Necro Isle." He said.

"What the hell is Necro Isle?" Asked Rob.

"Its an Island where everyone dies instantly because it has no air..." Said Kiki.

"I can not allow this adventure to continue any more." He said.

"Why!?" I shouted.

"It has gone too far."  He said.


"I can not allow any more interruptions." He said.

"Psy." He muttered, lifting his hand.

    He used his psychic attack to push all the way out of the room and onto the deck. He then returned to threatening the captain. We tried to run back to him, but Specter and Frost appeared before us. The sighed and looked at us.

"You two again?!!!" I shouted.

"Don't worry pussies. We aren't here  to fight, we just need to make sure you don't stop Damian from reaching Necro Isle." Said Specter.

"Hessssss under our cannot sssstop him..." Hissed Frost.

"Why Would you two do this?!" Robbie shouted.

"We were commanded to ssssssssooo...." Hissed Frost.

"Our master told us to kill you off anyway possible." Said Specter.

"Who is your master?" I asked.

"We can't tell you." Said Specter.

"I Didn't think so.." I said.

"Specter I'm surprised, How do you have enough Concentration to control Damian and argue with us at the same time?" Asked Kiki.

"I'm not controlling Damian, I don't know the Domination Spell." Said Specter.

"Then who is?" Asked Robbie.

"Our Brother Lych. He knowsssss...the sssssspellsss....." Hissed Frost.

"Make him stop!" I shouted.

"No. This is our orders." Specter said.

"Actually...Nothing can sssssstop himsss.......Let them try ssss..." Hissed Frost.

"Fine. Pick one of you and go ahead and try to take him back. You can't do it." Said Specter.

"Kiki." Robbie and Me said Simultaneously.

    Specter and Frost moved out of the way and Kiki ran into the captains room. Specter and Frost took us to the room but Frost froze our mouths shut. Kiki ran up to Damian and pleaded with him t stop. He ignored her. She kept trying but it had no effect. He kept driving. Specter laughed and told us it would be mear minutes before we reached death. Kiki pulled out her staff and smashed  it over Damian's head. He fell over and started rubbing his head. He jumped up and held his sword over his head, His eyes were on fire, as he prepared to strike down Kiki. She stared into his eyes. For almost an entire 60 seconds they were locked in a gaze with each other. Damian's arm twitched...

"Imposssssssible.... hisss.... Theresssss no way... hisss..." Hissed Frost in disbelief.

"No one is strong enough to resist Domination!" Shouted Specter.

    Damian Dropped his sword, his eyes returned to normal, as did his Dragon shirt. He looked down and sighed. He got down on one knee and begged Kiki to forgive him for almost attacking her. She smiled. He then perfusely apologized for killing everyone. The Captain ran to wheel and turned it away from the Island. He returned to his routine course. A Brown Figure appeared. He looked alot like Frost and Specter. Damian was too confused to do anything...he sat on the floor and blinked.

"You've got to be screwing with me..." Said Specter.




"The Kiki is far too strong for you!!!" Said Kiki.

"You Idiots will pay!" Said Lych.

"Oh Shut up Lych, come on lets get out of here." Said Specter.

"Hisss....yessss...Brother... We must leave for now... We will fight them when we get to Xenon..." Hissed Frost.

"Bring it on! We Can take you!" I shouted Shouted.

"We should be careful Joey, They're strong."Robbie said.

"Bastards." I said.

"For now, you dumbasses can deal with out pet..." Said Lych.

"Pet...?" Kiki asked.

"Conjure Lesser Chromatic Demon!!" They said Simultaneously.

"Chromatic ...Demon?" I said nervously.

    Damian was still basically out of it. A Devil-Like demon appeared. He screeched and changed his form into a Diamond like golem. Then he shape shifted again into a slimy acidic looking creature. Then he shape shifted another time into a creature made of Lightning. He ran at us. The three of us got ready to fight.

"Remember! Damian Isn't here to enhance us, or use Magic on him! We've got to be very careful in this fight!" I said.

    We ran at him and began attacking. Everytime we struck him he changed his form. He was extremely powerful. We each did everything we could to fight him, but he could exploit all of our weakness. Only Kiki was safe, since he couldn't use the Shadow element. We kept pounding at him. We were losing this battle fast. We couldn't take anymore. Then Suddenly he disappeared.

"You are Wimps. Pure Wussies.." Said Lych.

"Couldn't even beat a tiny little pet like that." Said Specter.

"Hisss...Wimpssss...." Hissed Frost.

"We will be leaving now." Said Specter.

"Expect to fight me when you reach Xenon. Oh, and By the way...All those dead guys aren't really dead. Its an optical illusion. Damian will have no memory of anything that happened today. The people are downstairs tied up." Said Lych.

"You got Lucky thisssss time...hissss..." Hissed Frost.


    The disappeared. All the bodies disappeared. We went downstairs and freed all the sailors. Damian was still sitting on the floor of the captains room, thinking. We picked him and brought him to his bed. His blank stare worried us. We wondered if he would ever snap out of it. We were lucky that he finally fell asleep. The three of us also went to sleep. The next day was pretty boring, Damian was still in a trance, and we were very off course. It would be another three days before we would reach Xenon.  Damian didn't come out of his trance till the day before we reachd Xenon...