USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter
    The portal space was strange. It was swirly and blue. It was like going on a rollar coaster ride. I hated rollar coasters. I felt like vommiting. It was horrible. It took a long time for me to get to the World of Flames. I knew I was there when it started heating up. The portal began turning orange. I started sweating. Finally I was spat out of the portal and onto a rock-platform. I looked around. It was basically exactly as I had thought it would be. It as huge. An Endless lake of lava. Like the inside of a volcano. All the Platforms were connect by small, wobbly bridges. I sighed. As I started to walk, a giant flaming manta ray leaped over my head. My mouth hanged open as the creature flew over me. He was huge, and made of magma. As he dived back into the lava, flames fell down and nearly hit me. I Yelped out and ran to the bridge. It was surprisingly sturdy. When I was about midway past the bridge a huge creature came out of the sea of fire. Its face and body was blue, it had a feminine face and four arms. But other then that it was shaped like a serpent. Its back was red. It looked at me. I stopped and gazed at it. It began to speak to me.

"Can you guess the secret of the lake of fire?" It asked in a female voice.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Malaris." She said.

"What is the secret?" I asked.

    She ignored me. she dived back into the magma. I blinked. What was the secret? I continued on. I made it to the second platform. The Manta Ray jumped over me again. More flames fell my way. I continued to the next bridge. Malaris came up to me again. She looked at me and blinked a few times. She smelt of brimestone. Which wasn't surprising, considering she lived in hot lava. This volcanic wonderland was horrible. I was sweating like crazy. Malaris spoke to me again. She didn't provide me with anymore information.

"Fire creatures hate Ice and Water." She said.

"Tell me something I don't know." I said.

    Malaris dived into the magma again. I sighed. I walked t the next platform. No Manta this time. Something was very creepy about that manta. Everytime I saw him I was afraid. I didn't wanna have to fight him, but something told me I'd have to. I was exhausted. I sat down and rested for a minute. Pulled out a water bottle I had brought with me and drank a bit. I got back up. As I took a step towards the bridge, the Manta jumped up again. I ignored him and continued on. Midway through, good ol' Malaris appeared.

"Any USEFUL information?" I asked.

"This place is an illusion. You cannot see it for how it is." She said.

"How do I see it for how it is?" I asked.

"Obtain the Fire Scepter." She explained.

"Where can I get it?" I asked.

    Nope, She was gone. I sighed and continued on. As the Manta flew over my head again, I wondered why the only creatures in this place were Malaris and the Giant Manta. But, was it only one Manta? or Many? If it was many, then it would only make sense that Malaris had the Scepter. But then why would she help me...? If it was only one Manta, then maybe he had the Scepter. Either way, the only person who could answer me was Malaris. I approached the next Platform. Once again, the creature jumped over me. I called out to him, I tried to get his attention. He ignored me. I sighed and continued on. Malaris approached me as usual at the bridge. I asked her about the Manta.

"Fuego?" She questioned.

"So there is only one?" I asked.

"Yes, Me and Fuego are the only creatures that live in this area. He is deaf, he couldn't hear you." She explained.

"Why such a vast place, but only two creatures?" I asked.

"Its much smaller then it seems. You can't see it properly, but neither can I. I'm blind." She said.

"How do you know where I am? You're looking right at me..." I wondered.

"What the eyes can't see, the ears can hear. And the nose can smell." She told me.

"I see." I said.

"Once you obtain the Scepter, this world will be destroyed." She explained.

"What?! I don't want that to happen, won't you die...?" I asked.

"I've lived in this hell for over 10,000 years. You wouldn't be killing me, You'd be freeing me." She said.


"No Buts. Destroy Fuego and get it over with." She said.

"How?" I asked.

"Fire creatures hate Ice and Water. I recommend Ice to start off the battle." She said.


"I'll be watching." She said, Smirking.

"But I thought..."

    It was too late, she was already gone. I ran up to the next Platform. I looked up at the huge creature as he past over my head. I targeted him and cast Freeze on him. He became incased in ice. The ice then shattered and he came crashing down onto the platform. He was enormous. His body was made of pure magma. His eyes were made of brimestone, and his mouth was gaping. He opened his mouth up wide and spewed thousands of Flames at me. I screamed out, knowing there was no way for me to escape the fire. I ducked and covered my face, fearing for my life. Would this be the end? Suddenly, I heard Malaris' voice, casting Magic on me! The spell was called "Heat Veil". I stood up. The flaming breath had no effect on me. I smirked. I charged up my Tsunami attack. A huge wall of wave slammed down onto Fuego. He was smashed into the ground. He got up and shaked violently. Flames rained down from the sky, and began slamming down into me. Thank goodness for my Fire Veil. He wasn't too bright, this would be an easy fight. He flew at me. I used another Tsunami on him. He was weakened, very badly. He didn't look like he could take much more damage. I looked at him. He looked at me. I knew it had to be done. I still pitied him. I sighed as I casted my last Tsunami. Which finished him off. He melted into the ground. In his place, was the Fire Scepter. I walked up to it and picked it up. I pocketed it. I had also leveled up from the Battle. I now knew the spell, Power Word: Cause Medium Wounds.

    Malaris appeared before me and thanked me profusely. Then she disappeared. In her place, the portal reappeared. I took one last look at the world of  Fire and lept inside the portal. I once again had to deal with the Portal Space. How aggrivating. It seemed to take less time then before. As soon as I got out of the portal I immediately rushed over to the alcove and cooled off. That fire had seriously dehydrated me. Then I remembered I had my first Scepter. I took it out of my pocket. Following Leviathan's instructions, I twisted both ends of the Scepter in opposite directions. It leviatated out of my hand and glowed red. It became so bright that I was forced to look away. When I returned my gaze towards the Scepter. It was no longer a Scepter at all!! But a Huge Sword!! Almost a replica of my Hyperion! But, the blade was on fire, and the handle was Orange. I couldn't believe it! so this was why Leviathan wanted m to retrieve the Scepters!! I helped it in my hand. The Ashbane was now mine to control.

    I felt so much better with a Sword in my hand. I swung it around to get the feel of it. It was pretty light, I liked it. I approached the Second orb. It was a bright blue. I was hoping there was no guardian for this realm, but of course, there was. He appeared as I placed my hand on the orb. He was like a giant water demon. Only way I could describe him. I prepared for battle, but as soon as he saw the Ashbane in my hand, he nodded and disappeared. I cocked my head to the side and quirked a brow. Then I realized that I wouldn't have to fight any more, so that was, infact, a good thing. The portal opened. I sheathed my new Sword and hoped in the portal. What would this world bring? Apparently, it would be water...