USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God
    Finally everything was back to the way it should be. Lych, Specter and Frost had finally given up on trying to dominate us. They had continued to try and had failed everytime. But they did summon creatures to fight us everytime they failed. We were now at the Sixteenth Level. I had learned Healing Breeze, Acid Arrow, Drain and Tremor. Kiki had learned Cure Medium Wounds, Draw Upon Holy Might, Call Lightning and Animate Undead. We were getting alot stronger. But we were STILL on that damn boat. I can't believe how long it took. Well then again, considering how many times the triplets set us off course... Anyway...It was a gloomy day when even more strange things happened. I was getting sea sick again. The captain made me another cure for the sea sickness but it was a different kind of sickness. I was depressed. I needed to see land...I needed to see the ground. I was sick of the ocean. I hated the fish, I hated the sea water, I just wanted to be home. I talked to Kiki alot to pass time. But other then that, there wasn't much to do.

"Tell me about Earth, Damian." Requested Kiki.

"Well...its alot brighter there then here..." I said.

"What else?" She asked.

"Hmm...there are no monsters on earth. But nice, soft, animals. Like puppies and kitties." I replied.

"What are those?" She asked.

"Uh...Hold on I think I might have a picture.." I said, pulling a small picture of my dog out of my pocket.

"Wow...kitties are cute!!" She exclaimed.

"No Kiki..thats a Puppy, a Dog." I said.

"Oh. Well I like it!" She said.

"Say, How did you get the name Kiki?" I asked.

"My name is Kathleen...Kiki is a nickname."

"Ah. I see." I said.

"Tell me more about Earth, and don't change the subject again!" She demanded.

"Well on Ear--" I began...

    Suddenly, the boat stopped, and loud bellowing screech was heard. The Captain ran out onto the deck. The five us all ran to the side of the boat. We saw something dark blue and green slide through the water. Something like a serpent, or a dragon, but without arms or legs. It swam under the boat. It continued to swim in circles around the boat. We were all paralyzed with fear. What was attacking us now?!

"What...Is that...?" I asked.

"Could It be..." Started the captain.

"Could it be what?!" Shouted Joey.

"The..." He continued.

"THE WHAT?!" Yelled Me and Robbie.

"...Sea God...?" He finished.

"Sea God?"

"Aye...Leviathan...the Mighty God of the Sea..." He said.

"..Lev...ia..than?" I asked.


"Is he hostile..?" Asked Joey.

"I sure hope not..." Said the captain.

    The giant serpent stopped circling. It swam directly out to where we were looking. It raised itself out of the water. It was huge, at least fifty feet long. The God was a giant, blue serpent. He had greenish fins on his body, and his mouth was red. His eyes glowed with a faint shade of gold. He moved his head close to us and sniffed me. He let out another bellowing screech. We fell to the ground and held our ears.

"Rrrwwah....eehhh... Sorry for that." Said the creature.

We looked up at him.


"That screech...its actually kind of like a sneeze. Because Gods are not supposed to have humanly functioned, I do not have the ability to sneeze. So thats how I sneeze." He said.

"...Ok...who are you?" I asked.

"I am Leviathan, God of the seas." He responded.

"Are you hostile...?" Asked Joey.

"No Joey, I'm not Hostile. And to answer the question you're about to ask me Damian, yes I CAN read your thoughts and Yes I HAVE been watching you." Leviathan stated.

"Wow..." I said.

"Don't worry, I am here to help you." He said.

"How?" Asked Robbie.

"Well, because we Gods cannot meddle in the affairs of eachother, I cannot give you any immediate help. Unfortunately, Maldrayo IS a God, The God of wind. So going against him would be meddling." He said.

"But hes Dead..." I said.

"God's cannot be killed by other Gods, they are simply weakened. Non-Gods can kill Gods, of course thats nearly impossible for Normal humans." He said.

"Why can't we kill Specter, Lych, and Frost?" Asked Joey.

"Well, They're part god. Their mother was a Goddess. So, their life force is very strong." He said.

"Jeeze...What else can we ask you?" I asked.

"Anything you want." He said.

"Who are we REALLY seeking to destroy?" I asked.

"I Cannot give you that information.. But keep in mind, Maldrayo has already attacked you once. Malzakk has not done anything wrong." Said Leviathan.


"Now, My friends I have some things I have something to give you." He said.

    Our bodies began to glow bright blue. I had learned two new abilities...Tsunami, and Water breathing. But why? Had Leviathan given me these? I think the others were wondering the same thing. A flute appeared before me. It was shaped like a serpent. He told us to play that and he would come and Aid us. He also told us that he had given us "Gift Abilities." He said that Gift abilites are only learned when a merciful God allows them to be learned. He said that now he had to depart, but he would be watching over us. He said that unlike Maldrayo, (and then he slowly added Malzakk), He could be trusted always. He was known for his trustworthyness, so said the Captain.

    It was three days later that we FINALLY reached Xenon. We had reached the docks in the city of Daegama. The Captain waved to us and told us to come back if we ever needed a ride. We nodded and continued on. We went to the local shop and bought some supplies with the money that the captain had given us. We then checked into a local inn and slept. The next day we gathered some food that would last us and started to walk east. We didn't really know why...But that is where the obvious way to go would be. The city of Husebune wasn't very far from Daegama, but we still had to walk through the humid plains. There were lots of vegetation on Xenon. Most of the creatures were plants. We managed to fight for a while until we reached the 17th level. I learned Lightning and Kiki learned Invisibility Purge. Unfortunately, Disaster struck. Specter jumped down infront of us. We all took out our weapons and prepared to fight him. He smirked. What we didn't know was that at that moment, Frost and Lych had Grabbed Kiki.I heard a muffled Struggling sound and I turned to see them holding Kiki. She struggled and Flailed, but they held her tight.

"KIKI!!!" I shouted.

"Sorry Damian, But we're taking her." Said Lych.

"GIVE HER BACK NOW!!!" I demanded.

"If you want her back, then meet us in the center of the Carenzi Forest." Said Lych.

"Now, Goodbye Foolssss...hiss...." Hissed Frost.

    They threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared. I ran around wildly in the fog, yelling for Kiki. But she didn't answer. The smoke cleared and they were gone. I fell to my knees and pounded on the ground. I had to get her back! I stood up and sheathed my sword. I didn't even know where the Carenzi Forest was!!! I checked the map, I was lucky that it was close to the next town. I began to run toward the direction but Joey stopped me.

"Damian...maybe we should...Let her go." Said Joey.

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"Damian we fight about things like this all the time...How many times are those three gonna use her to get us against eachother?" He said.


"Damian listen to me, they're probably plotting ways to get her to get us to fight right now, its better without her, shes a weakness." He said calmly.

I gave him the look of Death.

"You can stay here if you want, or you can go somewhere else," I said, tossing him the Serpent Flute. "But I WILL Get Kiki back. With our without your help." I said.

    I began to walk away. They sighed and followed. I ignored them and continued to walk. They continued to follow. It was about twenty minutes before I finally turned to face them, with my arms folded. I gave them a deadly look again. They looked away. I didn't even blink. Then I finally spoke.

"Why did you follow me?" I asked, in a monotonous tone.

"Because we're your friends...we care about you." Said Joey.

"Well Kiki is our friend too, and I care about her." I said.

"Fine...We'll save Kiki..." Said Joey.

"Then lets go." I said.

    I turned and kept walking. I was pretty mad at them, which was rare, I wasn't the type to get mad like this. Why was it I was so crazed over her? It didn't matter. We didn't talk for the rest of the day, the three of us. We ate and slept, but I barely looked at them. The we didn't reach Husebune until the next day, but we didn't even stay there long. We refilled our supplies and had a meal and then continued on. The trail of vegetation told us we were coming close to the forest...