USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel
    I walked for hours. I didn't even know where I was. I was completely emotionless. I had no idea what to do or say. She was gone, I could never again look into her beautiful blue eyes and smile. I could never fight with her and throw food at her while we ate again. I couldn't deliberately find someway to make her trip so I could catch her, and have her in my arms for a few seconds, or deliberately get hurt and demand a hug from her. I could never tell her how much I cared about her now. I believe a small part of me died that day. My heart felt like it was being strangled by darkness. Knives continously stabbing at my chest.



    I fell to my knees, and for the first time in over five years, I actually cried. I couldn't help it, I couldn't hold the tears from flowing from my eyes. Flowing? More like gushing. I sobbed. I was beginning to soak the neck of my jacket, I stood up and wiped my eyes. I still felt like crying...but now I needed something to help me a bit. I noticed a general store not to far from my position. I walked to it and entered. Inside was just what I needed. A long, crimson cape that tied around my neck like a scarf, and then followed down the right side of my body but not the left. It was like a very oversized scarf, but at the same time like a cape. I walked out of the store after paying with some spare change I found in my pocket.

    An armor store caught my eye. I walked over to it and went inside. I looked around at all the shining armor. The man looked at me. He looked very compassionate, I walked over to him. He said he noticed that I looked like I had problems, then he asked me what my class was. I told him that I was a Kensage. He tossed me a pair of gauntlets, they were shining silver, with a gold trim, They also had Black gloves connected to them. He told me to slip them on. I did so, they fit on perfectly. The glove part covered most of my hand, with the exception of my fingers. The metal was tight around my wrist.

"You can keep em." He said.

"...Why are you giving them to me...? They look expensive..." I said slowly.

"You look like you have the weight of the world on your back." He said.

"...." I simply sighed.

"Wanna talk about?" He asked politely.

"Someone very close to me recently died..." I said, closing my eyes.

"Wow...I didn't think it would be that severe...I feel your pain little man, consider those gauntlets a gift. The gloves will pad your hands, and when you hold your sword, it won't feel as uncomfortable. Plus, it will keep your wrists stable. Your dexterity will increase plenty. I hear they also improve magical power by a little." He explained.

"I can't take these....It wouldn't be right...."

"In the name of Malzakk boy, what happened to you wasn't right. You take those gauntlets." He demanded.

"Thanks..." I said, trying again to hold back tears.

"Who was she?" He asked.

"How do you know it was a girl?" I questioned.

"Call it man's intuition. You wouldn't be so upset over man, lest it was your father." He said.

"She was a girl that I liked alot...she traveled with me." I answered.

"Ah. I see."

"I'll never get a chance to even tell her how I felt." I said, sighing again.

"Well...why can't you revive her? Any Harper would be more then happy to do it for you. And if they want money, I'll give you the money." He said.

"Thank you for the offer...but her body was stolen by the demon that attacked her..." I answered.

"Stolen by a demon? Now that makes absolutely no sense." He commented.

"How so?" I asked, looking up.

    This was the first time I actually got to look at the man. He was about the same height as Robbie, he was greatly over weight and he was completely bald. He was like the chubby Uncle you had that everyone loved. Or like Santa Claus...bad example, but thats who he reminded me of. He gave me a hearty smile as I finally looked at him. This man had obviously had something terrible happen to him. Nothing else could have softened his heart so much. He was purely saintly. After I looked him over, he finished what he was saying.

"Demons do not steal bodies, they kill, they loot, they leave." He said.


"It just doesn't happen ever, you can ask anyone." He explained.

I sighed yet again.

"I don't know what to do..." I said.

"You need time to think. Try the coastal area of Velencia. Its very quiet there, and at sunset its one of the most beautiful places on Darnithias." He suggested.

"I...guess...Thank you so much..." I said, turning away from him.

"Come back here anytime." He said.

"I will...." I answered beginning to walk away, but I stopped.

"Who did you lose?" I asked.


"My wife and daughter. There was a huge brush fire, I tried so hard to save them...but they just couldn't escape the rising flames..." He said, pain in his voice.

"I'm sorry..."

"It was over Ten years ago....but...How did you know?" He asked.

"You were too sympathetic, I knew you had to have some experience with the situation." I said slowly.

"That I do, little friend." He said.

    I gave a nod and walked out. I looked down at the gauntlets. I liked them. I decided to take him up on his advice and continue on to the coastal area. It took me till around sunset to reach there, but he was right...It was beautiful. I sat down and gazed into the setting sun as it reflected back to me. I saw Kiki's face in the stars, as they began to come out. I stayed there for the rest of the night. I didn't sleep, I didn't build a fire, I just...sat there. I was hurting so deeply. The scarf came in handy...ten fold. Definitely useful for wiping my teary eyes.

    I must have fallen asleep at some point, because I dont remember the sun rising. I do remember, however, that when I woke up, the brothers were standing there. Lych smiled and gave a gentle wave. Even Frost was smiling. Specter made a sarcastic laugh noise and held his hand out to me. I took his hand and He helped me up. They complimented me on my "new clothes" and then they got down to business.

"How are you doing, Damian?" Asked Lych.


"We want to thank you...." Said Frost, in a normal voice.

"You helped us get rid of Schizo, and we thank you so much that we could finally rid him of our memories." Said Specter.

"Don't...worry about it..." I said slowly.

"Don't worry about it?! We're very worried about it! We decided we needed to repay you!" Said Lych.


"Here Damian...My gift." Lych said holding up his glowing hand.

    My magical attack power raised a little. I thanked him, but he just gave me a pat on the back and a hearty laugh. Lych backed up and Frost approached me. Frost placed his claw on my shoulder and his pincer glowed. My attack strength was increased a little. Frost hissed as I thanked him, and he assured me that just because he did this for me that it: 'Didn't mean that he liked me.' Specter approached me then, and told me he had two gifts for me. The first one was pretty obvious,
he raised my defensive power. I was greatful. His next gift was a bit different...

"Thanks..." I said, sighing.

"Whats wrong Damian?" Asked Lych.

"You sssssseem sssssssadd...." Hissed Frost.

"Kiki....she's...dead..." I muttered.

"Revive her from a cleric?" Suggested Specter.

"Her body was taken by the Demon that killed her..." I sighed.

"Impossible. Demons hate humans, they would NEVER take a humans body. They like to leave carcasses where they lay to prove a point that people should never cross their paths." Lych said intelligently.


"No buts. It is impossible." He interrupted.

"It makes no sense." Said Specter.

"It may be an illusssssion.....hissssss..." Said Frost.

"What?" I asked.

"He's right, for once. A Red mage may be using an illusion to trick you into thinking shes dead. Hell if I tried hard enough I could do it." Said Lych.

"So she isn't dead!?" I cried out.

"Its a possibility." Said Lych.

"Then...We Can find her..." I said.

"I have another gift first." Said Specter.

"Damian, I am going to give you the ability to absorb the Shadow element." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"It will help you in battle." He answered.

"You don't have too....don't worry about it...." I said slowly.

"You're getting this gift!"

"Specter...are you sure?" Lych asked.

"What do you mean?" Specter questioned.

"Isn't there a rumor that if you do that to a good-aligned person they become evil or some crap like that?" Commented Frost, in his non-snake tone.

"Thats an old fable." Specter said Arrogantly.

"Are you sure?" Asked Lych again.

"What could it possibly do?" Asked Specter.

"Good Point."

"Here Damian, take this." Specter said, holding up a ball of darkness.

"It may feel uncomfortable at first, but its just the element encoding itself into your DNA." He added.

    I touched the ball. It snaked around my arm, and then disppeared into my chest. At first I felt nothing. But then suddenly, it felt like something was exploding in my chest. I gasp and nearly fell over, but Lych and Specter kept me up. I could hardly stand without their help. It felt like my heart was ripped open and something was gushing out of it. Little did I know I was right. I could barely contain the feeling, it was it was going to rupture my chest. All I heard was Lych screaming at Specter.

    Suddenly, something "stepped out of me". It was literally like a person had just stepped out of my body. I looked up at him. He looked exactly like me. A mirrored image, except his hair was darker and his clothes were black and gray. He opened his eyes and looked at me. Two wings spread out from his back. Black like raven's wings. He unsheathed his sword, it was exactly like my Ashbane, but the aura was black. He spoke in a dark tone.

"The Darkness has been...unleashed..." He said.

"Who...Are you...?" I asked.

"I am your inner darkness. But if you want a name, call me Wrayth." He said.


"Finally, I am free...I can finally do what I was formulated to do..." Wrayth said.


"Plunge this world into Darkness." He answered.

"WHAT!?!" The Brothers and I demanded.

"I am the chosen one, and I shall lead you all to the 'Promised Land.'" Wrayth proclaimed.

"The...Promised land?" I asked.

"A World of Death and disappear...a world of pure evil and darkness, and world where I am king. You know you've always wanted to be powerful Damian. I can give it to you." Wrayth Said.

"I would never do that...!!"

"I have the power to give you what you want..." Wrayth Tempted.

"Excuse me...?"

    He held out his hand, and it began to glow. A small hologram appeared in his shadow-like palms. It was then I noticed why he called himself Wrayth. He was a ghost, a shadow, a ...Wraith. He had no physical body. I focused back on his hand. A vision of Kiki appeared in his palm. My eyes widened. I held out my now shaking hand and tried to touch the hologram. But I couldn't, my hand went right through. I sighed, looked down and tried not to cry again. I saw her...but she wasn't real... Why was he torturing me...

"I can bring her back Damian." Wrayth Said.


"You know you want me to. You need her, and I need a Physical Body. Let me use your body, and I promise I will bring her back to you." He coaxed.

"Kiki....I' get her back..." I stammered.

"DAMIAN DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!!!" Screamed Lych, but I didn't listen.

"HE LIESSSSSSSS!!!" Shouted Frost.

"HE CAN'T HELP KIKI!" Yelled Specter.

"Kiki will be returned to you. And I will have mass. We will both have what we want. Come Damian, Give into the darkness." Said Wrayth.



"DO IT!" The brothers yelled, as if they knew eachothers thoughts.

    I walked to Wrayth, and he smiled. The brothers continued to yell and scream and beg me to reconsider, but I couldn't. I had to get Kiki back. I had the oppurtunity to get what I wanted most back to me, I couldn't even consider rejecting his offer. He slowly diminished, and his soul entered mine. I felt a horrible feeling flow throughout my entire body. As if oil was now being pumped into my veins, I was now covered in darkness. My body rearranged itself so that I now looked exactly like Wrayth. Wings sprouted from my back and my clothing became dark grays. The worst part came next, as I lost my insanity...Wrayth simply took over my body...and I was gone.

....To be Continued....