USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison
    Being on the ship sucked. I got sea sick alot. But I had time to talk with Kiki alot. We had tons in common! Almost everything was the same about us. I liked talking to her..but I couldn't get to like her too much, I didn't want what Joey and Rob said to come true. We were all tired and sickly. But, lucky us, another problem...wait...two...had to come our way. It was getting out of control. Me and Kiki were on deck, watching the sea (I was vomitting) and we were just talking when the first problem occured. I had just thrown up last nights Stew when the a blue figure dropped down behind us. Kiki and I turned around quickly (took me a few minutes). He stood there. He reminded me alot of Specter. His hands were clawed and he was bright blue, icy like.

"...The hell do you...guuh...want?" I managed to choke out.

" kill yousssss..." He hissed, like a snake.

"Who are you?" asked Kiki.

"Frossssssssst. Sssspecters brother..." Hissed the creature.

"..Shoulda known..." I said.

"Whose Specter?" Asked Kiki.

"A really powerful enemy who wants to kill us." Said Joey, walking up behind us.

"Drink this Ninja 'Le Raaange" Said Robbie, Tossing me a drink.

"Cap'n made it, said it'd cure your seasickness." He told me.

I chugged it and almost instantly felt better. "Thanks."

"Pussssssssiessssssss...  I'll desssstroy all of yousssss.." Said Frost.

"Is he from frickin New Jersey or something? 'Hey Youse, Youse Guys!" I said, Mocking Frost.

"Grrrrr..." He was apparently pissed.

    We all got into our fighting stances. I immediately conjured a fireball spell and blasted Frost. I could see it had affected him well. He took alot of damage. Joey used his special ability to make his physical attack Fire elemental to do even more damage. He was even stronger than Specter, Once again our attacks barely affected him. Robbie and Kiki could barely hurt him, because they couldn't use fire attacks yet. He also alot more offensive then Specter, he did Alot of Damage really quick. Kiki kept our health up and Scanned him. He had alot more HP then we did...He was already close to level 20! If we were gonna beat him...One of us would have to enhance.

"Dame!! Enhance me! If you enhance you won't be able to cast Fire magic!" Said Joey.

"Good Idea! Ready!? ENHANCE!!!" I said, Beginning the enhancing process.

    Joey's body flashed like a becon. He grew more muscular and his hands began to glow blue. He had become Xavan. He floated off the ground a bit, He had a yellow aura surrounding him. He glared at Frost. He held up his hands and casted Fire ball! Amazing! So Xavan's power was to use Black Magic, But whats more it did DOUBLE what mine could do! I charged up and we both shot fire balls at him. Robbie threw Shurikens at him and Kiki just continued to hit with her Staff of Rynn. Then she remembered that Rynn was a powerful Thunder God. The staff she wielded was a tribute to his power, filled with Electrical Charges! She spun her staff around and chanted "Call Lightning!" The skies opened up and a Huge beam of Thunder came crashing down into Frost. It had nearly crippled him! Joey and I continued to throw fireballs at him. He could barely attack. Finally, he gave up. He was a powerful opponent! We had leveled up! I learned the Flash Magic and the Energy Counter ability. Kiki learned the Charm magic. Joey learned Beat Rush ability and Robbie learned the Steal ability.

"Grrrr..hisss...I'll be back....." He said.

    He melted into the ground, a Puddle of Blue goo. Then he materialized into a ball and flew away. Very disturbing. Joey returned to normal. We were exhausted. But we had won! Just then two guards came up to us. They asked who we were and then placed all four of us under arrest! Because we had killed the other two guards, and protected Kiki, we were to be placed in the Kadmar prison. The captain was also taken in for not stopping us. We weren't even given a fair trial. We were just thrown into small little...cages. My cage was next to Kiki's and Rob and Joey were on the other side of the room.

"I'm sorry Kiki...I tried to protect you from crappola like this." I said.



"Its my fault, I got you guys introuble." She said.

"We helped you willingly." I said.

"You begged the others to let me tag along!" She said.

"Well it was my decision to kill the guards." I protested.

"How long are we gonna be here?" She asked.

"Till I can think of a way to get us out of here." I said.

"How long is that gonna take...?" She asked.

"I don't know. If only Rob and Joey weren't so far away...This room is huge!" I complained.

"I know. They could have atleast made our cells bigger." She said.

"Maybe I can melt the bars..." I said

    I held my hand to the bar and charged a fireball. The heat immediately started affecting the bars...But then.. A shield formed around the bars and my Fire ball went crazy and flew around the cell, attacking me!! I was burned up pretty badly. I couldn't believe they had anti magic fields on their cells. I laid down flat on the floor, seered by my own flame.

"Damian are you ok?!" Shouted Kiki.


"Cure Light wounds!" She called out, Healing me.

    It had little effect. Even after she did it about three times it still didn't help much. Apparently that shield enhances and reflects magical attacks. We were stuck. I fell asleep from lack of energy. I woke up several hours later by Kiki shaking me. Wow, I hadn't even noticed we could fit our hands through the cell bars. The cells were shaped like a dome. long enough for someone to lay down flat in and tall enough to stand up in. But other then that little movement was allowed. It was nothing but metal bars.

"Ugh...We're still in here?" I asked.

"I don't like it in here..its...smelly." She said.

"Apparently so. That, my friend, is the smell of death, sweat, blood, and............Freedom? The hell?" I said, quirking a brow.


"Hold on, I smell something..." I sniffed the air.

"What is it?" She asked.

"...Food!!!" I shouted.

    And right I was, The guard had come in with several plates of food. He also had the keys with him. He walked over to Robbie and Joey and fed them. This gave me an Idea. They didn't realize cause they were asleep, but he actually opened the cell to give them food. I moved close to Kiki's cell and whispered to her.

"I have an idea...when he opens my cell stick your hands OUTSIDE the bars and quickly cast hold on him." I whispered.

"Ok and then what?" She asked.

"I'll beat the crap of him, Take his keys and get us the fuck out of here!" I replied.

"Riiight I'm sure this will work." She said sarcastically.

"Just do it!" I snapped at her.



"Ok fine I'll try." She said.

    He approached me. I pretended to cower in my cell. He smirked. As he began unlocking my cell Kiki began to cast Hold. He didn't notice. As soon as he opened my cell she shot the spell at him. Freezing him in his place. I looked at him...Poked him a few times then ran out of the cell! I grabbed his keys and locked him in where I had been. I then freed a very happy Kiki and Ran over to Rob and Joey. I opened there cells and kicked them a few times to wake them up. They got pissed but Immediately got over it. We were out! Now we just had to escape from the prison.

"Ok here's the plan. Rob, go ninja stealth and kill anyone who may be blocking our path. We will wait here for you."  I instructed.

"Brilliant Idea, Orange Ninja!" Robbie said.

"Just go." I said.

    He obeyed, stealthicized and went on a killing spree. We heard tons of guards falling to his blade.
Kiki used her Clairvoyance ability to tell us exactly what Robbie would be up against. Mostly lowly guards, and He had already cleared most of them out. There were a few more powerful monsters, but nothing Rob couldn't handle. We waited about 10 minutes before the Ninja returned to us.

"Mission Accomplished." Said Rob, becoming visible.

"What about the Cap'n?" Said Joey.

"Don't Worry, I found and Freed him along the way." Said Rob.

"Good now lets get the hell out of here." I said.

"Good idea.." Said Kiki, Agreeing.

    We ran down the long, maze-like halls. Dead bodies were everywhere. Rob really did a big job. We continued down the corridors until we reached a huge barrier door. I turned to Rob and he shrugged. He told me He couldn't open it. Me and Joey tried to open it but we couldn't even budge it.

"You 'Men' are sooo pathetic. Don't you know a gender-door when you see one?" Said Kiki.

"Apparently not..." I said sarcastically.

"This door can't be opened by you three 'big strong men'. So obviously I have to do it. What would you guys do without me?" Kiki said.

    Giving no effort at all, Kiki flung open the enormous door. We just stared in disbelief. She laughed and walked through. We followed her. There were no guards in here, only millions of cells in a huge room. We looked around at all the criminals and monsters and strange things we saw. Even plant-monsters were in here. What could a Plant do? We didn't want to know so we rushed through the room. It was another Gender door. Kiki laughed and tried to open it, but she couldn't even fit her hands around its massive handle.

"Ahhh!!" She whined.

"Heh. Move aside madam." I said, smirking.

    I easily opened the door. The next room was even weirder. It was a torture chamber! But why were there no guards? Was it time for donuts or some crap like that? It was a small room so we went through it easily. Of course, it was guarded by another massive door. I tried to open it but there was no effect. Kiki tried to open it but still no effect. Then we noticed two handles. I took one and she took the other. Just by the touch of our flesh, the door opened.

"This place just gets weirder and weirder..." I said uneasily.

    This was the last room. Guards were everywhere. They all looked at us. No one made a move. There were atleast 20 guards. They had our weapons. We slowly started moving to our weapons. They just watched us. We took our weapons and put them away. We all blinked a bit  a walked toward the door.

"How did you escape..?" Said one guard.

"I tricked the food guy." I said.

"How did you get past our doors?" He asked.

"We figured out the pattern, and we were lucky enough to have a girl with us." Said Joey.

"Impossible..." Said the guard slowly.

"Can we go now?" I said.

"If you're good enough to escape the strongest prison in Kadmar then you certainly do not deserve to be here, Go free." Said the guard.


    We left. and we didn't look back. We immediately set up a camp and rested alot. We had taken the food that the guy had brought us, so we were well fed. We rested for several days to get over our experiences.  Things were getting alot harder...But we had to move on.