USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness
    Leviathan and I continued to swim through the depths towards the Isle that my friends were waiting on. I was so eager to see them. I hadn't realized how much I missed them, I was too busy nearly getting killed! But that wasn't important anymore, as long as I had the scepters, we could use their powers and then we would have weapons. As we zipped through the water, I told my stories to Leviathan. I told him about the fiery land of the Fire Scepter. I told him about Malaris, and Fuego. I told him about the strange world of Water. I told him about Ultros and Tiburon, and the Shark-Rays. I informed him about Titan and Tiamat. I taught him about the world of Wind and Earth. He was very interested. I couldn't wait to tell the others.

    We approachd the small island. I jumped off and ran towards the oasis. I saw Joey and Robbie, but they weren't very happy. They didn't even notice me until I called out to them. Then, once I got their attention they came running over. Robbie actually hugged me. I patted him on the back and pushed him away. They were so incredibly happy to see me. It was as if they hadn't seen me in years. I gave them their Scepters, Wind to Robbie and Earth to Joey. The Wind Scepter turned into a nice shiny new Katana called the Raiko-Ken and the Earth Scepter turned into nice new Terra-Masse Gauntlets.  

"So thats where you were." Said Joey.

"Yep. Say, wheres Kiki?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell us you were going there?" Asked Robbie.

"Leviathan just told me to go and get it over with. Where is Kiki?" I asked again.

"We thought you were dead Dame...Leviathan didn't tell us where you went.." Joey said slowly.

"Will someone please tell me where Kiki is?!" I shouted.

"We're happy you're alive Damian...we were giving up hope..." Robbie began to say.

"WHERE IS KIKI?!" I said, shaking Joey.

"She's gone." He said.


"She was consumed by darkness. She was so depressed because she thought you were dead. Her heart became consumed by the darkness, and she fell into a black hole...she disappeared." Joey explained.

"But...WHAT!?" I demanded.

    Leviathan approached us. He sighed. He explained he had other things to do, he had completely forgot that he didn't tell the others where I was. He explained to us that the world of darkness was a terrible place where people go when their hearts are completely filled with darkness, sadness and absolute despair. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I started strangling Joey. I demanded to know how he could possibly allow such a thing to happen. I was informed by Leviathan that when the "Harvestation" process begins, voices can no longer reach who ever is being taken away.

    Kiki was now in some horrible world all alone, a terrible world of Shadows, where no light could reach her. Trapped in a prison of darkness, worse then any dungeon. I had to save her. But how? How do you reach a land of eternal darkness? Who could I ask!? The only advice the mighty Sea God  could provide is to find and ask Specter. But how would we find him?

"Well...In the past, they've always found us. Lets just head back Eki Abassi and maybe we'll get lucky." Said Joey.

" had better hope that we do..." I growled.

    We climbed on Leviathan's back and he started to swim towards Eki Abassi. I was so incredibly angry at Joey and Robbie, but for what reason? It wasn't their fault. It was mine, and Leviathan's. As we began to approach the desert, we got lucky. A huge sea creature lifted up out of the water. It was a huge sea worm, not like Leviathan, more like a Tube-Worm. And of course, on his head were the brothers. They cackled evily. I wasn't impressed.

"Ready to lose, fools?!" Said Specter, arrogantly.

"Specter how do we get to the world of Darkness?" I asked.


"Answer me!" I demanded.

"Why the hell do you want to go there...?" Asked Lych.

"Kiki was consumed by the darkness. She was taken there. I have to go save her." I explained.

"You can say goodbye to your girlfriend, Damian. Theres no way in hell I'm going back there..." Said Specter.

"Besidessssss, when sssssomeone goes there, they dont come back..hisssss" Hissed Frost.

"Says who!?" I demanded.

"Only one person has ever escaped from the Shadow Realm." Lych said quietly.

"Yea and who's that!?" I shouted.

"Me." Said Specter.


"It was the most horrible time of my life. I let the darkness consume me. My mother went to find me, and she gave up her life so I would live and be able to go back to the real world." He said.

"So thats why you all love your mother so much." Joey said.

"She was the Goddess of Peace, she couldn't defeat the demon who resides as king there." Said Specter.

"Specter this is your chance to avenge your mother! We can go there, and you can kill that demon!" I said.

"What..? Why would I go with you..." He asked.

"We can be allies for a little while. We'll cooperate with eachother, and together we'll save Kiki and take down the King of Darkness!" I declared.

"I don't know...I promised myself I would never go back..." He said, unsure.

"Please, Specter?" I begged.

"You really care about her that much?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"The enemies there are beyond anything you've ever fought. You might not survive." He explained.

"I'm willing to take that chance." I said.

"Speaking of did you two get back to life?" Asked Lych.

"Kiki is a harper, she revived us." Said Robbie.

"We really ssssshhhhhould have realissssssed that..." Hissed Frost.

"Fine. I'll open the Shadow door...and help you take down Ghuidra(Guy-Dra)." He said.

"Thank you Specter..." I said.

"I'm coming too." Said Lych.

"No, stay here." Specter said.

"If we go down, we go down together bro. And besides, I wanna avenge Mama too." Lych Said.

"Fine...How about you, Frost?" Asked Specter.

"I'm staying here. Too dangerous." He said.

"You coward, you're so adverse to going you aren't even hissing." Said a very disgusted Lych.

"Hey, I have to look out for numero uno. Sorry Bro." Said Frost.

"You sicken me Frost." Said Specter.


"Shadow Door... Open." Said Specter.

    A bright shining doorway opened before us. It was like a portal to another dimension. I looked at Specter. He sighed and stepped through. Lych went next. Then me. It was like I was stepping right into another world. There was a bright flash of light and then, total, pitch black darkness. I looked around. I saw the red of Specter's shell and the brown of Lych's crest. I walked over to them. Specter sighed. Robbie and Joey came over to us. I saw them in perfect light, I couldn't see Specter and Lych because their skin had alot of black on it.

"Prepare yourselves." Said Lych.

    I nodded. Specter began to walk. We followed him. All around we could hear moaning and crying. It was constant, and it felt like it was eating away at our sanity. The darkness was horrible. We were attacked in the shadows by evil demons. They were incredibly strong, but somehow we easily defeated them. Then I realized that it was all Specter and Lych. The two of them were incredibly strong. And the great thing was Me, Joey and Robbie were getting all of the benefits. In just a few minutes all three of us were level 22. Robbie and Joey had also learned new abilities. Double Team for Robbie and Lightning Kick for Joey.

    We kept going. We approached a long corridor. How did we know this? Eventually we got tired of darkness, so I enhanced Joey. His glowing Aura lit our path. We saw people in cages, they were all bloody and covered in sores. I swore that if Kiki was missing even one hair I would destroy who ever did it to her. But there was no time for anger. Yet. The corridor went on for almost an hour. When we couldn't walk anymore, we collapsed on the floor. We took a breather for a few minutes.

"My god this place is huge..." I said.

"Bigger than I remember." Said Specter.

"You guys are so strong, you're destroying these things like they dont even bother you." Joey commented.

"I'm gonna level with you guys." Lych began.

"We don't use our full potential on you guys." Lych said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"If we did, you would be killed in one attack." Specter explained.

"If you were really that evil...wouldn't you want us to die?" I asked.

"We aren't as ignorant as we seem. Us attacking you is more of us playing with you then us being aggressive. If we were being aggressive, you would know it." Said Lych.

"We don't allow Frost to kill you, but he wants to." Said Specter.

"He's not as ...'nice' as we are." Lych added.

"Jeeze...thats...depressing." I said.

"Don't worry about it." Lych said.

"So how strong are you guys?" Asked Robbie.

"We're about level 45. These guys are nothing to us." Specter said.

"Holy crap!" I shouted.

"You'll catch up, and when you do, we're gonna fight you and not hold back." Lych said calmly.

"Come on, let's get a move on." Commanded Specter.

    We got back up and kept walking. Befoe too long we exited the room. The room after was just a huge, black square. Joey de-enhanced, and the room was still the same. No darkness, no Light. Just...Black. And in the center of the room was a one, single cage. I ran up to it. Kiki was inside!! I began to shake the cage and yell her name. She ignored me. I rattled the cage some more. I kept screaming her name, but she didnt even blink. I slashed at the cage with my sword, but it had no effect. I even charged up a Flash II spell and began casting it on the cage. Nothing happened. I couldn't free her... I didn't know what to do!!!!

"I didn't expect it to be this bad..." Specter said.

"KIKI!!! KIKI!!!!!!!" I yelled.

"She can't hear you Damian. The darkness has deafened her." He said in a grim voice.

"BUT...KIKI PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!" I kept yelling.


"I didn't come this far to fail!!" I screamed at Specter.

"You are pathetic." Said an unknown voice.

"Who...are you...?" I asked.

"I am the embodyment of evil, darkness itself. I am Ghuidra. King of this world." Said the voice.

"RELEASE KIKI NOW!!!!" I shouted into the darkness.

"Do you really think I will free the girl? She belongs to me now." Said Ghuidra.

"NOT IF I KILL YOU FIRST!!!" I Screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Laughable. Cerberus, my pet, dispatch of this filth." Said Ghuidra.

    A huge figure appeared in the darkness. It towered over us. The figure then took form. It was a huge black dog, no not a dog, a demon. A three headed dog, Cerberus. The monster had two red stripes going down his back from his Left and Right head. His tail was long and looked as if it was sharp as a blade. His paws were tipped with razor sharp claws. A green, slimely film covered his lips. He opened his mouth and drooled. A green liquid fell from his mouth. It burned and sizzled a hole right in the floor.

"Great. A giant dog who drools acid. Won't this be fun." Said Specter, saracastically.

"Listen! If we attack it from different vantage points it might confuse Cerberus." I said.

"Do You have a plan?" Asked Lych.

"Yes. Joey, You're a Defensive Fighter, Lych you're Offensive. You guys team up and take on his Right head." I commanded.

"Robbie, you are Offensive. Specter, you are Defensive. Take the left! I'll go for the Middle!" I instructed.

"Wait! Enhance me Damian, I can use Level 3 Magic now! I'll cast Flash III on his head!" Joey yelled.

"Good idea!! ENHANCE!" I called out.

    Joey enhanced again. The three groups began to attack his heads. Me and Joey Simultaneous cast Flash II and III on his middle and right heads. He was taking massive amounts of damage. Robbie began to slash at the left head with his Raiko-Ken and Specter began to physically attack it. He was too confused to do anything. He began to flail his heads around, spewing dark liquid and acid everywhere. He was so incredibly strong, but we couldn't give up. We kept fighting. I enhanced myself and began blasting him with my plasma rays. He screamed out as the blasts connected with him. Within a few seconds he fell over and was defeated. The three of us Leveled up. I learned the Thundara magic. Me and Joey de-enhanced. Cerberus got up and limped away.

"Now, Ghuidra, RELEASE KIKI!!!!" I screamed.

"Hmph, He was weak." Said Ghuidra.


"Now. Witness MY power!" Called Ghuidra.

    Kiki's body lifted up from the cage. It began to glow dark. She screamed out and went limp. She fell back into the cage. My mouth dropped open. I lifted up my blade. It glowed a bright red, as did my eyes. My entire body was engulfed in red energy. I held my sword over my head and yelled out loudly. I slammed my sword on the ground and the entire room lit up. I could see everything. There were prisoners and demons and cages everywhere. I could also see Ghuidra. He was like a giant, black cloak. All I could see was his head. He looked at me. He still had no fear. I yelled out and dashed towards him. I began to slash him madly with my sword. Each time I hit him he bellowed out. I slashed him so crazily that I began to tear his cloak to peices. After slashing him over what seemed like twently times, I spun around in the air like a tornado, surrounded in red energy. It was like a huge Energy Tornado. He was wrapped up in the middle of it. He cried out and fell over. By defeating Ghuidra I leveled up AGAIN to level 24. I learned the Demi spell.

"I...have never felt power like this before...You are truly powerful. I didn't think I would ever be defeated by someone like you. And you took me down alone." He said.

"Release her. NOW." I demanded.

"Very well...but first...A gift from me." He said, Tossing me a flute.

"The hell is this...?" I asked.

"Use it to summon Cerberus to aid you in battle. His Delta Attack will surely help you defeat the enemies." Ghuidra said.

"Thank you.." I said.

"Now, to release the prisoners.." He said.

    All the cages opened. All the prisoners disappeared. He explained that they were being teleported too the last place they were before they were consumed by darkness. The dungeon lit up alot. Kiki's cage opened up. I ran over to her and picked her up. She was pretty out of it. Ghuidra explained that she would be fine in a few hours. I glared at him. He smiled. We suddenly dematerialized. We reappeared exactly where we were right before we entered the Shadow door. I looked around. I still held Kiki in my arms.

"Thank you for helping us to get back at him Damian.." Said Specter.

"Thank you for helping me get Kiki back." I said.

    We nodded to eachother and shook hands. He said they would leave us alone for a while. I nodded. They disappeared. We continued on towards Eki Abassi. Along the way, Joey told Leviathan the entire story. I just stared at Kiki as she slept and prayed that Ghuidra had been truthful, and that she would wake up. Leviathan explained to me that I had experience a rush of energy called a Rage. When someone experienced a Rage, they become nearly invulnerable, and twice as powerful, which is why I so easily felled Ghuidra. Leviathan promised that Kiki would be ok. He also reminded me to give her the Water Scepter when she woke up. I nodded. He let us off at the desert. We rested under a tree that we had found. There was a small oasis.

    We let Kiki relax by the water for a little while. She was extremely weak from what had happened. She also had no recollection of what had happened while she was in the Shadow Realm. I gave her the Water Scepter and it transformed into the Staff of Serpent, a Staff that was made in honor of Leviathan. She liked it. But she was still very weak. She hugged me and thanked me for saving her. I just smiled. We were finally all together again. And it was wonderful.