USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise
(As Narrated By Joey)

    Robbie and I sat down in our room, waiting. Neither of us really knew what to do or say. Suddenly, Robbie got up and punched a wall. We were both so confused. Kiki was dead, and Damian was Missing in Action. I started pacing. Robbie took off his heavier ninja gear, so he could walk around comfortably. He looked at me and sighed. I suggested we do something to take our minds off the others, so we sat down on our beds and turned on the TV. We put on some Velencian Comedy...a bunch of short guys with mustaches slapping eachother.


"Dude, this blows." Said Robbie, sighing.

"I know." I said.

"What do you think Dame is doing right now?" Asked Rob.

"Hehe, probably raising all kinds of hell." I joked.

He laughed.

    Suddenly the door of our room burst open and the three brothers ran in. Huffing and puffing, they started ranting and raving about tons of things. All I could hear was 'Damian' and then a bunch of gibberish that was extremely hard to make out. I tried to get them to calm down, but they didn't. Specter started to shake me until I socked him one in the face. They stopped talking. Slowly they took deep breaths, and began to explain. They told me that they had found Damian on the coastal area of Velencia, and that they were trying to help him out when something horrible happened.

"This figure...a ghost of Darkness...just stepped out of him.." Explained Specter.

"He started proclaiming about a Promised Land...and destroying the world..." Lych Said.

"He sssssaid that he would plunge the world into" Hissed Frost.

"Wha....what?" I asked.

"Wrayth...his name was Wrayth." Specter said.

"But then what happened?" Robbie asked.

"Wrayth is exactly as his name describes, a Wraith. a figure of Darkness, a shadow. No mass, no matter...he Has no physical form." Said Lych.

"He tricked Damian, he told him that he would teach him how to revive Kiki if Damian gave himself into the darkness." Lych explained.

"And Then?" I asked.

"They are now one...Wrayth has taken over Damian's body. The only way we can get Damian back is to revive Kiki." Lych explained.

"But Kiki is gone..." I said.

"No, she isn't." Lych began.

    Lych began to explain that Demons hated humans, particularly dead ones. They can't stand to be near them. If a demon DID kill Kiki, her body would stay and she would be able to be revived. The only other explination was that a red mage was causing some kind of illusion to confuse us. Lych told us that if he really tried, he could create a spell that not only would look like a demon killed Kiki, but that he ripped her appart and ate her remains. Of course, he would never do this, but it was possible where in reality Kiki would be fine. He said that the first and most important thing to do was find Kiki immediately. Finding her would assure that we saved Damian.

"Ok, We need to split up into two groups. Group Search and Group Strike." Specter commanded.

"Group Search will take Phoenix and Fly around trying to find Kiki. Group Strike will keep Wrayth busy so that he doesnt cause any damage." Specter explained.

"If I may brother, Group Search requires a team with strong minds, and the knowledge of a Red Mage. Thusly I say I go in that team, Group Strike requires large amounts of power...thusly, Frost, Joey and Robbie shall make up that Team. Specter, you come with me." Lych said.

"Good Idea Lych." I said.

"What about me!?" Demanded the young girl, Andrea.

"Well that depends young one, what can you do?" Asked Lych.

"I'm a Cleric/Mage! Yep Yep! The Study of Magic! Thats me!" She said, excitedly.

"You must be very smart, You come with us." Said Lych.

"Well then, Where do we Start?" I asked.

"First, I need to go back to that cave where I met the Ninja that gave me my equipment. I need to ask him for a favor." Said Robbie, putting his full armor back on.

"Hurry back." I demanded.

"I will." He said, Leaving in a flash of light.

"We won't leave until Rob comes back." I said.

"Good Id--"

    CRRRRRASSSHHHHH!!! A huge explosion from above!!! All of our glares shot up towards the roof. Then I saw it, the creature that had taken my friend from me. He looked exactly like Damian, the one called Wrayth. He was incredibly pale, and his hair was black. His T-shirt was a dark gray, depicting the same thing as Damian's dragon symbol, except upside down. He floated in the air, and then I noticed his two huge raven's wings, flapping. He lifted his sword, and dive bombed the roof, smashing it further. He laughed manically. I got into a fighting stance, as did the brothers.


"You fools. You actually think you can stop me?" He asked.

"Theres Four of us...Five including Andrea and Six if Rob comes back in time... and only one of you... The odds are extremely against you."  I said.

"Haha...Hahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That is incredibly funny. I am a super being. I am IMMORTAL!" He proclaimed.

"You're wrong!! We'll stop you!!!" Lych yelled out.

"Do you really think you can? Fine then. I shall enjoy cutting you open and DRINKING YOUR SOULS!" Yelled the Phantom.

    He began to glow and the entire Inn exploded around us, all the other residents screamed and ran for their lives. I glared up at him and dashed towards him. I jumped up, and began to spin as my foot became engulfed in electricity, I then smashed my foot in his face with my "Lightning Kick" ability. He was almost completely unaffected. I landed on my feet, only to see a huge fire ball fly straight from Andrea and right into Wrayth. Wrayth effortlessly blocked it with his sword, which glew in black flames. He dive bombed at us and slashed at us with his sword. Although, he missed intentionally. He laughed at us, But I started to pull off huge combos of punches and kicks onto him, but it was as if nothing affected him! I charged up my Hydro Blast ability, and fired an enormous cannon of water at him. This kind of knocked him off balance, but just barely.

    Suddenly, a figure appeared. We didn't see it, it was far too fast. It dashed around, moving all over the place. All of us tried to follow it with our eyes, but it was far too fast. Even Wrayth was incredibly confused by the movement of this figure. Just then the figure stopped, floating directly infront of Wrayth. It was Robbie!! He unsheathed his blade, but it was different...It was no longer the Raiko-Ken, but something that looked twice as powerful. He began to slash at Wrayth like crazy. Still hardly affecting him, but it was enough to make him fly up out of reach.

"Hmph. Pathetic. Now, witness my true power. Fear the power of DARKNESS!!!"

    His hands began to glow black and everything went dark. All I could feel was my insides being crushed by some unknown force, and all I could hear was the screams of the others. I fell down to my knees, clenching my stomach. I was completely out of power. I couldn't even move. I heard laughing coming from somewhere, but I couldn't see it. I was about to pass out, when I heard Lych's voice calling for us to fight. Slowly, the light came back and I stared up at the laughing creature. Lych and the other brothers tried to get up, they then used the last of their energies to conjure their Chromatic Demon. The demon shattered the ground beneath us and climbed out of the depths of hell. He was in his fire form. He began to attack Wrayth, but with a simple slash of his blade, the creature was split in two, and destroyed.

"NO!!!" Yelled Lych.

"You...bassstard...." Hissed Frost

"" Said Specter, slowly.

"And now he is gone. Just like you will be. But for now, I will take my leave." He said, vanishing.

    The brothers couldn't move, none of us could. The sun didn't rise that day. It stayed dark until. A solar eclipse was forming in the sky, bad things were soon going to happen. I could feel it. We had to find Kiki, and Fast. We waited till we were healed, and then summoned Leviathan and Phoenix. We divided into our two parties and departed. We needed to figure out where to go. But, we didn't have to try very hard. A clue presented itself to us. It was a note, that read "Dare to go another round? I await you on Mara Lessile..." So, we set sail, hoping to free Damian from that sick bastard Wrayth, while the other team took to the skies to find Kiki.

....To Be Continued...