USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Seven : Kiki!
    So it came to pass, that on the last Days of our trip towards Kadmar, we would meet a new fate. I was working my last day of mopping the captains room when it all began. The captain was a chubby, bearded man who reminded me alot of Santa Claus. He was a really nice man who had been a sea-dog for a long time. He knew pretty much everything about Darnithias. He taught me alot.

"So, Why ye be headed towards Kadmar, Damian?" Asked the Captain.

"I don't really know. All I know is I have to get there, and then explore." I answered.

"Well where is your final destination?" He asked.

"Final Destination..?"

"Aye, all wandering dragons have a final destination, a place that you want to go." He said.

"Wandering dragon..?" I asked

"Aye. You have the spirit of a dragon. And You're traveling. You are a wandering dragon. I've seen many a fellows like yourself." He said.

"Well...have you ever heard of Mt. Zetsuen?" I asked, Putting down the mop.

"Mt. Zetsuen!? Where the ledgendary god, Malzakk lives?!" He shouted

"Yea...Do you know anything about that place?" I asked.

"Nay, Only that Zetsuen means 'Isolation'. The dragon likes to be alone."  Said the captain.

"I see...Well...Th--" Suddenly two men burst into the room, they were holding a young girl with them.

    The girl was very pretty, in my opinion. Icey blue eyes (alot like Joeys) and Long dark brown hair with bangs. She was pale, and was wearing a purple shirt with jeans. She had a quarter staff with her, it was very fancy, and looked extremely expensive. I could tell the guys were being really rough with her, and that they were hurting her, but I didn't say anything.

"Captain! we found this stowaway on board!" Shouted one of the guards.

"She was below deck, shes a harper! shes definately the cause of the animal attacks!" Said the second.

"No!!! I didn't do anything! I just needed to get to Kadmar! the fact that I know some white magic is irrelevent!!" She cried.

"Lies!!!!!!! Keep your mouth shut witch!" The first guard whipped her.

"AHHH!!" She screamed.

"HEY! THATS ABOUT ENOUGH!!!! PUT YOUR WHIP DOWN!" I shouted, drawing my Hyperion sword.

"Watch your tongue slave! You have no right to talk to me in such a tone!" Said the guard.

"I'll do no such thing!! That girl has done nothing wrong! you leave her alone or I'll kill you." I said.

"You can't back up your words!" Shouted the guard.

"MAGIC MISSILE!!" I shouted.
    I charged up my magic missiles. I could shoot up to four now, and with one more level I'd be able to shoot a maximum of five! I altered the spell so that two of the missiles would hit each guard. The four blasts flew straight at the guards, they dived out of the way and the girl ran to hide behind me. Lucky for them I missed. They got up and were enraged. The captain just sat Idlely by and watched.

"We'll kill this fool then flog you till you're blood red with wounds!" Shouted the guards.

"Pfffft! He's gonna win!" She said.

"Hah! We are highly skilled!" Said one guard.

"" I stared.

"Kiki!" she said.

"Kiki...ok look Kiki, go run up on deck and find a guy in a Ninja suit talking funny and a Martial Artist and tell them to come help me!" I said.

"Yup!" She said, dashing past the guards and up the stairs.

"Well then, shall we tango?" I said.

"Wow that was really lame..." They all said Simultaneously.

"...GO TO HELL!!!" I shouted.

    Now they were pissed. The battle had begun. They were stronger then I expected. I slashed at the first guard. It didn't seem to phase him well. They began to whip me. It was really painful. I tried casting Posion Spray on them, since poison affects human. But I missed, the spell failed because the whipped me while casting. I couldn't beat them alone, they were too fast. My spells were failing. Then suddenly...Two Shurikens flew through the air, smacking into both guards. Then a figure flew through the air kicking one guard in the face and then back flipping and punching the other guard. Joey and Rob had arrived! My friends ran to my side and the team was once again united. Kiki ran into the battle too.

"Hiiiii!" Said Kiki.

"Kiki you pulled through!" I said.

"Yup." She said.

"Thank you.. I needed help." I said.

"Are you hurt?" She asked.

"Me!? HAH! NEVER!" I said arrogantly.

"You're several spots." She said.

"Hehehehehehehe...No I'm not!!!" I laughed nervously.

"I hate healing people...But you saved me so I don't mind!" She said.

"I'm fine, really..!" I said.

"Don't worry, Cure Light wounds!" She shouted.

    A white aura surrounded me and I could feel myself healing, she did it three more times. I was feeling alot better now. I Smiled and so did she. I didn't even realize Robbie and Joey were fighting, and kicking ass. I had to get into the battle.

"Thanks Kiki..." I said.

"Qwerty!" She said.

"Qwerty..?" I repeated.

"Hehe its a word I made up. You're welcome! Lets go kick their butts!" She said.

"Sounds good."

    I charged up another Poison spray and got both of them with the sticky, burning acid. They were poisoned. They could barely attack us because of the poison. We continued to beat them down with Physical attacks, even Kiki did a pretty decent job fighting. With a bit of force, we beat them. They gave us alot of experience, we all leveled up. I had learned Dark Shot! After the battle Kiki healed us a bit.

"Jeeze..that was Bothersom." I said.

"You have a mark on your forehead.." Kiki said.

"I'm fine!!!!!!" I said.

"Oooooh Dames Bluuushing!" Said Joey.


"Ooooooh The Orange Ninja likes the opposite sex!" Rob said.

"...We aren't gay Rob..." Said Joey.

"Oh. I knew that." He said.

"Suck it Robbie..., Suck it long. Suck it hard." I said.

"Hehe. Sooooo... Guys...Mind if I tag along?" Kiki asked.

"Dammit Shut th--oh! That was Kiki not those two idiots, You want to come with us?! Thats great!!!! I'd love to have you with us!" I said


"Wait wait...Dude a chick will just screw everything up.." Said Joey.

"How so?" I said.

"Hes right Dame, if one of us starts likeing her...i.e. YOU, It will turn all of us against each other." Said Robbie.


"See? Already you're lashing out." Said Joey.

"I'm not lashing out!" I said.

"The hell you aren't." Said Rob.

"She's coming with us." I said firmly.

"Dame she'll mess stuff up!" Joey shouted.

"Joey we need a healer!!" I said.










"WHOOO!!!" I cheered.

"So I can come?" Asked Kiki.

"Yep." I said.

"Yay!" She said.

    And that is how we got our fourth allie, Kiki. The captain cheered at our performance. He said it was the best show he had ever seen. He said that we would arrive in Kadmar in a few days. Which was good cause we were all tired. Kiki was fun to have around, but she was kind of shy. Me and her had alot in common, but we were still really shy around each other. This was something we had never seen coming. But it was for the best!!