USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle
(As Narrated by Joey) (This chapter takes place at the same time as 28, not after)

    I watched as Specter, Lych and Andrea got on Phoenix and flew away. I turned to Rob and nodded. The mission was clear, we had to find Wrayth, and try to beat him. If we couldn't... Then hopefully we could distract him long enough so that he wouldn't be able to do any serious damage before the others found Kiki. Frost was with us, so maybe that would help, after all he was much stronger then we were. We decided we would need to prepare a bit, before we leave. We told Leviathan to wait for us at the beach shores.

    We went into the Velencian City; people were afraid of us, because they thought it was our fault that the hotel was obliterated by Wrayth. We bought ourselves some curing items, and some food and water. We told the people of Velencia that we would track down Wrayth and Defeat him for what he did, but they didn't even listen. As we turned to leave, the Mayor approached us.

"I'm afraid you cannot leave..." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, the damage you did has disturbed our peaceful balance." He said.

"Well we're sorry, it wasn't our fault. And we are going to track down those responsible." I promised.

"I am afraid that isn't good enough." He began.


"Aden has awoken because of the destruction." He said.

"Aden?" Asked Robbie.

"Yes, the mighty dragon that watches over this city. He dwells on Mount Velencia. He sleeps, and when he sleeps, its good. It means that things are peaceful. But he has awoken, and he is Furious." Said the mayor.

"So what can we do?" I asked.

"Thats for him to decide. Be lucky if you leave here alive..." He replied.

"Hisssssss....thissssss cannot be good...." Frost hissed.

"Joey....take thessssseee hisssss..." Said Frost, holding up a pair of Gauntlets.

I took them and asked "What are they?"

"Mother bought them for me....ssssshe was told I was to be the ssssstrongessssst fisssst fighter in the world....but a sssspiteful god cursed me...and I wasssss deformed...thussssssly my pincerssss.... Thessssseeee are the ssstrongesssst guantletsssss in exisssstencessss.... Ussseee them well..." He said in one mouth full of hissing.

"Why is it you hiss?" I asked.

"Part of the curssssssse...."

"Why didn't he curse Lych and Specter?" Asked Robbie.

"Lych wassssss sssssupossssed to be a great Geomancer...but no matter how hard he triesssss....he cannot learn it.... Part of the curssssse... and Ssssspecter'ssss cursssse was being trapped in the Ssssshadow world..." He explained.

"They are called Infinity Guantletsssss....hisss..." He said.

    I put them on, and they fit perfectly. Almost instantly I felt myself get stronger, these were truly powerful gauntlets. I threw a few punches in the air, and it was like I was wearing no gloves at all. They moved like a hot knife through butter, smooth and fast. They improved my skills and abilities to use Combos. I could definitely do some damage with these. Plus, they had a special skill about them that allowed them to damage even invisible enemies. Maybe they could hurt Wrayth!

"He approaches...We must flee!" Said the mayor, running.

    The entire town ran for their lives. We all looked up and saw a huge green dragon flying towards us. His scales were the color of jade, and his head was crowned with two golden horns. His eyes were a blood red, and his wings were over twenty-feet long each. He landed down infront of us, folded his wings back and looked down at us. He began to speak to us in a very low, deep tone.

"What have you done?" He asked.

"We did nothing." I responded.

"Yet I am here before you, which means that you have done something to anger me. Now admit to it, or be smited." He said.

"A demon has possessed the body of our friend, and he attacked us. The demon used his own power to destroy that structure, which obviously is what caused you to awaken." I answered.

"The demon known as Wrayth, yes I know of him, I have seen him in my dreams." Said the Dragon.

"You see events in the real world in your dreams?" asked Robbie.

"Yes, It is why I awake. When I see something that bothers me, I awaken." Aden responded.

"Aden we need to defeat Wrayth and get our friend back!" I shouted.

"And you want me to do what about this?" He asked.

"You're a dragon! Dragons are supposed to be huge mystical creatures of extrodinary power!" I demanded.

"We are, but that doesn't mean I have to help you. After all, you could have injured my children." He said.

"Ugh, fine, talking to you was obviously pointless." I said, beginning to walk away.

"I never dismissed you." He said.

I stopped in my tracks. "Excuse me?"

"I did not say you were allowed to leave. You must be punished for your insubordination." He said calmy.

I turned to him and shouted "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?!"

"To suffer...." He said in an evil voice.

"...What...?" Asked Robbie.

    He was done asking questions, he threw back his head and made a huge bellowing roar. He thrusted his head down towards us and began to spew acid at us. Robbie dashed and pushed me out of the way, just before we were disintergrated by his poisons. Frost jumped up and smashed his pincer into Adens face, making him fall off balance. He smacked Frost away with his enormous claws and roared again. Aden was going to fight us, and we were going to have to win.

    Robbie unsheathed his Katana and began to dash around the walls, jumping and slashing at Aden. I jumped up and did a spin kick towards the mighty dragon, with my foot covered in electricity. Frost began to shoot icicle shards at Aden, knowing that dragons hated ice. Robbie and I continued to attack him with our physical attacks but it seemed that it didn't help. He began to spew acid at us again, and it became a game of dodging.

    His acid breath hit a few buildings, dissolving the concreate walls instantly. He was doing more damage to his city than we did! As me and Robbie continued to jump in circles around him, getting in a hit when ever we could, Frost continued to cast bone-chilling freeze attacks on him. He was getting overwhelmed, but he wasn't about to give in. If I could enhance we would have this fight won, but without Damian we couldn't. I jumped on his back and began to punch at his spine, until finally I heard something shatter.


"....Im....possible...."  He groaned.

"My weak...point... is... my...spine... how... did... you... know?" He asked.

"Pretty much every other part of you is completely armored." I said.

"Perhaps...this was...destiny...Go...and destroy Wrayth...Remember...even ghosts, have some physical body... somewhere..." He said.

    The dragon disintergrated. Robbie and I leveled up. The buildings that were destroyed by his acid were restored, and so was the building that Wrayth destroyed. The villagers came from their hiding places, and stared at us. They couldn't believe it. The mayor slowly approached. He was shaking. He looked at me, his eyes were scared and hurt. I looked down at him, and he was disappointed. He looked like a child whose best friend was just taken away from him.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

"He attacked us, We had no choice." I tried to explain.

"We didn't think he could fall..." Said the Mayor.

"I'm sorry we had to do that, but we need to go and save our friend." I said.

"Good luck." Said the mayor.

    We left Velencia Village. Leviathan awaited us. We told him about Aden, and he nodded. He told us that he has heard of Aden before, and that he heard he was incredibly violent. He told us we had to hurry because Mara Lessile was kind of far away. We hopped on his back and began the journey. Along the way he explained he would have to drop us off near the Spire, which was a grave yard for Golems. He told us that he wasn't allowed near Ayar Furgol, because long ago, he accidently hurt their leader in an attempt to save him from drowning.

"What happened?" I asked.

"He was drowning, and when I went to save him I accidently bit him...and ...Well..." He began.

"Lets just say he now has a wooden leg." Leviathan said.

"And now you aren't allowed near there?" I asked.

"Yes. They will attack me if I return." I said.

"I understand that, don't worry We'll be fine." I said.

    We continued on the sea, until we reached the small island. Leviathan dropped us off and descended into the depths. The Spire was basically exactly as we pictured it, a big, black metal structure sticking out of the ground. Huge golems stomped around, paying their respects to friends who had crossed over. Frost suggested that before we move on, we go and see exactly what the spire was. We approached and a large Admantine golem looked at us.

"Can you tell us about the Spire?" I asked.

He shook his head no.

"Thanks anyway." I said.

He nodded and pointed to a sign. It read:

"Golems cannot speak. For information on the Spire, note that it is a source of power and should it be destroyed, Mara Lessile would be no more. It is forged from the bones of 250 different species of golem."

    I nodded and nudged the others. We continued to walk. When we finally reached Ayar Furgol, It was nothing what we expected. It wasn't a city, it was just... a circle of spires, curved into archs. These spires surrounded a huge concrete circle in the middle, which strange writing on it. The entire area surrounding was shrouded in purple mist, and even though the sun was shining near the grave yard, the sky was black here. We slowly walked towards it. I stepped onto the stone circle and looked around, but Robbie and Frost stood back. A forcefield surrounded the circle, and made it impossible to leave. I turned around and started to press against the force field, it was solid like glass.

"Whats going on!?" I shouted.

"Joey are you ok?!" Yelled Robbie.

"I'm fine..." I said.

"Get me out of here!" I yelled.

"We can't...we don't know what caused it..." Robbie said.

    Suddenly, We heard something, like wings flapping. I turned around, and sure enough, Wrayth descended into the center of the arena. He had his eyes closed. His wings covered his face now, and his arms were crossed on his shoulders. I glared at him. His wings suddenly burst out, into full length, his eyes shot open, and his sword appeared in his hands. The black aura seemed to absorb all the light around. He smirked, and chuckled evilly.

"I didn't expect you to show." He said.

"Wrayth, what happened here?" I asked.

"I destroyed the city." He said calmly.

"WHY?" I demanded.

"So I could build my battle arena, where you and I would have our fight." He responded.

"What do you hope to achieve?" I asked.

"I hope to make every part of this world Lucid, every soul... lucid..." He said.

"What does 'Lucid' Mean?" I asked.

"It is elven word meaning Empty." Wrayth Explained.

"I want to make this entire world covered in darkness, so that everything in this world will be nothing!!!" He said maniacally.

"But why?" I asked.

"Because, I am darkness. I can exist in nothing but darkness, so if I create a world of darkness, I will be the king of it." He explained.

"Why be the king of nothing?" I questioned.

"The time for questions is over." He said.

"I'm not afraid of you..." I said quietly.

"You will be..." He replied.

    He dashed towards me and began to slash at me with his sword, I countered with a Snap kick, but it went right through him! I still couldn't hit him! I threw a series of punches at his head, but each one had no effect at all. He tried to slash at me again with his dark sword, but I dived out of the way. I used my Hydro Blast technique, hopefully water would effect him. Sadly I was mistaken, again. Just then, he changed his form. He now looked exactly like Damian! He put his sword away.

"Joey! Help me!!!" Damian cried.

"Damian...Don't worry, I'll get you out!" I shouted.

"No you won't... you're a terrible always were...I hate you..." He said.


"Everyone always loved you, Everyone ALWAYS wanted to be YOUR friend. I was always in your shadow...." He continued.

"Damian what are you talking about?!" I demanded.

"How could you let this happen to me? God you are a total jerk. You always were!" He spat at me.



    I felt a huge bubbling rage build up inside of me. My body was suddenly covered in huge energy.  I jumped up, and my body began to glow. My suit turned black, my pants turned dark gray, my arms were covered in metal bracers, and my shoulders had armored pads on them. I was also covered in an aura of red energy. I had somehow enhanced myself into my new form... Dagrion. But, my strength was somehow doubled as I had four new abilities. I curled up my fist and ran towards Damian. I smashed my fist into his face, and the apparation faded. Wrayth Reappeared where he tricked me. I glared at him.

    I curled up my fist and punched the ground, Four spinning disks of fire surrounded me. They began to spin around me at light speed. I stood back up and stared at Wrayth. I then held out my hand and the four disks flew straight at him, slicing at him like blades. They actually affected him! He stammered back at the power of my Fire Cross attack. He was confused by the fact that I had hurt him. He flew up and dived at me, but I stopped him in mid air with my bare hands and threw him in the opposite direct, right as he was about to attack me. He slammed into the wall of the forcefield and slided down to the floor.

"Get up...wuss..." I said.

"How is he...damaging me..." He asked no one.

    I decided the time was right to use my most powerful attack, and hopefully finish him off. The attack was called Super Nova, and for good reason. I closed my eyes, folded my hands and chanted a magical encantation. I lifted my hand to the air, and looked upward. A star began to twinkle, then twinkle brighter...then suddenly the sky opened up and an enormous fireball, nearly twice the size of the arena we were in crashed down and exploded with huge blasts of fire everywhere. Frost, Robbie and I were unaffected. Wrayth on the other hand wasn't looking too good. His wings were burned up, his clothes were tattered, but he still managed to stand.

"" He said.

"You're wrong."

    A sword made out of light appeared in my hand. The sword was pure energy. I held onto it and slashed Wrayth with it. It was as if the very life was sucked right out of him. He fell to the floor, and his energy was sapped by the Chaos Blade. He laid on the floor and I stared at him, transforming back to human. The barrier fell and the other two also approached. He slowly began to disappear. When he was fully invisible, he reappeared floating before us. His wings flapping, but burned feathers falling. We looked at him.

"You cannot....defeat me... I am the chosen one..." He said.

    He shot up into the sky, and flew away. We all just stared. After all of that, he was still ok. I turned to my friends, and they had no idea what to say. We had come all this way, and now we couldn't even follow him, because we couldn't get into the sky. We sat down and thought of what to do. As if dropped by Wrayth himself, a letter floated from the sky and dropped into my lap. I picked it up to read it.

"Sorry Charlie, but no dice. If you want to find me, come to my Citadel. It is floating above you. Oh, and incase you're a simpleton, a Citadel is a really big castle.

PS: I'll take good care of Damian...Heheh...

Wrayth. xoxo"

    Yes, he was so psychoctic he even put Hugs and Kisses at the bottom. The question was, how was he in a floating castle...? It didn't make any sense whatsoever. I sighed. I passed the note to the other two to let them read it. Robbie started to laugh. I looked at him funny. So did Frost. We asked him what he was laughing at. His response was beyond stupidity, but...

"Hehehe, Who is Charlie? What an idiot!" Giggled Rob.


"And whats a City Dell...?" He asked.

"Oh for the love of..."

"And xoxo? Hugs and Kisses...someone is a bit of a fruit..." He said.

    I smacked my head. We waited there for the others, knowing they'd show up eventually. We ate a small dinner and then took a short nap. The next day was perhaps the worst one yet...Wrayth did something that no one expected...and it was horrible...