USELESS CRAP: REBORN!!!!     |   home
Introduction   |   Unit One: Prologue   |   Chapter One: The Mission At Hand   |   Chapter Two: The boys learn   |   Chapter Three: The Journey Begins   |   Chapter Four: Problems along the way   |   Chapter Five: Enhance!   |   Unit Two: The Brothers Saga   |   Chapter Six: Specter   |   Chapter Seven : Kiki!   |    Chapter Eight: Kadmar Prison   |   Chapter Nine: More Unfolds   |   Chapter Ten: Seabound Again   |   Chapter Eleven: Domination   |   Chapter Tweleve: Lych's Plan   |   Chapter Thirteen: Xenon and The Sea God   |   Chapter Fourteen: Trapped   |   Chapter Fifteen: Schizo and Damian's Decision   |   Chapter Sixteen: The Mystic Cave   |   Chapter Seventeen: The Fire Scepter   |   Chapter Eighteen: The Water Scepter   |   Chapter Nineteen: The Earth Scepter   |   Chapter Twenty: The Wind Scepter   |   Unit Three: The Saga of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-One: The World of Darkness   |   Chapter Twenty-Two: The Desert Pearl   |   Chapter Twenty-Three: Back to Jail   |   Chapter Twenty-Five: The Great Flood   |   Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wyvern Race   |   Chapter Twenty-Six: World of Illusion   |   Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Fallen Angel   |   Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Darkest Sunrise   |   Chapter Twenty-Nine: The last illusion   |   Chapter Thirty: An Epic Battle   |   Chapter Thirty-One: War to end all Wars   |   Rob's Ninja School Training
Chapter Fourteen: Trapped
    It took us about tweleve hours to before we reached the forest. It was huge. This was THE place to hide. It was filled with moss, and the sound of creatures screeching. Nothing earthly though. The trees were filled with brightly colored fruits, but we didn't dare eat them. The plants were different then on Earth, but not without their beauty. There were insects, Big ones. Ones we needed to exterminate. We didn't gain too much experience from these fights, but we got plenty. I was still mad at them for trying to get rid of Kiki, but I was cooling down. We continued through the forest, cutting moss and vines out of our way. When an enormous tree-like monster attacked us, we knew that something evil was lurking around here. We easily defeated it, but it was still disturbing to think that a tree would attack us. Finally, after about an hour of humidity beating down on us, and monsters attacking us, we ran into our three favorite people. Specter, Frost, and Lych. Frost held Kiki, tied up and gagged. They smirked. They were standing a distance away from us; we didn't approach.

"Kiki!" I shouted.

"Let her go!!"

"What are you going to do to her?" Asked Rob.

"It doesn't matter, We've set tons of traps for you fools. You won't survive to find out what we do to her." Said Lych.

"Kiki, I'll save you I promise!" I shouted.

"Mmmph!!!" She mumbled.

"You have no chance. You're standing in a trap right now." Said Specter.

"Excuse me...?" Asked Joey.

"Spell Hold!" Called out Lych.

    Four clear walls appeared around us. The three of us looked around. We touched the walls, it was solid. I slashed with my sword but it had no effect. The laughed at us. They told us it would be impossible to escape. I beat at the walls with my sword but had no effect. I was pissed. They laughed at us. I threatened them like crazy. And then, Specter made the wrong move. He reached over and smacked Kiki. I saw red. Without even trying I enhanced. I charged up my strongest ability, and fired it directly at the wall. Nothing happened. This angered me further. I noticed the fortress had no ceiling. I grabbed Joey and Robbie and threw them over my shoulders. I then light dashed into the wall, kicked off, bounced off the parallel wall and then jumped out of container. I glared at them. All three of their mouths dropped. Immediately the four of them dematerialized and disappeared. Specters last words were: "You'll never find us! The girl is ours!" I was pissed. I turned human.

"Nice Job Dame." Said Rob.

"That was cool..." Joey said.


"Don't worry Orange Ninja, We'll get her."  Said Robbie.

    I just nodded and we continued to walk. I didn't know what else to expect. The forest was getting dark. The darkness bothered me, but I didn't say anything. The monsters were alot stronger, but nothing we couldn't handle. We didn't find the next trap for a while. We walked out of the forest...But wait, how could that be? And whats more, we walked to a cliff. A bottomless cliff. With endless air, no other side to the pit. We blinked. It couldn't be true. How could this be?

"It's an optical illusion." I said.

"What?" Asked Joey.

"It has to be." I said.

"You're crazy..You wouldn't dare..." Joey said.

"I don't have a choice. I need to save Kiki..." I stated.

"Wait, Let me see first..." Said Rob.

    Robbie picked up a small stone and tossed it into the distance. The rock did what I expected, But it still looked odd. It bounced off. Why? Because Robbie had obviously hit a tree, or other part of the forest. And it didn't just bounce off, it bounced off of pure air. I smirked and walked straight into the cliff. I approached the edge. I looked down. If I screwed this up I would die. Could I really do this?


    And, suddenly, It obeyed me. Everything returned to normal. The optical illusion faded. Everyone was back to the forest. And before us stood the brothers. They were once again in awe. They couldn't believe we had continued to stop them. Suddenly, Specter punched the ground. Six orbs came out of the ground and circled us. We all looked at them. One glowed and shot a ball of energy at me. I immediately held up my sword and smacked it away. Then two at a time. Me and Rob started deflecting them. Eventually all six shot at us, me and Robbie couldn't hold them off for long, and Joey couldn't help us. I stopped deflecting and enhanced Joey. He turned into Xavan. Me and Rob went inside Joeys energy shield and as the Orbs shot, it bounced off his shield and destroyed all six orbs.


"Your trapsss sssssuck...hisss..."  Hissed Frost.

"My traps are brilliant!! His will is amazing... It's gonna take alot to bring them down..." Said Lych.

"You won't win, Lych." I said.

"Looks like there is only one thing left to do." Said Specter.

"We have to banish them to somewhere you they can't escape." Specter said.

"...Specter...You don't mean..." Lych Began.

"Not there...hisss..." Hissed Frost.

"Yes. The Xai-Xao Dungeon." Said Specter.

"Thats cruel, Specter. They would never be able to find their way out." Said Lych.

"Why do we have a problem with that?" Asked Specter.

"It just seems unfair." Said Lych.

"Ok how about this. We'll give you one week. You make your way out, and the girl is yours. But if you fail...she dies." Said Specter.

"Deal." I said.

"WHAT!? DAMIA--" Joey started..

    But it was too late. We had already dematerialized and reappeared in a dungeon. It was very dark. The air smelled horrible. There was something unsettling about this the souls of its captives lingered in the air. As soon as we were standing again Joey punched me in the face. I swore at him and asked him why he hit me. He said that I had no right to make this kind of deal. We could die down here. I didn't care, I would do anything to save Kiki. He hit me again, but this time I managed to counter by grabbing his hand, reeling him in and kicking him. He tackled me. We began to beat eachother up, throwing fists everywhere. Rob got mad and grabbed both of us. He lifted us by our shirt collars and slammed our heads together. We passed out. We awoke hours later. I was too groggy and had too much of a head ache to move.

"...Jo..ey..." I said.

"What..." He groaned.

"I...dont...wanna..fight...anymore..." I said.

"" He said.

""  I said, sitting up.

"Yea..." He sat up also.

"Wheres Rob...?" He asked.

"You guys!!" Rob called out, running our way.

"What?!" I shouted.

"I found this prisoner...He knows the way out! All we gotta do is free him and he'll show us!! I can easily pick the lock, nothing complicated at all..." He explained.

"I dont know about this Rob..." I said uneasily.

"Something doesn't smell right..." Said Joey.

"We don't have a choice." Rob stated.

"True. Fine, let him out." I instructed.

    Rob obeyed. He went to a cell and picked the lock. A gray figure wandered out. He wasn't exactly very trust worthy looking. He had two spikes coming out of his head, and a Pink swirl around his eye. He also had a strange grin on his face. His claws were pink, as were the three spikes in his back. He approached us, slowly. He told us his name was Rafe. He thanked us profusely and then preceeded to lead us out. He knew the way perfectly! The place as a maze. Filled with traps, and guards. With Rafe's help we easily got around these. The dungeon had over fifty levels. And we were at the bottom. It took us roughly 65 hours to reach the top level. The guards were two Gnolls. Unfortunately, although I'm a dog lover, and Gnolls are kind of a Darnithian dog, We still had to kill them. We finally saw the light of day. We weren't surprised when we saw the brothers and Kiki waiting for us.

"...What..." Specter said, blankly.

"Un-Fr-Believable." Lych stated.

"No one has EVER escaped!!!!!" Screeched Specter.

"HOW DID YOU GET OUT?!!!!" Lych yelled.

"He helped us." I said, nudging Rafe, whose grin was bigger then ever.

"SCHIZO?!!?!" All three of them said Simotaneously (which was odd, because Frost didn't hiss).

"Hehehehehehehehehehe...Long time no see brothers...Heeheeheehee.." Said Schizo/Rafe, laughing manically.

"I thought your name was Rafe.." Questioned Rob.

"I lied...Rafe is just one of my other personalities. Me and him talked to eachother and devised that plan to trick you." Said Schizo.

"What in the hell...?" I asked.

"Schizo...You sick son of a bitch...You were never ment to see the light of day AGAIN!" Shouted Lych.

"Hehehehehe...Aren't you happy to see me, Lych?" Asked Schizo.


"Explain what the hell is going on, and then let Kiki go!" I demanded.

...To be continued...