USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars
(As Narrated by Kiki)

    After what had happened I didn't speak much, and I hadn't planned on changing that. I didn't sleep that night, who could? After just being released from a cage that I've been sitting in for days, and then obiliterating an enormous demon because I was so enraged that I was able to conjure powers the likes of which had never been seen? After all that they expected me to SLEEP? No. Instead I basically just stared into the darkness with my eyes open. Toward the beginning of Sunrise I used my Clairvoyance to see what the others were doing. My 'eye' couldn't see Damian...but Joey, Robbie and Frost were sitting somewhere, waiting. Peering a bit into the past, I saw the battle that had taken place between Joey and Wrayth.

"Guess Joey can rage too..." I said to no one.

    Just then I heard a voice from the shadows. Ugh, I didn't want to talk to anyone at this time...I didn't care who it was, I just wanted to be left alone... I had just been through hell, couldn't my friends be considerate enough to realize I wanted to be away from civilization? Away from people? No...not exactly I guess, because I had just been taken away from solitude. I didn't want to be alone, I just couldn't bring myself to talk to them, I was too upset over what had happened. Yes, I was happy that I was free...but I was still... disturbed.

"Kiki?" I heard Specters voice call.


"Hmm...still not talking?" He asked.


"We should get leaving soon, after all... The others may need us." He said.


"Lych said that even if we save him...he'll never be the same." Specter said.

I turned to him, but still didn't respond.

"Hes been inside a demon too may have corrupted him."


"Lych says although Damian's will is strong, evil is stronger...he may turn on us."

"No...he won't." I said firmly.

"....heh...yeah, you're probably right...are you ready?" He asked, sounding nervous.

    I grabbed my belongings and walked out of the room, going back to giving Specter the silent treatment. As I passed by, Lych went to say something to me, but I kept walking and ignored him. I heard him sigh. As I left the inn and hopped onto Phoenix, he turned his massive head to look at me. I looked away, not making eye contact. He nodded and turned away. The others soon came out and also got on Phoenix' back. He stood on his legs, standing tall, and spread his glowing wings to their full span. With one mighty thrust we were in the air. As his wings flapped ever so gently, he asked to where we were going. Specter turned to ask Lych, who shrugged. I grumbled, because I still was unwilling to speak, but unfortunately it seemed like I had too now.

"Ayar Furgol." I said.

"Are you sure?" Asked Lych.


"Uhh...Yeah, As a matter of fact, I think she's right. Let's go Phoenix." Instructed Specter, again sounding nervous.

I turned to Specter.

"Why are you acting so nervous around me?" I asked.

"I'm afraid of you." He said.

"And Why is that?"

"Hey, you didn't see that huge demon explode from one attack, ok? If you would have saw the damage you did, you would have been afraid also." He answered.

"Good Malzakk Spectre! The girl is upset enough, you're probably making her feel worse!" Scolded Lych.


"Sorry..." Specter said in a low tone.

"And I thought Frost was the coward." Said Lych.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Yelled Specter.

" can stop NOW." I said.



    We were in silence for a while, but I am surprised that it took such a short time, I guess that while the brothers were arguing, Phoenix had zipped their in half the time he normally would have. As we were approaching Ayar airspace, we were forced to descend a bit, because the air was...non existent. We couldn't breathe at all. As we descended, we could make out small figures on the ground. It was obvious that it was the others. We landed, and got off of Phoenix to greet the others. Joey looked up and nodded in my direction. Robbie was chasing around an imaginary pirate, something he did often, and finally...Frost was staring at a plant.

"Where is Wrayth?" Asked Specter.

"He created a 'floating citadel' and flew away." Joey said.

"What the hell is that?" Asked Specter.

"A Floating Castle." Answered Joey.

"Where did it go...?" Asked Lych.

"In the sky." Joey said.

"Thank you captain obvious..." Said Lych.

"We can't get up there, there is no air." Specter said.

I sighed.

    I held out my hand and it began to glow white. After muttering some small phrases, I made a small circle with my palm. A pillar of white energy appeared, and formed a small door way. Everyone looked at me. I explained to them that I opened a shadow door, and that It would teleport us to the Citadel. When the asked me how I could do that, I was forced to explain that anywhere I saw, visually or clairvoyantly would be open to my list of teleportations. They didn't understand, so I ignored them and walked into the portal. Within an instant I was teleported infront of the castle. It was HUGE. Within a few seconds the others were standing next to me.

"Tingly..." Said Robbie.

"Scary..." Said Lych.

"Whose a coward now?" Asked Specter.

    I ignored them and walked into the castle. It was beyond enormous. The roof was over one hundred feet high atleast. There were pictures all over the walls, portraits if you will, but not portraits of people...they were of Demons. Hanging from the ceiling was a chandilier, but the lights only emitted a black aura, not a normal one. Continuing to look around, statues graced nearly all of this hall. Huge, winged gargoyle creatures stared at us. I ignored them and continued to walk. Yes, I won't deny that I was scared, but there was no time for fear. After a few minutes I heard the others scrambling behind me. I sighed, waiting for them to catch up.

    Beyond the next door was a long hall. But, the rug that stretched from door to door wasn't really a rug at all, because it was made from human flesh... Blood was everywhere. The smell of evil and decay was everywhere, nearly enough to make me vomit. I covered my face and hurried to the end of the hall. I didn't have to wait long for the others, the smell was obviously too much for them aswell. Except for Frost...

"Ahhhh hhhhhisssssss.... the sssssssmell of human flesssssssh..." He hissed.

We all turned to him and Joey said, "Wha...?"

"...It'sssssss thissssss curssssssse... forced to enjoy the ssssssmell of blood...but to drink would mean deatthhhhhhhh...." He hissed.

"Frost thats disgusting..." I said.


    We let it go and ran through the next door. An enormous throne room. It was obvious that we had finally reached his room. We slowly walked towards the end of the room. At first, we saw nothing, because the room was so dark. I started to fall behind, because the roof of this area was clear, and I could look up and see the stars. The only difference, was they weren't in the right places...I could make out strange patterns in the stars, but they only resembled death. I sighed and pressed on.

    And then we saw him. He towered over us. He had no legs, But his lower body was like a huge tree trunk of blackness. It was pitch black, but inside the darkness were what appeared to be patterns of skulls. Moving up, he had a very strong looking upper body, with long, thick, arms. He had a single ravens wing on his back, pointed at the end with a devilish spike. His head was pitch black with no detail, his eyes were glowing a blood red and he had black, venomous looking spikes on the tip of his scalp. As we approached, his lower body began to rumble, and then it turned into an oozing liquid, and started sliding closer toward us.

    As he began to speak to us, no one could understand his voice. He was not speaking any normal language. I think I was the first one to realize whose voice appeared in our heads and translated the tongue that this massive demon spoke in. Wrayth looked down at us and made a very deep bellowing laugh. He opened out, and black slime oozed out. He spit it at Joey. He then began to speak to us.

"Heshey..... meayo..... moresto...." Wrayth said.

"What did he say?" Asked Joey.

"I am fluent in English, a Darnithian Gaelic spoken only in Kadmar, Elvish, and I can speak to most monsters...but I have no idea what he said." Said Lych.

    Just then we heard a voice in our heads. It was soundless, yet completely clear. It began to tell us exactly what Wrayth said. As I mentioned, I doubt that the others knew it was Damian that translated all of what was said to us. As Wrayth spoke, Damian translated. How he knew what Wrayth was saying, or how he had learned telepathy was beyond me.

Why have you come here? Said the voice.

"We've come to destroy you!" Shouted Joey.

"Hah Hah Hah hah! Dea....Mesram Leio!" Wrayth responded with a laugh.

Hahahahaha, you fools will never defeat me. Translated the voice.

"We won't lose after coming this far." Said Specter.

"Peax, Peax ren kopla nedfea." Said Wrayth.

Yes, Yes you will lose.

"What makes you think you're such tough stuff?" Asked Lych.

"Zeo, Umberus-Wrayth, zil vicibla." Wrayth said.

I, Shadow-Lord Wrayth am Invincible.

"Shadow Lord...Umberus?" Asked Lych.

"Ah! I get it now, He's speaking in a demon's language. Its called Rixs. I can understand Rixs, but he is speaking it very sloppily. He may be only in the first stages of becoming a Shadow King. We have time, because once he finishes his evolution to Shadow King he WILL be invincible." Explained Lych.

"Impreal, uot zeo neay markil." Wrayth said.

Impressive show of Knowlegde, but I will still show you no mercy.

"We came all this way, this is your fault Kiki." Said Specter.

"WHAT?!"I demanded.

"If you weren't kidnapped Damian wouldn't have gone into darkness and Wrayth wouldn't have been created! Now its time I save the day!" He shouted, grabbing me by the neck.

"SPECTER WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Both Lych and Joey shouted.

    Specter lifted me up high and tossed me infront of Umberus-Wrayth. I stared up at the demon, and his bloodstone eyes peered down at me. He laughed evily. At first, I thought Specter was trying to kill me...but I soon understood why he did this. Wrayth opened his mouth and as he began to "lick" his "lips" with the serpent that came from his mouth, black, acidic slime dribbled down. I backed up.

"U Skrafe?" He asked.


"Hah hah hah hah. Muit Lasete."

You will NOT devour her!! I won't let you hurt any of them!!! He argued.

    Suddenly Wrayths lower body began to shake and pulsate. He doubled over in pain. Something was trying to burst its way out. The pulsating got worse, it looked like he was about to explode. He began to beat at his own stomach, screaming out in his language. Damian didn't translate, but it was obvious he was mad at whatever was attacking him. Then, suddenly, a glowing aura appeared around his chest, and we heard Damian's normal voice.

"WIND TUNNEL!!!!" Shouted Damian.

    Wrayths lower body exploded from the front as a huge pillar of swirling wind, so thick that you couldn't see through, smashed from his body. Frost and Robbie had to dive out of the way as the enormous wind beam flew from Wrayth. Anything in the way was destroyed by the colum of air. Pillars that were holding up the ceiling, solid concrete were obliterated by the tunnel, and when it finally hit the wall, it left an enormous hole.

    Guts, and black goo oozed from every orifice of Wrayths body. Then, from the hole in his chest, Damian jumped out. But just as he stepped out, four black, oily tentacles shot from Wrayths body and entangeled Damian. He struggled, and flailed madly, but the tentacles only tightened their grip. At the sight of this, we saw Rob's body shimmer a bit. A second later, Damian was free and the tentacles were cut in half, just as Robbie re-sheathed his katana. Damian was now free, and ran to the group. I too got up and ran towards everyone. The now bleeding Wrayth screeched towards us.

"HAH! I've Finally escaped!" Shouted Damian.

    His face was cut up, and his clothing was slightly torn. He was also covered in Wrayths blood, and some of his own. I went to poke his face, to see if he was hurt,  or if it was just from what hes been through...apparently he was hurt, because he moved away fast and smacked away my hand. When I asked if he wanted me to heal him he told me absolutely not, but wouldn't give me a reason. He turned to Joey and Robbie.

"You two ready to beat him?" He asked.

"Ready when you are!" Responded Robbie.

"No, I'm not helping. I am going to enhance you." Damian said.

"I can enhance myself, Damian." Said Joey.

"Yes but Robbie can't, and I can make you two Cell-Share to enhance together to form a super form that will double your power and allow you to use abilities you couldn't use before." He explained.

"Cell Share?" Joey asked.

    Damian ignored him and enhanced Robbie into Shadou, and Joey enhanced himself into Dagrion. After that, Damian instructed them to stand next to eachother. They obeyed and he began to cast Cell-Share. A double helix formed between the two, and bits of color from both of them went into the helix. Finally, as it was done, the two of them began to flash and form one being. When the light cleared, Joey stepped out, his body was a shiny metallic black, like Shadou. His detail, aside from his gauntlets and his shoulder pads were non-existent. Damian nodded and turned to Wrayth.

"Well, good luck." He said.

"Where are you going?" Said Joey and Robbie's voice.

"Without me he isn't Physical, I need to fuse with him again or you can't beat him." Damian said.

"But, won't you die?" Asked Specter.

"I have too. I'm a demon now." Damian responded.


    He moved his cape out of the way and we saw the black, leathery, oily ravens wing that rested on his back. It was the wing that Wrayth was missing. This is why he wouldn't let me heal him, demons were hurt by healing because healing was considered holy magic. He explained that he and Wrayth had share DNA too long, and now he was half demon. He said that without him, Wrayth still had no physical body for them to attack. So he said one last goodbye, hid his wing and walked back to Wrayth. Damian and Wrayth reformed together.

    Wrayth's gaze turned to Joey and Robbie, who called their new form Shade. They stared eachother down, and with one big swipe of his claw, Wrayth had knocked Shade into a wall. Shade jumped up, and decided they would make this go quickly. They began to use Joey's Super Nova attack. He closed his eyes, folded his hands and chanted a magical encantation. Shade lifted his hand to the air, and looked upward. A star began to twinkle, then twinkle brighter as other stars began to twinkle around it. Energy beams began to form around the stars...then suddenly the sky opened up and an enormous fireball, nearly twice the size of the room we were in crashed down and exploded with huge blasts of fire everywhere. Everyone except Wrayth and Damian were unaffected.

    Wrayth screamed out, but was barely touched. Hundreds of black tentacles show from his body and began to attack Shade, but Shade, who had Shurikens attatched to his arms, began to throw the tiny blades at the tentacles, and with perfect accuracy, stapled every tentacle to the back wall. Shade then jumped up, bounced off Wrayth's head and began to spin in a mad tornado, He was using Robbie's Ninjitsu Fire Attack. An enormous pillar of fire engulfed Shade, and began to swirl in a twister form. The Fire-Tornado then left Shade and smashed into Wrayth, singeing every part of him.

Keep going... don't give up... Said Damian telepathically.

    Shades body became covered in an aura of light and plasma. He ran towards Wrayth and began to assault him with a furious barrage of punches and kicks, each one sending a huge streak of electricity was sent into Wrayth's body. This combo was a string of over thirty hits, but, he mixed in a series of Robbie's Katana slashes to make it look really good. The attacdk was fast, and any normal enemy would have been destroyed within seconds, but Wrayth still seemed unphased. After the attack Subsided, Shade used Robbie's Dragon Sword ability. Lifting his Katana, a dragon made of pure energy appeared, and crashed right through Wrayth. It then flew up and began spitting White Fire Balls at him. As this happened, Shade jumped up and began to do a slashing combo at Wrayth. This mix of Holy Fire and slashes proved incredibly effective.

He can't take much more...

    Shade lifted Robbie's Katana, and it became encased in energy. It had become the Chaos Sabre. He did a backflip, and then dashed straight into the air and slashed straight through Wrayths body. Wrayths body started to pulsate again...and then finally, he exploded. Black goo flew in all directions, staining the walls, getting all over our clothes, and everywhere. Robbie and Joey split back into their normal forms, and watched. The rest of Wrayth melted...and two small pillars of goo remained. We watched, waiting too see what was going to happen.

    After a few seconds, one of the goo puddles "stood up". We all took out our weapons, ready to fight again. A wing exploded from the goo, and went to its full wingspan. It flapped a bit, and then curled back in. Just then, a blue ball of water formed around the winged puddle, and the splash washed off all the goo, revealing a very beat up, burned, and now soaking wet Damian. He shook violently to remove the last few parts of goo from his body, and then smirked.

"Not too bad." He said with a laugh.

    We all laughed for some reason. I guess we were just happy to finally be rid of all this trouble. But the fact remained that Damian was still a demon. He walked over to us and put his arm around Joey's neck, and then playfully put him in a head lock. After a few seconds he pushed him away and went to Robbie. He simply nodded, then shouted that there was an invisibe pirate behind Robbie. Robbie went crazy, and started chasing around the invisible pirate. He looked at me and gave a wink, but didn't say much. After greeting the others, the original Wrayth exploded from the other puddle of oily blood.  

"You...bastard! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME!" Screamed Wrayth.

"Why won't you DIE?!" Shouted Joey.

"Gah...God Wrayth, why won't you go back into the oblivion you came from?" Asked Damian.

"Grr... ...? Huh? MY WING...YOU TOOK MY WING! I DEMAND YOU GIVE IT BACK!!!!" He screamed.

"You want it? Come and get it!" Damian challenged, unsheathing his sword.

    Wrayth dashed straight towards Damian. Damian's body faded and became semi-transparent. The two of them were now BOTH in their spectral forms. They began to fight eachother, slashing at eachother with their swords. After a few misses, Wrayth backed up and began to shoot balls of Darkness at Damian. Damian simply held up his hand and conjured the Wind-Tunnel again. Throwing his back and then in one quick motion, positioning it back towards Wrayth, another huge pillar of swirling air exploded from his palm and smashed Wrayth into the wall. Wrayth disappeared and Reappeared behind Damian, and then in one slash, he removed the wing from Damian's back.

"Uhhh....gahh...not bad for a stupid ghost..." Damian choked.

    The wing reformed on Wrayths back, and he laughed, declaring victory. Damian went back to a normal physical form. The wing was what had made him a demon, but now that it was gone, he was normal. Suddenly, a bright light appeared above Wrayth and a disembodied voice said that now that Damian's heart is no longer filled with Darkness, Wrayth can no longer exist. Wrayth began to slowly disintergrate, but he did spit many, MANY curse words that I won't repeat before he was killed. The now pile of sand that was once Wrayth disappeared, and in his place was a sword. Damian picked it up and it fused with his old blade. The hilt of the sword became black, and Damian's dragon insignia was burned into it, the blade was a long shining Silver, but the Aura was now a bright blue. He swung it around, and declared the "Hyperion  II" To be his.

"Heh. No time for any sappy conversations, without Wrayth this citadel will be obliterated. Kiki, get us the hell out of here." He said with a smirk.

    I nodded. I charged up the Shadow Door, and we all warped out of the castle. Once back on he ground, we looked up to see the Citadel crash down into the ocean. It slowly began to sink, and with it drowned the chronicle of Wrayth. Damian gave another hearty laugh, stretched and then layed down against a tree and passed out. We were confused as to how he could sleep after such an ordeal, but we shurgged and followed his example. What day it had been, I thought as I finally drifted off to sleep.