USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision
"Explain everything and Give us back Kiki!" I demanded.

"Hmph. You tell em Lych." Said Specter.

"Well, after we were born, our mother birthed another son. Schizo. Aptly named for his mental stability, Schizo has over 100 personalities, each one can be called upon at any given time to help suit whatever situation hes in." Lych Began.

"Schizo has no true personality, hes completely insane. He has no real idea whats going on right now." Said Lych.

"Oh but you're wrong...dear brother...I'm free...and I know this..." Said a very twisted sounding Schizo.

"Our mother told usssss to contain him hiss....ssssshhhhe ssssssaid he was dangeroussss...hiss..." Said Frost.

"She told us he could hurt people, and we had to keep him under wraps. So we imprisonsed him in the deepest depths of the Xai-Xao Dungeon." Explained Lych.

"We did it only because our mother said that his twisted mind must never be able to use its true power, his telekinetic abilities are too dangerous." Specter added.

"Then you three idiots came along and released him." Said Lych.

"Why can't you get him now?" I asked.

"Oh please, do you think its that easy? He knows now, he was weak and trusting then. He could now easily keep us away with his Telekinesis." Said Lych.

    We watched as the sick individual tried to bite his foot. He rolled around on the floor, apparently enjoying his new freedom. The creature scratched his own face with scars, and laughed hysterically as he bled. This caused me to get a very disturbing feeling deep down. Could this thing tell the difference between pain and happiness? Did he even know what was happening? He changed his personality, he was now acting like 'Sergent First Class Duke Madeen'. He acted like an army soldier, gun and all. He used his tail as his gun.

"As you can see, he isn't the sharpest crayon in the box." Said Lych.

"Apparently." Said Joey.

"Hmph. You fools released him. Hes your responsibility now." Said Specter.

"What?!" I shouted.

"He is no longer our problem, you released him, so he is now off our shoulders. Schizo is offically your responsibility." Said Lych.

"Want do you want us to do!?" I demanded.

"Don't care, kill him if you wanna, we could care less. He disappointed Mama, so it doesn't matter to us." Said Specter.

"We don't like when people anger Mama." Said Lych.

"Mama wasssss alwaysssss good to usssss...hissss.." Hissed Specter.

"Who was your mother?" Asked Robbie.

"None of your concern." Answered Specter.

"We've heard enough, We completed your test, give us back Kiki." I said.

"Sorry but no dice buddy." Said Specter.

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"After what you did? You're lucky we don't kill you where you stand for releasing that sicko" Said Lych.

"We had a deal!!!!!!!" I yelled.

"Deal breaker. You released something this dangerous onto Darnithias, you pay the consequence." Said Specter.

"If you want the girl back you'll have to trade us something a little bit different. This time it'll be much more important." Lych explained.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Meet us back in the Carenzie Forest." Lych instructed.

    The three brothers dematerialized with Kiki as usual. I was pissed. What would they want now?! And even worse, what would we do with Schizo?! He smirked and looked at us. I had not seen such a horrible look before. He dashed at us. By natural reaction I withdrew with sword. Robbie and Joey also got prepped for battle. He dashed and tried to tackle me, But I batted him away with my sword. The pink swirl around his eye glowed purple. My body lost control and I flew into the air. I was then slammed down into the ground. Joey and Robbie began to attack him. But it had little effect. I charged up my gift ability, Tsunami. A huge wall of water slammed down into Schizo.

"Grraaaah! I Haaaate water!!!" Screeched Schizo.

"Grruggh! I hate it too!" Repeated Schizo, In a different voice.

"I believe I must agree, friends." Schizo said yet again in yet another voice.

"Water--definately bad, definately bad." The voices continued.

"Will you shut the hell up, Schizo?" I said.

"No!" He said.

    I pulled out my Serpent Flute and summoned Leviathan. The three of us ran out of the battle and the battle area filled with water. A Serpent form appeared in the water that It swam around and then jumped out of the water. He flew around in a circle and a huge water tornado formed. He flew straight at Schizo and the tornado followed, Engulfing Schizo. He was thrown right out of the area. Out of sight, out of mind. Leviathan came back and landed near us. We smiled. We had gotten plenty of experience points to level up to 18! I learned the Pyro spell. We thanked Leviathan for helping us.

"Schizo isn't dead, he will return, but for now he is delt with." Said Leviathan.

"Leviathan, where are we?" Asked Joey.

"We are still in  Xenon, this place does not appear on your map. I will take you too the Carenzie Forest so that you won't have to walk." He said.

"Just get on my back and we'll go, we're right near the coast so we can swim." He said.

    We all got on his back and he dived into the sea. We didn't get wet surprisingly, it was like water repelled off his flesh. He torpedoed through the water like a jet. We covered miles in seconds. It was like no time had passed at all. We arreached the Floral Boarder in about twenty minutes. Leviathan really couldn't take us much further, but he did say he'd be there if we needed him. We got off and he swam away. We walked through the forest and easily found our way to the center again. How did we find it so easily? Well, They left hints for us. What hints? Well...they left a trail of what looked like blood, but what we later found out was red paint. I think they did that to anger me. When we got there, they were waiting for us, Frost was once again holding a very scared Kiki with his claw to her neck.

"Kiki!" I called.

"Stand down Damian, we have a deal to make." Said Lych.

"What deal?" I asked.

"If you want this girl, then you must abandon your friends and be our allie." Said Specter.

"Oh please, you could never trust me." I said.

"Yes we could, Now with this: The Perfect Control Crown. My new invention." Said Lych, holding up a silver circlet.

"The hell..?" I started.

"By wearing this, you will lose all emotion and all free will. And become our slave." Said Specter.

"I'll never agree to that!" I shouted.

"Then the girl diesssssss hiisssss!" Hissed Frost.

"Fraid so Damian." Said Lych.


"Go ahead, have a minute to think it over." Said Specter.

    I didn't know what to do. I couldn't let them kill Kiki, but they would use me to kill Kiki...what could I do? Either way...I couldn't save her...I had to think...What could I do...Then it hit me. I knew exactly how to save Kiki. Give them Joey and Robbie. It was perfect, I could trade Joey and Robbie's lives for Kiki's freedom! The plan was flawless!! Kiki would be saved, and I would be able to have her without hurting her! Perfect! I knew I would think of something!!

"Lets make a trade." I said.

"What's your offer?" Asked Lych.

"You give me Kiki, and you can have Joey and Robbie. Kill them." I said.

"WHAT!?" They yelled Simultaneously.

"You care that much for her that you would give up your best friends?" Asked Specter.

"Yep." I said.

"You disgust me." Said Lych.

"But, we can't resist such a tempting offer. Deal. Frost, Release her. FINGER OF DEATH!" Shouted Specter

    Frost pushed Kiki away and she ran to me. I hugged her. A glowing ray of energy emitted from Specters fingers. Joey and Robbie's last words were "You'll pay for this Damian!" and they fell dead. I smirked. The three brothers laughed evilly and dematerialized. I continued to smirk as they disappeared. Kiki looked at me harshly.

"Damian How could you let them kill your friends?" She demanded.

"Very easily." I said with a smile on my face.

"Thats sickening..." She said.

"Kiki, what is the main role of a Harper?" I asked.

"Huh..?" She said, confused.


"OH!!! DAMIAN THATS BRILLIANT!" She exclaimed.

"Yes I know." I said happily.

"Well then I better revive em! RAISE DEAD!"

    Kiki revived Joey and Robbie. They slowly got up. They both lunged at me and tackled me. They began to hit me. I pushed them off. They began cursing and attacking me again. It took them a while before they figured out they were alive. I explained everything to them. They were surprised that I actually had a plan that worked. But they were happy. We were all one big happy family again. With Kiki back we were finally complete! We fought some monsters and got Kiki to reach level 18 also. She learned the white magics: Glyph of Warding and Invisibility Purge. We reached the edge of the forest, were the flora reached the water and we called Leviathan. He was happy to see Kiki again, and that I had done a good job. He offered us a ride to Eki Abassi. We gladly accept. What would we find on the tiny island of Eki Abassi? Leviathan warned us that we would have no choice but to wander through the desert for a few days. With this in mind, we returned to the previous village and restocked our food and supplies. After that we set sail for the island. The trip didn't even take a day, but time was no matter, I was so happy that Kiki was back...