USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail
    When I woke up I was in was in a small cell. Kind of like the one from last time, except this cell was made of energy. I didn't even dare to touch it. I looked around and saw Kiki near the other side of the room. She gave a small wave. I waved back but my finger tip touched the energy. I felt a horrible shock go through my body. I fell to the ground and started to convulse for a little while. I got back up slowly. Kiki cast a few healing spells on me, but it really didnt do much for the pain. I sighed. We weren't even close enough to talk to each other. I tried to find Joey and Robbie, but they were no where in sight.

    A guard came in to the room we were in and walked over to me. He smirked and laughed. He explained that our cells were unopenable, and untouchable. He assured me that escape was literally impossible. He said that even if he wanted to, the cells were impossible to get out of. We were in here for the rest of our lives. I sighed. He tossed me an apple and walked away. I generally didn't like fruit, but I was extremely hungry so I ate it. He then walked over to Kiki's cell and fed her also.

    There had to be a way to escape these cages. I tried to think of things that might be able to help, but nothing came to mind. I sighed. I strained my mind to come up with a plan, but no matter how Hard I tried, nothing came to my mind. I stood up and stretched a bit (being careful not to hit the energy of course) when something unexpected happened. A strange figure appeared before me. It slowly materialized into none other then Specter!

"Having a problemo, Dameo?" He said with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We came to a decision...we've decided we're gonna stop fighting you guys, and instead help you out a bit. Consider us Allies." He said.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" I asked.

"Well, Maldrayo always told us that he would help us forget the pain of losing mama if we helped him...and he never did. You helped us. So it really makes more sense to help you." He explained.

"You DID work for Maldrayo... Well that certainly makes alot of sense." I said, sighing.

"Needless to say, you guys are going to need our help." He said.

"You know how we can get out of these god forsaken cages?" I asked.

"Nuclear Nova absorbs the Light Element doesn't he?" Asked Specter.

"Yeah, why?"

"And so does Kiki. These bars consist of the light element. Enhance yourself, and you two should have no problem passing right through." He said.

"Well thats all well in good, but what about Joey and Robbie?" I asked.

"Patience, get yourself out first and we'll figure out the next part of the puzzle." He said.

    I nodded and enhanced myself. Specter watched as the green jumpsuit replaced my clothing, and the long flowing cape appeared on my body. He Smirked as my face was covered with a mask, and my hands with gloves. He then tapped his foot impatiently as the Nuclear symbol formed on my chest. I had finished enhancing. He nodded towards the bars. I reluctantly reached out my hand and touched the bar. Nothing happened. I got closer, nothing. Finally I figured that I'd better hurry, so I just walked right out of the cell. I couldn't believe it, I was completely unharmed. It was as if there was nothing there at all! Specter smiled and gave a hearty chuckle.
    I turned human and ran to Kiki's cell. She was asleep. I started to call her name, but she didn't wake up. I sighed and called her name louder. Nothing. She was such a heavy sleeper. This situation kind of reminded me back in the tavern when I had a problem waking her up. Specter and I both together tried to wake her up, but she snored on. I was getting impatient, and so was Specter. Specter then picked up a pebble from the floor and chucked it at Kiki's head. This woke her up. She jumped up and started getting really mad.

"Hey what was that for I was trying to sleep!!!!!!!" Kiki shouted.

"You got hit with what you sleep like. A Rock." Specter said calmly.


"We couldn't wake you up Kiki." I said.

"But That doesn't mean you can just---Damian how did you get out of the cell!?" She demanded.

"My enhanced form absorbs light. So do you, just walk out of the cell." I said.

    She blinked a few times. Just like me, she tested the bars alittle. she then giggled as she easily stepped out of the cell. Specter nodded. We started to walk towards the other side of the room. Joey and Robbie were both awake, and relaxing in their cells. They jumped up at the sight of us and demanded to know how we got out. After we explained we all turned to Specter to give an answer as to how we would get them out. He thought for a minute.

"Well, Joey, your powershield should be more then enough to handle the bars. And you can go into Robbie's cell and get him out also." Suggested Specter.

"Good idea." I said.

    Joey nodded. I enhanced him. His appearance didn't change much. He basically just got shiny. He put up his energy shield. He easily passed through the bars. He then floated towards Robbie's cell and freed him aswell. We were finally all free. But how many more tribulations would we have to face in this dungeon? We had already gotten out once, they had taken pretty extreme measures since then. Specter gave me a pat on the back as Joey turned back to normal. He said that Lych and Frost would possibly pop in if we needed their guidance in the rooms ahead. He said to becareful, because they had probably upped secruity in ways we couldn't even imagine. He disappeared. The four of us started toward the entrance of the room, when we heard a voice all out to us.

"Wait!! Please Wait!!" Called the voice.

"Whose there?" I asked.

"Please...Please help free me!" Called the voice.

"Who are you?" I asked as we walked toward the voice.

"My name is Phoenix. I have been captured and put in here for no reason, please free me and I'll help you..." He said.

    We approached another plasma cage. Inside was a beautiful, shining bird, engulfed in flames. He was amazing. He looked at me. He had bright blue eyes, he looked so sad. I couldn't help but just want to reach out and touch him, but the plasmatic cage would hurt me. He said that all he needed was for one of us to carry one of his feathers outside and he would be free. Kiki went into his cage and took a feather from his body. The feather glowed orange and burned brightly. She put the pinion in her pocket. He thanked us and put his head down.
    We turned and continued to the next room. It was like a long corridor. I didn't feel like walking so I started dashing down the hall. Suddenly, BAM!! I slammed right into something. I was flatted against whatever it was that I slammed into. I fell over on my back and started twitching. The others quickly rushed over to me. I sat up, only to see that I had slammed into nothing. There was nothing at all infront of us.

"Wow Dame, I knew you were dumb, but I never knew you were dumb enough to slam into NOTHING!" Shouted Joey.

"There's something there!" I yelled back.

"NO THERE ISN'T!" He screamed.

" does look like theres nothing there..." Kiki said.

"Well there is something there, you just can't see it." Said a familiar voice.

    We all turned around to see a familiar figure. He dropped down and walked toward us. He smirked and held out his hand. I took Lych's hand and he helped me up, since I was still on the floor. He gave a chuckle as I dusted myself off. He explained that there was an invisible wall infront of us. We would have to find a way to get rid of it, he said he was here to help. We looked around, but couldn't see anything. I felt the "wall". It was cold, like steel. I kept feeling it, but I couldn't find it anything. I turned to Lych for help.

"Having a Problem, Kiddo?" He asked.

"What should I do?" I asked.

"Well the answer is right infront of you..." He said.

"The invisible door is the answer...?" I asked.

" Lets say its to the side of you..." He said.

I turned my head. "Joey?" I asked.


    He grabbed my head and turned it toward Kiki, who was standing on the other side of me. I blinked a few times. She waved hello. And I waved back. Lych slapped his forehead. He explained that all Invisibility could be "Purged", so that maybe we needed to "Purge" the Invisible Door. Putting emphasis on Purge and Invisible. We all blinked a few times. He sighed. He pointed out that Kiki had a magic spell called Invisibility Purge. She remembered it and used it. The area of invisibility started to shimmer. We waited for a while and it suddenly became visible. There was a door way. It looked like it was nothing out of the ordinary. We thanked Lych and he disappeared.

    We continued on to the next room. There was a huge demonic creature standing there. His body was jet black and he had spikes on his back. His hands were clawed, and his head had antennaes sticking out. He didn't have a mouth or a nose, but rather two glowing eyes staring at us. He screamed loudly and swung his huge claw at us. I pulled out my sword, but right as his hand would have connected with my face, It stopped. I blinked and saw Frost holding him back with all his might. The creature screeched horribly.

"FROST!" I yelled.

"C'mon Damian...hissss... letssss do thisssss..." Hissed Frost.

"Yeah! Lets go guys!" I yelled out.

    We ran to Frosts side. The creature charged up a huge glowing orb in his hand and started shooting balls of black energy at us. We tried to dodge, but it was incredibly difficult. Frost ran up to him and smashed him in the face with his claw. The creature screeched again and shot a giant blast of shadow energy at Frost. Frost blocked with his claw and then countered with an Ice attack. I charged a Flash II attack and fired it at him. Joey and Robbie began to pound him down with physical attacks while I continued to use magic. Kiki used her Holy Servent magic and a white energy field appeared. A white being appeared.  It held up his hand a huge white beams flew at the demon. The demon fell to his knees, he was being overwhelmed.

"He isssss almosssssst done! Enhance and finish him Damian!" Frost said.

"Alright, Enhance!!!!!!" I called out.

    I turned into Nuclear Nova and prepared to destroy the demon. I dashed around the field as the creature attempted to attack me. I was way to fast for him. He started shooting Dark energy balls everywhere in a rapid fire motion. I started fireing Energy Balls at him. Since he was so big, and very unmoveable, He was hit by everyone of my attacked. I was dashing around him in circles, and he hadn't hit me once. Frost, and the others all watched as I totally destroyed the creature. The four of us reached level 27 from the battle. I learned the Flash III attack, and Kiki learned the Heal Attack. Frost wished us luck and then faded.

    I turned human and we continued on. The next room was empty and dark. Suddenly the lights turned on and we saw that we were over a pit of spikes. We didn't know what do here. Hopefully one of the brothers would help us. Robbie picked up a pebble and threw it over the gorge. Suddenly the spikes rose up from the ground, and smashed into the ceiling. We blinked a while. Suddenly, Lych and Specter appeared next to us. We all stared and blinked.

"Well isn't this a dilly of a pickle..." Said Lych.

"Well the room is snared. We know that. So we can't move more then we have to." Specter said.

"We need to find the snares first." Said Lych.

"Kiki, use your Clairvoyance ability and you may be able to see the snares." Specter suggested.

"Robbie, do you think you can disable traps?" Asked Lych.

"Probably." Robbie said.

"I...see...three traps...Right near the ledge..near the middle of the room...and at the end..." Kiki said, with her eyes closed and her hands on her forehead.

"How do we get through here?" Asked Joey.

"First, Robbie get rid of the first trap." Specter suggested.

    Kiki showed Robbie where the first trap was. He fiddled around and disarmed it pretty easily. He moved his hand infront of it and nothing happend. Suddenly, the platform disconnected from the gorge and started moving. We all got on the platform. It slowly approached the second trap. I enhanced Robbie and he slowed down time for a little bit. He then jumped up and used his powers to defy gravity long enough to disarm the second trap. He then returned time to its normal speed and jumped back on the platform. The third trap was coming up, but Robbie easily disarmed it.

"Good Job guys. You're almost out, the next room should be the exit." Said Specter.

"Good Luck." Said Lych.

    The disappeared and we went into the last room. There wasn't anything in the room. We looked around. Kiki used Clairvoyance and saw that the entire room was filled with traps. Before Robbie could even move to disarm one, blades came out of the ground and started to slash everywhere. We stopped even trying to disarm and just dashed as fast as we could. Flaming Arrows fired at us, laser beams, and then the room filled with Poisonous Gas. Joey could barely stand the gas, but the rest of us were fine. We tried to open the door, but it wouldn't open. Joey was getting worse. We banged on the door. Suddenly the wall next to us crashed in and We saw Frost standing there. We ran out of the room. He crashed a hole in the wall in the next room and then he disappeared.

    We ran into the final room. All the guards stared at us. Their jaws literally hit the ground. They couldn't believe it. They approached us. All they could ask us was how. We explained the entire scenario to them. They were speechless. Once again, they told us that because we were strong enough to escape, they had no right to keep us here. They gave us a salute and allowed us to leave. They gave us back our items and money (They had forgotten to take our weapons).

    We left the Kadmar Prison and started to walk towards the Barracks. Just then, Joey reminded Kiki to use the Phoenix Pinion to free Phoenix. She pulled the glowing feather out and placed it on the ground. Suddenly, it began to glow brightly and the outline of a bird appeared on the ground. The outline caught fire and then the fire filled the entire thing. The bird then sat up, looking like he did earlier. He blinked a few times.

"I am free?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Thank you, my new friends." He said.

"No problemo. Go, Fly free with the wind, Phoenix!" I shouted.

"You four have helped me so much, I will fly you anywhere at anytime. I will also assist you in battle. You can call upon me and I will aide you by healing you and damaging the enemy." Phoenix said.

"Really?" Asked Joey.

"Yes. Take this, the Flare Flute, and call me when ever you need me." He said, tossing me a flute.

    I took it and put it with the other two. He flew up and disappeared in a sparkling shimmer. We watched him and then continued on to the barracks. We explained again to the soliders and they once again made peace with Perseus. They thanked us for our honesty and apologized for the inconvience. We were extremely tired, so we spent the night at the barracks. They gave us lodging and let us have some food. We decided to visit Perseus the next day. But for now, Sleep.....