USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race
    The next day, we finally got to Perseus. Phoenix gave us a lift. It turns out that riding him was nearly twice as fast as Leviathan. And it was fun too! Flying was great, it made me feel so free. The strangest thing was perhaps, that we weren't burned by the flames of Phoenix. He was quite the show man. He did dives, spins and all different kind of tricks. He wanted to show his appreciation for us by giving us a good time. And a good time we did have. He was very intelligent to boot. He taught us alot about the history of Darnithias. He was actually older then Leviathan, or so he claimed. Phoenix was apparently the God of Rebirth. He said that he was captured because he assisted someone when the Kadmar police had thought that the person did not desever to be assited. Phoenix told us that he'd been in that cage for quite sometime. He was so happy to finally stretch his wings again.

    We landed in the Perseus Barracks. Phoenix did one final back flip and disappeared without a trace. He approached the commanding soliders and they ordered us to state our business. We told them that we simply wanted to apologize for the problems we had caused. We explained the whole scenario to them. They said that, although they weren't exactly happy with us, that they understood our problem and that it would be forgiven this time. They said they were happy that hostilities were finally over. We told them about our perils of the Kadmar prison, and the rest of our adventures. They were quite interested. They said that Leviathan had come to them and told them about us. Leviathan had told them that we were good people and to allow us into Velencia Village.

    The soliders explained to us that Velencia Village was a beautiful, ancient city, one of the oldest cities in all of Darnithias. They told us that the people of Velencia Village are extremely peaceful, and leave very stress free lives. Thats why the barracks were built, to protect the people of Velencia Village. They said Velencia Village was built on a mountainous area and lots of Wyverns and Dragons lived there. They told us that over the years, the humans had befriended the dragons and wyverns. People in Velencia Village actually kept these creatures as pets!

    Suddenly, as the two continued on with the story, the general approached and gave some bad news. He said that the people of Velencia Village were complaining of a very suspicious creature wandering around. They said he was causing mischief and making the people very nervous. He told the Soliders to check it out immediately. The only person we could think of was Schizo. I told the men to look after my friends and that I would go handle Schizo. They thanked me perfusely. Joey asked if I would be ok, but I fluffed him off. I told them I'd be fine and then started to walk.

    I decided to summon Phoenix. Phoenix and I flew above the town scouted around. It was beautiful. If I could live anywhere in Darnithias, it would DEFINATELY be here. The buildings were like ancient architecture, plants, mosses and vines graced the entire place. I wished I had a camera. It was beautiful. People walked the streets, everyone knew eachother. There were no strangers here. Everyone was like family to everyone else. It was purely, admirable.

    Just then a young girl skipped along. Following here was what I guessed was a Wyvern. It was the first time I had ever seen one. It was like a flying snake. It was long and scaley, with an arrow tipped tail. It also had two wing segments. Four wings total. He had a huge head, filled with sharp teeth. Saliva dripped from his mouth, it looked highly acidic. I nodded at this.

    Suddenly I saw a flash. Something was moving quickly throughout the streets. It was moving like a blur, just dashing around. It was slightly gray. At first, it took me a while to see what it was. But then I realized what it was. Schizo. How did I know? Well it laughed manically. Constantly. He zipped around. Laughing and causing mischief. The people were getting upset. Suddenly, Schizo jumped ontop of the little girls Wyvern. The creature screamed out and flailed madly.

"SCHIZO!!" I yelled out.

"HEE HAW!!!"


"Here we gooooooooo!!!" Schizo shouted.

"Phoenix, Lets Get em!" I yelled.

    The Wyvern went crazy and started flying like a bullet. The little girl started to panic. She demanded to know what was happening to her wyvern. I promised her I'd return the creature to her, and then Phoenix and I zipped after it. Schizo was "surfing" the Wyvern. He stood up on the Wyvern, as if he had no fear. We flew right along side them. Schizo was laughing like an idiot. The Wyvern was scared, he didn't know what to do. I tried to reason with Schizo, but he totally ignored me. Suddenly, his eyes began to glow. I didn't really know what he was going to do...but I found out soon enough. A huge beam of Psycho-Kinetic energy flew from Schizo and smashed right into me, nearly knocking me off of Phoenix. Luckily, Phoenix was a good enough flier to help me. Looks like I was going to have to take offensive action.

"Phoenix, What is the elemental status of a Wyvern?!" I called out.

"Um...They absorb Poison and Wind..." He answered.

"Alright. Here we go!" I said,standing up on Phoenix' back.

"Reaaaaddy..... ACID ARROW!!!" I yelled out.

    I formed a bolt in my hand, the bolt engulfed in poison and I fired it straight at Schizo. Direct hit right to the gut! He cried out. This kind of unbalanced him, but not nearly enough to make him fall off. I fired another Acid Arrow at him, but he manuvered the wyvern away so that I missed. He then used a Telekinesis attack. My body was no longer my own. He then picked me up with his mind and threw me back a few feet off of Phoenix. Phoenix did a loop and managed to catch me. Now I was mad. I decided to enhance myself. My costume changed significantly. I stood up again and Phoenix zipped up close to the Wyvern. I began firing energy balls at Schizo. Huge balls of energy smashed into him.

    Schizo Screamed out as my attacks continuously hit him. He started to go crazy, shooting Psychic beams everywhere. Luckily, nearly everyone of his attacks missed me. I continued to fire at him.  He was starting to lose. I jumped up, off of Phoenix and Light Dashed onto the Wyvern. I landed right behind Schizo. I grabbed him by the neck and then threw him up into the sky. I fired a strong blast of energy at him and he went flying. He was still laughing as he flew away. He landed in the sea and started to cry and flail. I ignored him and turned back to normal.

    I kneeled down and pet the Wyvern. I calmed him down and got him to turn back towards Velencia Village. Phoenix complimented me on my keen ability to charm animals. I told him that I had alot of pets back on Earth, so I always had a way with animals. Phoenix understood, and He told me that he would be around if I needed him. He disappeared in a glimmer of light. The Wyvern slowly began to descend into the center of the Village. His owner, and my friends were all waiting for me.

"Good Job Damian!" Joey said.

"That was really cool, orange ninja!" Complimented Robbie.

"That looked like fun!!!! I wanna try that..." Kiki said.

"My Wyvern!!!!" Called the girl.

"Yep. Here you go Little girl." I said, hopping off the Wyvern.

"I'm so happy you got him back for me!" She said.

"Don't worry about it." I said.

"Thank you!" She said, hugging me.

"'re welcome..." I said nervously, returning the hug.

"So, what is your name little girl?" I asked.

"My name is Andrea!" She said happily.

"Well, I hope you and your Wyvern are happy." I said.

"We will be! Come on Wyvervy!" She said giggling.

    I watched as she hopped on the Wyverns back and they slowly flew away. I turned to my friends. They nodded. They said that the next place for us to go would be Mara Lessile. I agreed and we began to walk towards the sea so I could summon a creature to help us get to Mara Lessile. But before I could take out one of my flutes, Leviathan quickly approached us. He was horribly worried. He told us that a huge storm was over Juruda. He told us that the country was becoming flooded and we had to help the people. He told us that only I could help, because I was the only one who could breathe underwater. I nodded and jumped on Leviathan's back.

    He dived underwater and started to zip towards Juruda. He told me that an Evil Demon named Demetris was causing the storm. He said that hopefully, If I could kill Demetris, then maybe the storms would cease. We kept swimming, and we reached Juruda in no time. The place was already pretty flooded. I looked around, and didn't see the creature anywhere. Leviathan swam throughout the town, seeing if he could do anything to help the people. All I could do was wade through the water and try to find the demon...